- Comment on Wanted to make my own charger for my Garmin Watch. 3 days ago:
Amazon it’s a right angle to Garmin connector. In hindsight I probably could’ve got the charging puck instead
- Comment on In Response to Amazon preventing to download books you bought: Some DRM free bookstores and publishers 3 days ago:
If you are into light novels the publisher JNovel Club sells their books DRM free from their website
- Submitted 3 days ago to | 4 comments
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 week ago:
Humm, for PCs I’d have to say iMac
For game consoles it’s a hard debate between the GameBoy Pocket or the GameBoy Micro. One is the essence of a GameBoy shrunken down to a power efficent and usable design. While the other is the smallest you can make a console while still having it usable.
- Comment on Why do most Americans use an iPhone? 2 weeks ago:
Because an iPhone isn’t “that” expensive when you buy it on a plan. I mean it’s only $38 CAD for the new iPhone 6e on a Contract. That’s with my paycheque to paycheque budget. /s
Though honestly that’s the mind set of these users. Sure they are literally paying $100+ CAD more than MSRP. But to them since it includes the data it’s a good deal.
Now bellow is my view as a guy who manages and orgs fleet of Samsung phone, developed apps for both Android and iOS, and is the defacto IT guy for my family.
I think the lean towards iPhones comes from budget Android being crap, and peer pressure from those around them. Get a cheap A series Samsung or a Budget Acer and you are just asking for a slow and buggy experience where the mic will just stop working after 2 years. Or it’s running Android One.
Even an older iPhone like the 6s is still supported by many apps. Plus since it once had flagship specs. The soc has more power and runs better than anything new from Android. It’s the same logic that if you get an older iPad for the same price as a new Fire Tablet the iPad will be better than a fire tablet.
The solution is to get a more expensive Android. But once you get to the price point of a Samsung S series, you might as well get an iPhone. The price is comparable, and you don’t loose out on features like the App Store (google play is a steaming pile in comparison). Plus iMessage and FaceTime is seamless and Airdrop “just works”.
My relative had Android for years and struggled to use them. I finally convinced one of them to use an iPhone XR by the time the 14 was coming out, and now my Nan is texting and doing FaceTime. They could’ve done this before with the budget Android their carrier gave them. But the work Apple did to make it feel intuitive is brilliant. In fact because of the confidence boost from the iPhone, she’s even gotten herself an iPad to do her crossword puzzles.
On top of that, unlike Apple. There is no guarantee that if you pay more for you Android that I’ll keep getting support. Most phones struggle to offer more than 2 years. And with the fiasco around the Pixel 4 battery, it’s hard to believe the biggest players “promises”. Compare that to Apple and while the promise 7 years, realistically it can be 10 years.
For me the reason I swapped over was the Play Store being hot garbage. And the disgusting amount of uninstallable bloat on it. I tried for years to install custom ROMs and midrange Chinese phones to get around it. While it works, I grew tired of the work required just to keep my phone up to date. And the loss of built in features since I was going u official. Like the loss of 2/3 cameras in the app (trying to find a cracked gcamera which enables both is a chore), and contactless pay (evolution x worked sometime, and locked me out other time).
Don’t get me wrong iOS isn’t better than Android. I miss my headphone jack, FDroid, side loading my own apps, the ease of adding custom ringtones, and custom launcher. Oh and being able to use 3rd party web browsers that aren’t skins of Safari (WebKit). But when updates come through I’m not concerned. My contactless pay works. Ad blocking is possible and I can’t complain about the cameras.
- Comment on Amazon’s killing a feature that let you download and backup Kindle books 3 weeks ago:
Good news is that there are alternative ways to download these books from Amazon for backup purposes. It’s not as straightforward but it’s doable.
That said I will be refusing to buy from any storefront that doesn’t offer a way to download my books. Even adobe digital editions is a viable alternative.
- Comment on Autodesk Fusion 360 is moving it's cloud storage to Fusion Hub. Upgrading is Mandatory 3 weeks ago:
From the sounds of it, better collaboration and sharing of projects.
- Comment on Autodesk Fusion 360 is moving it's cloud storage to Fusion Hub. Upgrading is Mandatory 3 weeks ago:
Cloud storage for Autodesk Fusion 360 from the looks of it. TBH it’s hard to even google.
- Comment on Autodesk Fusion 360 is moving it's cloud storage to Fusion Hub. Upgrading is Mandatory 3 weeks ago:
My solution to this was to back up all my projects so I have a local copy, and move to FreeCAD. I’m tired of Autodesk changing the deal every year or so.
- Autodesk Fusion 360 is moving it's cloud storage to Fusion Hub. Upgrading is ↗Submitted 3 weeks ago to | 27 comments
- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 4 weeks ago:
I read the manual for my cars radio. It has a max file size limit of like 256 songs or so per folder. But it can also accept 256 folders.
So if your cars is anything like mine you can probably play your songs just by splitting them up into more folders.
- Comment on What do you regard as retro? 4 weeks ago:
I had this discussion (read argument) back on reddit a while back. And it’s about 15 to 20 years or at the time people were calling PS1/N64 Retro during the PS3 era.
By my math systems like the PS3 and Xbox 360 are now “retro”, at least for some kids. I defiantly feel dated when some kid shows up on a PSP thread going on about their Dad’s old PSP. And it’s weird to think that the Vita and 3DS are about to fall into that camp.
