- Comment on All of Humane's AI pins will stop working in 10 days 2 weeks ago:
I checked before this comment and it is posted on the TED channel, not TED X.
- Comment on All of Humane's AI pins will stop working in 10 days 2 weeks ago:
I lost a lot of respect for Ted Talks when these guys were allowed to use theirs as an ad.
- Comment on Car crashes into people outside primary school in central China: state media 3 months ago:
That’s 35 is from a similar recent attack. This one seems to have had injuries but no fatalities.
- Comment on How can i make myself poisonous to mosquitos? 7 months ago:
Army combat uniforms even come retreated with it.
- Comment on Redbox’s disc rentals are over 7 months ago:
It could potentially work out like netflix letting users keep the discs they had.
- Comment on [ISSUE] Layer is closer at one end than other 11 months ago:
Sorry, I’m not able to access my PC for a while so I can’t look. All I did was google something like ender 3v2 bl touch firmware and went from there.
- Comment on [ISSUE] Layer is closer at one end than other 11 months ago:
100% agree on the bed level sensor. I have a BL touch and it is far and away the best upgrade for my ender 3v2.
I’d definitely recommend playing around with different firmwares. I was running a very buggy firmware for about 2 years and didn’t realize I could just find something that works better. My new firmware works so much better and has so many more features, all in a $0 upgrade.
- Comment on A 7,000-Pound Car Smashed Through a Guardrail. That’s Bad News for All of Us. 11 months ago:
Sure the R1s are large, but R2 and R3 are much more reasonably sized and are planned to be lower priced. It seems that these new EV companies like to go with fewer of their higher end cars in the beginning to fund the production of the larger volume, more economic models later.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
Seriously. Don’t cover your eyes and pretend you can’t see why the government treats US companies different than companies that are directly in the hands of adversaries. They might not care if Meta uses it to profit off of us, but they certainly do care if China will use it to achieve an advantage over us, militarily or otherwise.
- Comment on Sense 1 year ago:
The first two minutes of this video are very on point with this meme.
- Comment on Peak organization 1 year ago:
It’s a journey through time, when you do it that way.
- Comment on US authorities ask locals for help in finding missing F-35 jet — Authorities say they are searching for the $80m jet around two lakes in the state of South Carolina 1 year ago:
Concerning the pilot wasn’t able to fly it back, I’ll with you the best of luck with your endeavor.