- Comment on The Last of Us totally blew me away 3 weeks ago:
For me the production was unlike anything I had seen to that point. Just incredible. Gameplay, however, did little for me. Perfect game to watch someone else play in my book
- Comment on If Orange Dickhead dies before taking his oath again will we party like it's 1999? 3 months ago:
I would. Vance is awful, but I have zero faith in his ability to hold onto trump’s cult. Things get much scarier once trump has had time to establish himself more.
- Comment on Interview: ‘Lower Decks’ Cast Talks Character Growth, Season 5 Finale, And Not Saying Goodbye To Star Trek 4 months ago:
Hoping with zero evidence that the end of lower decks is just because they’re getting promoted out of the lower decks and the characters will all return in a new show: “The Next Next Generation” (or maybe “Upper Decks”)
- Comment on Three Mile Island owner seeks $1.6 billion federal loan to restart nuclear plant for Microsoft AI facility 5 months ago:
You’re right that it doesn’t mean cash on hand, but it does indicate they could liquidate some of that or borrow against it themselves.
- Comment on anyone else agree this episode had no right to be as scary at it was 5 months ago:
I was young when this episode came out and it absolutely terrified me. I still find it scary to the point where I’ll turn it off sometimes when it comes on. Great ep though, and Janeway is a badass.
- Comment on Krillin 5 months ago:
I fucking love rice. Sometimes I scoop some rice out of my rice cooker and eat it straight off the paddle. It’s also great with other things!
- Comment on ocean depth 5 months ago:
Apparently Everest is 157 miles tall?
- Comment on Worst examples of Treknobabble 5 months ago:
A few months ago I bought some old (quite good) speakers. My first step, of course, was to use a calibrated mic to measure them. One measured way better than the other. Took them apart and realized at some point someone had connected wires incorrectly on one of the tweeters. Do you know what this means?
- Comment on Happy Star Trek Day! What was your first contact? 5 months ago:
TNG aired during my childhood, and I did watch it, but the occasional TOS marathon is really what got me into it.
- Comment on Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys? 5 months ago:
Am gay; can confirm.
- Comment on My favorite holiday 6 months ago:
Rewatched it yesterday. The calendar says 9/1 on the day of the riots.
- Comment on This is a painting of Commander Riker fighting Godzilla. 6 months ago:
Only the Gorn are truly immune, and this makes me think Godzilla is just the final form of the gorn.
- Comment on two things I came away with after watching DS9 - Past Tense today. 6 months ago:
Sisko says “Maybe it was Bell”, I like to think it was, that Bell had the hacking skills to do it himself.
- Comment on two things I came away with after watching DS9 - Past Tense today. 6 months ago:
The images in history changed from the real bell’s face to sisko’s which to me says it wasn’t a predestination paradox, the real bell did it the first time, and sisko did it the second.
- Comment on The most recognizable leaf silhouette is the marijuana leaf. 6 months ago:
Was the part with the two legs added in an edit? It was there by the time I commented (obviously, as I mentioned it). Without that part, then yeah, that description is off
- Comment on The most recognizable leaf silhouette is the marijuana leaf. 6 months ago:
I think you are saying the same thing in a different manner. The other two loves being the legs at the bottom. Looking at pictures of sugar maple leaves, both descriptions fit to me.
- Comment on Only Honk 6 months ago:
How can there be no genders if they’re revealing ganders which are expressly male?
- Comment on Was it a good thing that SNW explicitly said the Federation is socialist? 8 months ago:
True for most of the franchise, but the ferengi are eventually. Also, I’m not sure if the federation prevents member worlds from continuing to have their own internal economies that could be market based. My guess is that they don’t and the ferengi will continue to use money for a long time.
- Comment on Searching for the "most representative" Star Trek episode 9 months ago:
Now I want to suggest this trilogy: a private little war, the last outpost, “mugato, gumato”
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 director thanks fans as the game hits a 95% positive review rating on Steam 9 months ago:
One game breaking bug on a playthrough is still pretty bad.
- Comment on Searching for the "most representative" Star Trek episode 9 months ago:
I wanna say “the corbomite maneuver” from TOS. I think it’s one of the best episodes of all, but most people don’t so i think it’s okay from the its all downhill perspective. It has everything: Kirk mentoring, an extremely powerful alien of the week, solving problems without fighting, but still tense situations. Such a great and representative episode.
From TNG maybe First Contact. Good intro episode as you get intro to the federation through the eyes of an alien of the week. The alien-chasing woman may be not a good thing to show depending on the person you’re showing it to, though.
For DS9, in the hands of the prophets. Doesn’t require much backstory unlike a lot of DS9, great ep, classic ethical debate/social commentary, and the majesty that is Vedek Winn.
For Voyager maybe distant origin. Great ep, doesn’t need much backstory, also great commentary on society
- Comment on 10 months ago:
Even though I didn’t enjoy the movie, I’m still sad that Paul McGillion wasn’t cast as Scotty for the 2009 film. He’s both Scottish and Canadian, so perfect for carrying the torch.
- Comment on Today I found out: snakes have two penises 11 months ago:
Just like Klingons.
- Comment on Because AI and Crypto use to much electricity, what if a law was made that they had to power it with green energy? 1 year ago:
By your estimate, visa used 3.4x the power of eth. I would guess visa handles much much more than 3.4x the volume of currency transactions and is way more efficient on energy.
- Comment on Heists like seen in Die Hard I actually exist? 1 year ago:
To add another example, The Millenium dome raid is a good story of a foiled heist that is reminiscent of cinematic heists.
- Comment on Possible headcanon reason why consoles always explode on the bridge 1 year ago:
The rocks eat the eps plasma and turn it into console lights and computer food.
- Comment on How is this not the worst episode of DS9? 1 year ago:
The B story is meh, but the A story to me really adds to the dominion storyline by giving us a chance to see how the war has affected the crew through their interactions with someone who hasn’t experienced it. Plus add in a fun little sci-fi twist to it and it’s really a good plot line for me.
- Comment on How is this not the worst episode of DS9? 1 year ago:
Really? I very much like “the sound of her voice”.
- Comment on Nothing's iMessage solution might not be as secure as we thought 1 year ago:
So exactly as secure as we thought, then.
- Comment on Now that cars are like smartphones, we don’t really own them 1 year ago:
I no longer have a family don’t particularly care about personal safety, but there are a lot of cars that aren’t too old which are still quite safe and lack all the connectivity crap.