- Comment on DOOM® CAPTCHA 2 months ago:
Works in Safari
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on As a word of caution for those buying physical used games on Bluray, check the disc for holes. 3 months ago:
BluRay is just a data format. PS3 games are just encrypted, which means with a modded PS3 you can back it up.
Same process in order to play it on RCPS3
- Comment on As a word of caution for those buying physical used games on Bluray, check the disc for holes. 3 months ago:
PS2/PS1 throw it into a DVD player Ron a PC and rip it.
PS3 you’d need to homebrew it. Same process to get the files ready to play on RCPS3
- Comment on As a word of caution for those buying physical used games on Bluray, check the disc for holes. 3 months ago:
lol, now that sounds fun.
- Comment on As a word of caution for those buying physical used games on Bluray, check the disc for holes. 3 months ago:
This is a game from 2007, I doubt there are new/replacement discs. That said it appears to be functional so we’ll see.
- As a word of caution for those buying physical used games on Bluray, check the disc for ↗Submitted 3 months ago to | 21 comments
- Comment on Added LED's to a clear bag 4 months ago:
I made a update to the main post, but I will update here too.
They were good, but the quality of the bags themselves were obviously cheap, and one of the two bag I tailored up, broke down on the lower strap loop. I probably could return it, but it might just be easier to sew back down.
The LEDs though were a godsend. The event I went was a night and at night finding people was so, so easy. We split up and try to find each other again, just look for the person with the glowing bag. It also was bright enough that I was able to see the specific color of candy I wanted in my bag, and illuminate friends for photos.
Making more bags if we go again so everyone has one.
- Comment on Added LED's to a clear bag 4 months ago:
The remote is IR, so it’s facing up so the receiver can see it. That said I don’t think it’ll work when the bag is full. It’s in the front pocket for easy access.
- Comment on Added LED's to a clear bag 4 months ago:
Though dim, it can fill a room with light
- Submitted 4 months ago to | 8 comments
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 5 months ago:
Welp I guess this also includes NSO games.
- Comment on Made a wallpaper based off of some icons I made 5 months ago:
I’m not worried, after all I didn’t use any emulators
- Comment on Recommendations other than Bambu and Prusa? 5 months ago:
For me I was looking for reliability, so I ended up with Prusa. But I ended up with them thanks to a few simple rules I followed.
Can the machine and it’s parts be replaced with off shelf components?
Does it use, or is the platform compatible with open source slicers (Prusaslicer/Cura)?
Does the community support the device with mods on 3D model repositories (Thingiverse/Printables)?
Does the manufacturer have a track record for support (or the lack thereof)?
Before I got my Prusa, the Creality Ender 3 was the goto, and it was a really reliable machine. For my printing needs I need a direct drive print head, and a better auto bed leveling routine. But the Ender 3 s1 looks pretty good as an alternative.
- Comment on What are the pros and cons to buying a smart watch from temu? 5 months ago:
Pro: Price, Convenience, Looks
Cons: Much like buying an “iPhone” from Temu, the price is usually reflected in the quality.
Don’t get me wrong, there are cheep smart watches if you look for them or go second hand. But what you’ll find advertised on Temu isn’t it.
Build quality is usually the first to suffer, but you’ll find mislabeled batter info a 500mah instead of the promised 1000mah. Or an LCD instead of an OLED.
But those are things we can adapt too. The biggest problem is software. That’ll do and close enough has been the name of the game for years now. And sometimes “smart” just means it can (badly) track your steps and pretend to check your heart rate with a led pretending to be a sensor.
If you are looking for any budget electronics try looking for last years or a few years ago models. I got a Garmin Forerunner 235 in 2022 for 1/5 of its asking price because I found a deal on eBay.
I’d also look into the landscape of the market you are buying into and seeing who is actually making these things, and what is running on it.
For smart watches I found the answer was
Android with Watch OS (Samsung google and many more)
If the watch isn’t running android watch os or is made by Apple or Garmin. Assume its good too be true and look into it more, or look elsewhere.
Good news China is lazy and one clone usually is made by many factories and someone else made a video about it. Might not be the same name, but it’ll be close enough.
- Comment on 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! 5 months ago:
#Pepper Grinder (Steam/GOG/Switch/PS4/PS5/XB/ONE/S/X)#
Released in March of the is year (and in August for non switch consoles) Pepper Grinder is a traditional 2D platformer with a world map, levels, and a gimmick of using a drill to travel underground like a dolphin through water.
Its platforming has a good rhythm to it, with a nice momentum when you go in and out of the dirt. The best way I can describe the game is that it feels like a Mario Gimmick level that’s been expanded to its own game.
If I had any complaints about this game, is that the boss fights are a bit too tedious. Not impossible as I’ve been able to beat them. But requires a bit more precise movement than the levels which preceded it.
Overall though, I haven’t played a 2d platformed in ages which I’ve actually wanted to go through in ages. And it is a welcomed addition to my gaming library.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro console? 5 months ago:
Favourite as in the one I love the most. Model 1 Genesis, or Virtual Boy. Love their aesthetic.
Favourite as in best Library. PS1/PS2. Massive library of games which are still being enjoyed decades after they were launched.
Favourite as in still using. By my books, I’d consider the PS Vita as retro now, if not then the Nintendo DS/PSP.
- Comment on Made a wallpaper based off of some icons I made 5 months ago:
Bold assumption to think that I have a Neogeo pocket color. (I’m broke)