Comment on Facebook and Instagram Restrict the Use of the Red Triangle Emoji Over Hamas Association 5 months agoWhat is this even in reference to? Do you care to elaborate on the propaganda you’re trying to spew, or are you just expecting me to know the same talking points as you? 5 months ago
Seriously? Did you just see the word “Israel” and start arguing without knowing the topic at hand? 5 months ago
Asking you what you mean by calling the triangle a “targeting reticle” absolutely does not mean I don’t know the topic at hand, its me asking you to clarify your argumentation. 5 months ago
It’s not only in the article, but in the excerpt posted by OP. 5 months ago
The article also mentions that Israel has started using it in their own propaganda videos. showing the triangle over targets as they’re hit, and when you flip it like that there’s a very clear implication of destroying the symbol of freedom… Which is to say, I still fail to see your ultimate point. You’re just pointing at the news article and saying “SEE! THEY SAY ITS BAD!”
Could you provide some actual argumentation to go with that?
And just so it doesnt seem like I’m running, “Targeting reticle” would imply a weapon optic or similar, hence my confusion. “using it to mark targets” would have been clearer.