- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 2 weeks ago:
Not my favorite, but I really liked Buggy Run from Master System
- Comment on Do you allow transphobic mods? 4 weeks ago:
that escalated quickly
- Comment on Today's Mail Call! 6 months ago:
I loved it, spent so many hours playing it…
- Comment on An old magazine page talking about how impressive the Sony Playstation is 6 months ago:
I still have my video game magazines from the 90s. Sometimes I like to read them to see exactly this kind of news
- Comment on Double Dragon 3D revival announced for PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, and PC 7 months ago:
I really enjoyed playing double dragon on master system with my brother
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
When someone dies or when someone is playing for a long time. This game is so much fun, I’m enjoying a lot, back in the day I didn’t like that we played a different character rather than Snake, but since then(and revengeance) I became more fond to Raiden
- Comment on How’s the progress of (insert retro game title) going? 7 months ago:
I’ve been playing MGS2 with my kid after finishing MGS.
We are enjoying a lot and I didn’t remember the graphical difference between ps1 and ps2 were so big
- Comment on Is there ever going to be a way to post images from this instance? 8 months ago:
Maybe we could gave some front-end apps doing that work for the user(posting the image into a storage site and adding its url into the post automatically)
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Moderators own shit.
I’m a moderator for a community, but never in my mind this idea came to me. I’m just there to help the community and that’s all.
Ultimately the only one who owns it is the admin
- Comment on Just a few attention-grabbing retro game ads that would land studios in hot water today. (more in post body) 10 months ago:
The hand of the guy holding the yellow Gameboy looks like it’s coming from a PS1 game lol
- Comment on Unreal Tournament 2004 20 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective 11 months ago:
I played UT99 a few months and yeah I had no chance against the regulars. The only match I got a good position turns out I was playing mostly against bots and hadn’t realized it
- Comment on Vote fuzzing. Are we seriously doing this here now too?? 11 months ago:
What is vote fuzzing?
- Comment on Should I get an NES, Master System; or an Atari 7800? 11 months ago:
I wouldn’t get the Atari, other than that is up to your preferences, but I think NES is better
- Comment on 25 Years Ago, PlayStation Was Blessed With An Amazing Advergame 11 months ago:
Nah, living in Brazil I recall this game, not the ads though
- Comment on Lemmy has taught me that Firefox is the way 1 year ago:
This post is about China, but why are you talking about the US?
- Comment on Fact 1 year ago:
And they can just use you on the terms which are described in your EULA
- Comment on Stop wearing Vision Pro goggles while driving your Tesla: U.S. transportation officials, Calif. police 1 year ago:
I’m not sure about your definition of AR, but if the camera is showing the real world plus digital content then it’s augmented reality.
Here is some definition:
In virtual reality (VR), the users’ perception of reality is completely based on virtual information. In augmented reality (AR) the user is provided with additional computer- generated information within the data collected from real life that enhances their perception of reality.
- Comment on Poignant post on the state of things 1 year ago:
96% of mammals, not animals. So it does not count fish, birds, reptiles, insects and etc…
I mean, it’s still a shocking number
- Comment on The Quest To Preserve Japanese Feature Phone Games 1 year ago:
Wow, that’s a really hard work. Hope they manage to work things out
- Comment on The 7th Guest (PC, 1993) 1 year ago:
Great game, remember going to my friend’s house to play on his pc, but I think I’ve never been able to beat it
- Comment on We have a new status page, including federation status, at! 1 year ago:
It’s really nice to see that is financially stable, congrats sunaurus :)
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
It would have been so much easier if instead of splitting Vietnam and Korea, they kept one for each empire to take care of
- Comment on The lamest countries 1 year ago:
Do they play victim? It doesn’t look like
- Comment on She broke it so she could baguette properly.... 1 year ago:
Since most US people go to the market by car why do they need to pack? When I shop by car I just throw everything in the cart and then everything in the trunk, I only pack meat and some other moisty stuff
- Comment on PC spec for retrogames 1 year ago:
You can plug it on a TV and multiple controllers? To play as a regular video game
- Comment on silent hill 1 is probably my favorite game of all time, and i find the PS1 graphics gorgeous. any other SH fans? 1 year ago:
Fatal Frame 2 was so good, gave me a lot of goosebumps playing it back then
- Comment on PC spec for retrogames 1 year ago:
Thanks, this is a really good insight. Indeed Retropie has spoiled me a lot because it is so reliable with the emulators it has(except n64).
I’ll look more deeply into this, thanks again :)
- Comment on PC spec for retrogames 1 year ago:
I just like the idea of having everything in one place
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 9 comments
- Comment on isn't it weird how newer games manage to look more realistic than older ones? - GST Channel [5:32] 1 year ago:
I was reading one of my old magazines and there was an article mentioning how water on Unreal(the original) was so close to real life.
Also I remember playing Alien vs Predator FPS and mentioning to a friend that games couldn’t get much better graphics because it was almost indistinguishable from reality