- Comment on Or we could do metric time 10 months ago:
And leap year?
- Comment on How does the day-to-day work of not wearing shoes in the house? 10 months ago:
You overestimate how much nature we step in on a given day. It’s usually basically cement everywhere
- Comment on Why don't we hear more about the 2017 Las Vegas shooting? It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, we never found a motive, and it seems no one ever mentions it. 11 months ago:
I’m not against gun ownership. I’m against zero gun ownership regulation. Requiring background checks seems like a no brainer but we cannot even get to that part. The next I would suggest is a weekend long course on the proper use, safety, cleaning, and storage of your weapon before you are allowed to buy one. Finally, I think we should have that class reupped every 2 years to keep your license to own the firearm. It’s a dangerous thing to have around and most good gun owners would support some of this, even if it is a hassle. It could be made fun too though. Free ammo for some range practice or something. Maybe a few for the class covers that, I don’t know. Consider it a meetup with other people with similar interests.
- Comment on AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever (OpenAI Sora) 1 year ago:
Now imagine that 100 oil employees make good looking ai art to show mother nature either sharing the oil with someone to help them in some way, or even make it look like oil is helping remove a cancer or something from herself. 100 different variations of this. How impactful is your message compared to theirs? Will people even see yours?
- Comment on Apple fans are starting to return their Vision Pros 1 year ago:
I think foveated rendering also helps with immersion. Being able to blur things you are not specifically looking at and are farther away is a closer match to reality.
- Comment on [Politics] Have phobia, will travel 1 year ago:
Phrasing? Are we still doing phrasing?
- Comment on Couple suing Google Maps after it sent them to a notorious crime hotspot where they were brutally attacked and robbed at gunpoint 1 year ago:
For people worried about finding the “good areas”, it’s not that tough. We stayed at a Hilton and it was super affordable to use their concierge service to get us a safe driver. He was personable and took us where we needed to go, and explained the safe and unsafe neighborhoods… Though we weren’t planning on doing any walking around randomly or anything. By affordable I mean they only charged like $50 for this guy to drive us for a few hours and wait in the car while we did our sightseeing. We gave a good tip at the end and he was very happy.
South Africa is beautiful and if you can afford to get there, you can probably afford to use this kind of service to be there safely.
- Comment on A fair trade 1 year ago:
Coolest course I’ve ever been to is just through a forest in the mountains of southern Oregon. No chain link baskets, just coffee cans on a stick to shoot at. But man what an amazing place to spend the afternoon. A small river (not deep enough to lose your disc), up and then down a smallish hillside, huge trees trees fairly widely spaced. Maybe that kind of course is common in certain areas but all the ones by me are at manicured parks. Fun but not the same.
- Comment on Mercedes-Benz debuts turquoise exterior lights to indicate the car is self-driving | A visual indicator for other drivers 1 year ago:
If we need signs saying student driver, the driver is not ready
- Comment on xkcd #2869: Puzzles 1 year ago:
Batman forever: Something like “It was left by a Mr E… Mystery! And another word for mystery? Enigma!.. Mr E. Nigma…Edward Nigma!”
- Comment on It's a good thing they aren't in charge of adult toys... 1 year ago:
Eh, a couple years ago one of my brothers gifted another brother a dildo from “Santa”. I have 5 brothers, so no one knew for sure who did it. Much hilarity ensued.
- Comment on What do mean things so small we can't see them with the human eye? Are you crazy? 1 year ago:
I think once when this was posted they said doctors would see other patients and even perform autopsies then do surgeries with no hand washing between.
- Comment on USA Will Invest in High-Speed Train to Fight Climate Change 1 year ago:
Eh, it was predicted we would die because the population growth was exceeding our ability to farm food, but then out of necessity the industrial revolution happened.
I think we are predicting we will die but out of necessity we will make the necessary changes to save ourselves just in time. Not just stopping emissions (this will only help slow the worsening, since we might be past the point of no return by the time we do this), but also carbon capture to remove the CO2, while simultaneously seeding extra clouds with something like the salt water canons running on cargo ships, and other such tech to reflect the sun while we get to work on CO2 capture.
The CO2 will have to be sequestered back in the ground, so a method will have to be made to liquify and pump it back in, but it’s theoretically possible.
- Comment on Tesla Cybertruck's stiff structure, sharp design raise safety concerns - experts 1 year ago:
I think the main market was supposed to be like a utility vehicle. It’s got some nice specs for actual work purposes for an electric vehicle, while saving money on making a pretty body.
I don’t know why some people like the look and want it for recreational use.
- Comment on Why do it 1 year ago:
Don’t forget the spiders
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
The mRNA shots are very sensitive. I’m not allowed to shake them prior to administration, only swirl gently. I feel like this tech will damage them no?
- Comment on Be safe out there, Atlanta. 1 year ago:
Didn’t work for me at all with sync and firefox
- Comment on Fallout TV Show - Trailer 1 year ago:
We’ve had first Lord of the Rings, yes, but what about second Lord of the Rings?
- Comment on Super Metroid 1 year ago:
If you liked Super Metroid and emulate games, look into Hyper Metroid. Someone modded the game and remade it entirely and it’s great!
- Comment on Keep in mind that social security is set to run out in 10 years time. 1 year ago:
SS takes a % of your pay up to a certain amount. I am not sure the “bend points” so I will give fake numbers. Up to maybe $50k per year, you get a very strong “return” for that contribution. Your SS check will be low, but then again, you didn’t put in much over your life. Now up to like $100k, you will get a larger check. But not double. From there to like $140k, you still get a larger check, but not 40% more than the $100k.
