- Comment on Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association 5 months ago:
Sorry, i dont want to be rude, but do you actually have any arguments other than gesturing at the article & giving both-sides-isms?
Hamas has committed war crimes, yes, however it shouldn’t be ignored that Israel is currently engaged in terrorism, genocide, land grabs, torture of prisoners and more. Simply saying “both sides bad” lays the blame more evenly than it should be laid.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association 5 months ago:
The article also mentions that Israel has started using it in their own propaganda videos. showing the triangle over targets as they’re hit, and when you flip it like that there’s a very clear implication of destroying the symbol of freedom… Which is to say, I still fail to see your ultimate point. You’re just pointing at the news article and saying “SEE! THEY SAY ITS BAD!”
Could you provide some actual argumentation to go with that?
And just so it doesnt seem like I’m running, “Targeting reticle” would imply a weapon optic or similar, hence my confusion. “using it to mark targets” would have been clearer.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association 5 months ago:
Asking you what you mean by calling the triangle a “targeting reticle” absolutely does not mean I don’t know the topic at hand, its me asking you to clarify your argumentation.
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association 5 months ago:
What is this even in reference to? Do you care to elaborate on the propaganda you’re trying to spew, or are you just expecting me to know the same talking points as you?
- Comment on Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association 5 months ago:
Now I might just be too stupid to understand what I’m displaying, but last I checked, the red triangle has been a symbol of pro-Palestinian support since the Palestinian Revolt in uhhhh… 1938. It’s possible Hamas might have co-opted it, but then you might as well ban the Palestinian flag as well since that’s the source of the triangle, and it has also existed since 1917, I’m failing to follow how this is a symbol of Hamas
- Comment on What is the safest way for a partially disabled person in the USA to use prison for food and shelter as an alternative to dying homeless in a gutter on a cold rainy night? 6 months ago:
Do you mind answering why you feel this way about homeless people? You or I could be among them tomorrow for all we know, I would hope that someone wouldn’t feel that animosity towards me.
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
Yes and at the end of the day it’s all just binary getting dumped into a cache and processed by the CPU. The point is that the intent of the file matters and while they do both hold text, the intent, purpose, and handling of the kernel mode/ring 0 driver is much different than a “simple text file”
So different in fact, that as another user pointed out, it has happened to Linux too
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
Calling a kernel mode driver a “simple text file” sure is interesting
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
Not to jump at you in another comment thread, but any OS that is deployed in a business environment should have some form of endpoint protection installed unless it is fully airgapped + isolated.
Despite the myth that “Linux doesn’t get malware”, it absolutely does and should have protection installed. Even if the OS itself was immune to infection, any possible update can introduce a vulnerability to that.
Additionally, again, even if the OS (or kernel in the case of linux) couldn’t be infected or attacked, the packages or services installed can be attacked, infected, or otherwise messed with and should be protected.
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
I’m not sure if you intended to reply to me, but I am aware of this. Thanks for checking NY understanding though :)
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
I see you’re operating on a plane of reality where windows is the only bad software, so it’s kinda pointless for me to continue here. I hope you have a wonderful day.
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
Y’know, I’m pretty deep in the FLOSS brainrot, but as someone who: A. Daily drives Fedora and Debian B. Works for an MSP and deals with Windows daily
Most companies cannot afford the productivity, monetary, or labour hour investment that is involved with changing to a whole new OS and re-training all of the workforce. Thats even if you ignore that switching to Linux generally also involves changing some percentage of programs that are used for business critical processes.
I love Linux, but it’s not meant for every situation
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
Is your point “Linux and Mac dont get viruses or targeted for cyberattacks”?
Or is it “This wouldn’t have broken on a different operating system”?
- Comment on Some bad code just broke a billion Windows machines 7 months ago:
This was very much not caused by windows
- Comment on isopods are friends 10 months ago:
Are you from Canada by any chance? Ive only heard other Canadians use Roly-Poly for these little guys.
- Comment on this one goes out to the arts & humanities 10 months ago:
I dont see any rain coming, you can close your umbrella
- Comment on Germans: what genocide? 10 months ago:
Ah yes, complete the ethnic cleansing of the region… What a wonderfully ethical suggestion /s
Absolutely deranged take.
- Comment on [Retro Dodo]Google is killing Retro Dodo and Other Independent Sites 11 months ago:
I still have a lot of de-googling to do. However this point, I only use google as a search engine maybe once/month, and it’s frankly usually for the google business info…thing. For everything else, I use Kagi and quite frankly have not looked back. Probably one of the few services that I happily pay for.
- Comment on Vision Pro EyeSight feature doesn't really work, argues Macworld 1 year ago:
I’d be asking you to take the headset off
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
I have a deep fear that the power supply won’t have a discharge capacitor and they’ll get a shock from it. Completely irrational but its deep seated enough that couldn’t use this one
- Comment on IT support work be like 1 year ago:
If I’m ever doubtful that someone has unplugged something, I’ll ask them to describe something that may or may not be on the plug.
- Color
- metal type
- "can you please read me the serial number stamped on the prongs of the power cable"
- “what color is the plastic inside the plug” Etc.etc.
Have not had it fail yet
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
This is true, but my comment was for the average user. I run Linux on a couple systems (not including my servers), but if I put my partner infront of it, I’d be providing support every day for a year. It’s far better than it used to be but outside of steamos, I don’t think it’s “average user” ready yet
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
It may, but it would still require the driver for the device to be allowed to install on windows.
First example that comes to mind is a bit older but the unauthorized replicas of the Xbox 360 wireless adapters can no longer be used with Windows 10+ without the following steps
- unpacking the driver
- modifying the signature and device version it reports
- disabling driver signing
- Installing the newly modified driver
- Re-enabling driver signing
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
I had to really try my best not to
- Comment on Xbox's new policy — say goodbye to unofficial accessories from November thanks to error '0x82d60002' 1 year ago:
They’ve already nuked driver support for certain “unauthorized” 3rd party Xbox accessories out of windows 10 and higher, so this isn’t necessarily a solution for the average user either
- Comment on A country of roommates 1 year ago:
I usually try to make well developed arguments but…
You should consider yourself blessed to be able bodied enough to have developed such an entitled and cunty attitude about other’s living situations
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Narrowing to 3 is always difficult but these tend to shuffle around in the top spot
The Outer Wilds
Disco Elysium
Legend of Zelda, Majora’s mask
- Comment on Your move 1 year ago:
FWIW, “failing” or fucking up is meant to be part of the point of disco elysium. It all progresses the story.