- Comment on nope don’t like it 2 weeks ago:
If it’s afull button up then it’s only got 2 holes, plus all the button holes.
- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
Shits kinda on fire and it’s probably like 50% the USs fault.
But we kind of tend to start getting pissy with our pms after about 10 years,
- Comment on why does everyone i know treat me like a child or if i was a very childlike person?? 1 month ago:
You speak and act like a 13 year old trying to be a “mature adult”.
Also the idea of deleting a post then going oh whoops I wanted more feedback on that let me make another just seems odd. Like just make a post once and leave it, delete it if you get harrasedd about it I guess but don’t go making a new one in that case.
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
Yes, but you would blow out most of the amplification circuitry in a radio telescope reciver if you tried to use it for broadcast at any kind of power.
- Comment on Entire Mac Lineup Now Finally Starts With at Least 16GB RAM, Ending 8GB Era 3 months ago:
Well enterprise software is either going to run on windows or Linux servers, so sounds like windows and Linux make good dev workstations.
My current work gives devs macs but we build everything for Linux so it’s a bit of a nuisance. And Apple moving to arm made running vms basically impossible for a while, it’s a bit better now.
Still a giant pain in the butt to have your dev environment not match the build environment architecture.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
I turn my desktop off every single day, so I need the power button daily, I turn my work laptop off weekly.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
That worked out so well for Ukraine didn’t it.
Get out of here you Russian troll
- Comment on Marques Brownlee says ‘I hear you’ after fans criticize his new wallpaper app 5 months ago:
It sounds like it’s a way to get high quality original art / photos for use as backgrounds and support the people making them too.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
Yes, thank you for repeating what I just said, and justifying my desire for a nat. I do infact actually know a few things about computer networks and tcp/ip since I spent 7 years writing software to interface with and monitor them.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
Except the NAT device will stonewall traffic on every port except the ones I open, for my entire network, and then I can just worry about securing the software listening on those few ports, instead of having to worry about the firewalls on every device I own.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
Gonna be real here, I’m in tech, there is no fucking way I’m gonna open my PC to the entire fucking internet. Vulnerabilities are everywhere and no code is perfect. Firewalls and nat help stop so many attacks from the start.
Even if ipv6 is common I will assume most implementations will be nat based.
- Comment on Mans got big hands! 5 months ago:
Nah they mean observing from the surface of say the moon and seeing earth block the sun.
I think this is a fairly common occurrence, but you wouldn’t get the same effect since the shadow would cover the entire surface and lack of atmosphere you wouldn’t get the sunset in all directions look.
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 6 months ago:
Sure they don’t have any trust from the industry anymore.
It doesn’t have to be a legal document for there to be consequences.
- Comment on The Verge Under Fire For Publishing Info About ‘Deadlock,’ Valve’s Secret Shooter 6 months ago:
The so what is that this writer for the verge will likely never be trusted with NDA type pre-release access for any other games going forward, and this may even impact all of the Verge.
This isn’t just a one and done kind of issue, this will be seen by the entire industry as a “can’t trust that guy with pre-release access”
- Comment on Cult of the Lamb | Unholy Alliance Launch Trailer 6 months ago:
Calling hades trash compared to anything is pretty extreme.
From what I’ve played hades has a better combat system, cult has a more direct narrative and more non combat stuff to do.
They are both great games, but do have fairly different focuses
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
If you actually knew anything you’d know that overclockers tend to manually reduce the voltage as they increase the clock speeds to improve stability, this only works up to a point, but clearly shows voltage does not directly influence clock speed.
- Comment on There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent 7 months ago:
They aren’t over clocking / under clocking anything with the fix. The chip was just straight up requesting more voltage than it actually needed, this didn’t give any benefit and was probably an issue even without the damage it causes, due to extra heat generated.
- Comment on Microsoft says EU to blame for the world's worst IT outage | Euronews 7 months ago:
They aren’t, it’s more “it’s the EUs fault for forcing us to allow businesses like cloud strike to write kernel level antivirus, because we already have our own.”
- Comment on Happy International Blue Screen Day 7 months ago:
This wasn’t a windows issue you fucking neanderthal.
- Comment on CrowdStrike downtime apparently caused by update that replaced a file with 42kb of zeroes 7 months ago:
Except since it was an antivirus software the system is basically told “I must be running for you to finish booting”, which does make sense as it means the antivirus can watch the system before any malicious code can get it’s hooks into things.
- Comment on Donald Trump 2024 - Don't let them get away with this 7 months ago:
Which is why right wing nuts have tried so many times in the past 8 years
- Comment on FCC proposes ending cellphone carrier locks after 60 days 8 months ago:
In Canada even if you lease to own a phone it’s not carrier locked anymore, you have to pay the remaining balance if you leave, or possibly can return the phone (but that’s just throwing your money away)
- Comment on The new Chinese owner of the popular Polyfill JS project injects malware into more than 100 thousand sites 8 months ago:
All it would really take is internet providers to black hole the China AS numbers in their BGP configs. Then boom China basically can’t talk to the rest of the world.
- Comment on Battery electric vehicles lose their spark in Europe as hybrids steal the show 8 months ago:
Nothing in that comment discussed plugin hybrids though.
A non plug-in hybrid will be more efficient than a full gas vehicle because of the efficiency you can gain through minimizing the engine and tuning it for a more limited rpm range.
This ideally carries over to a plug-in hybrid in the same way even if it’s never plugged in, if all the gas engine does is charge the battery it can be more efficient than a gas only car due to reduced engine size requirements.
- Comment on Twitter is officially now 9 months ago:
2016 was 8 years ago, that means by your definition twitter spent nearly half it’s existence as a toxic cesspool
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
Yeah for Hawaii that pricing is sort of expected, but for anything mainland that prices is just disgusting
- Comment on Republicans are pulling out all the stops to reverse EV adoption 9 months ago:
50 cents per kW sounds fucking insane to me. That’s like 5-6 times more than I pay in Canada.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 9 months ago:
Power from nuclear plants in Ontario is some of the cheapest to produce in the province, because the plants have been running for literal decades.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 9 months ago:
Fuck you
OPG manages power production for all of Ontario, with 2 nuke plants putting out over 3 GW each, for a total of ~6.5GW, OPG generates about 18-19GW so 30% is covered by two plants
The majority of the remainder is hydro across 66 fucking plants. And nothing else comes even close in output
And these are CANDU reactors, they don’t require refined uranium, and don’t contribute to proliferation like other plants, they also don’t meltdown explosively since boiling the coolant reduces the nuclear reaction rate.
- Comment on We can do all three things at once 9 months ago:
That’s why we have governments though, for the long time low return infrastructure, like power grids.
Somehow we are willing to spend billions yearly on new roads but can’t be assed to build a new nuke plant once a decade to grow power production.