After $140k, you are no longer required to contribute. With the diminishing returns, it would not have increased the SS check much (if at all) anyways.
What the OP picture is suggesting is to continue to make them pay into SS even though they would get little or no return on it. I see why that makes some sense, but since this is technically not a “tax” but a required pension system, I think they would have to rewrite it all to make sure it was fair that way.
- Comment on Keep in mind that social security is set to run out in 10 years time. 1 year ago:
If you look into bend points, you will see that the first amount you contribute gets you a significant return later for your SS check, but as you contribute more, the slope of the size of the SS check flattens. After the second bend point, adding more into SS doesn’t get you a much larger check.
The reason the rich wouldn’t want to further contribute then, is because at that point, their contributions are getting a very poor return, and they would feel they could do better on their own. Since it isn’t a tax, they would argue (correctly) that it is a waste of their money compared to investing themselves.
- Comment on 'They Want To Be The Gatekeepers': Car Dealers Are Stopping Customers From Buying EVs 1 year ago:
Might be the winter tires. Since the car is heavier I think tires might need to be a little beefier, and thus cost a little more.
Tesla did a pretty good job with their heat pump. Even with it though your range really suffers. I can’t remember exactly but it might take your range from 325 miles to something like 250/260. Without the heat pump I remember hearing something closer to half range, but that might be battery manufacturer specific, not sure. So like the other commenter said, make sure you get an EV with a heat pump if you live in a cold area.
- Comment on 'They Want To Be The Gatekeepers': Car Dealers Are Stopping Customers From Buying EVs 1 year ago:
I’d say that last maintenance thing for many highish brands like Mercedes, BMW, etc. Lots of people make that complaint. But electric cars really aren’t known for maintenance costs. If you corner really hard, since the car is heavier you might go through tires a little quicker but that’s all. The battery that people like to complain about the potential cost lasts like 100,000-300,000 miles, so it’s like comparing to a full engine swap in a gasoline car.
- Comment on Hikers rescued after following non-existent trail on Google Maps 1 year ago:
We need more exposure to the outdoors. Many yearn for that outdoor time, but in our city life we may never have developed any outdoor skills. Maybe that should be a course taught in high school or something, with a required outing or two. For myself, I wanted to learn backpacking but had no role models. I had to learn by reading books! Which of course got me into trouble. It didn’t cover exactly what to wear, and somehow I missed the lesson on “cotton kills”, and I ended up in the White mountains wearing cotton shorts in 40mph wind and hail while the temperature plummeted. I had rain pants which I did wear, but honestly I could have died from exposure. It didn’t help that my nap was outdated and the way down from the ridge was at least 1/4 mile from where the map showed. We got lucky and there are huts up there that have a cellar they keep with space for unlucky hikers. When we got to the hut and got a hot tea, it took a very long time until we STARTED shivering. That was scary. But I don’t think an internet rant helps. I put in the time and read books, I just didn’t have any experienced hiker to talk to or go with me the first time. It’s really an experience thing. I’ve had other scary situations regarding snow on the trail as I was going up another 500ft elevation. You’d think that’s not much but it created some VERY dangerous conditions near the top. We ended up abandoning that hike because it really was too dangerous. That’s experience talking though. If it had been my first hike with no one else there I may have pressed on. There were some very slippery slopes and some very high cliffs they lead to. Someone died in that mountain the same weekend I was there.
The wilderness is tough. It takes education and experience to visit safely. I don’t think people really understand until they experience it themselves.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Good insurance! Our child born this year the hospital bill looks like around $8k after insurance, but we keep getting other bills from the provider’s offices so it’s hard to say exactly. Fortunately my wife has a secondary insurance of some sort we can submit the $8k to get that knocked down to hopefully $4k. If it works. It’s been months trying to get it sorted.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
No I think it’s the opposite. They expect people to get pregnant and have kids (though with abortion and birth control that is happening less- hence targeting those recently). This is designed to make sure they stay poor so that the wage slave class stays well populated.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
Health insurance still leaves you with a large bill. Expect like $10k for the hospital part for a lot of insurances. Don’t forget the obgyn visits throughout the pregnancy (probably only $25-$75 per visit, depending on if you need a specialist). Labs are extra. In fact, the one that really tells a lot of info (lots of recessive gene issues can be found with it) is like a $750 lab that insurance doesn’t usually pay for (“it’s too new, and not required”).
- Comment on Microsoft and Alphabet results show Wall Street only cares about AI 1 year ago:
I haven’t used this, but think about all narrators losing their jobs because so can do it with the click of a button. …microsoft.com/…/1646266241611394912-project-gute…
That’s a lot of people not on the payroll anymore. No health insurance costs, no vacations. Just using the software.
Think of a lot of analytics jobs that ai can replace. You ever spend a day or two making a spreadsheet do whatever you need it to? That’s probably a lot of people’s jobs. AI can make those people more efficient (as long as a human checks it later), so companies can fire most of the team. That’s a lot more people off the payroll.
And there are companies working on general ai. That will replace… So many jobs.
- Comment on The FCC is Expected to Propose the Return of Net Neutrality Protections Oct 19th 1 year ago:
I don’t like it. If someone only wanted Facebook but then considered fact checking something they read, they wouldn’t be able to.
- Comment on World EV Sales Now Equal 18% Of World Auto Sales 1 year ago:
What work needs to be done on EVs? I think it’s much less complex so as long as your battery and motors are good then the rest is just like AC and stuff right? Battery and motors would cost a lot to replace but the battery at least should last a very long time, similar to a car engine. No idea about motors.