- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
You mean RTS games? Warcraft is from ‘94, two years after Dune 2 was released.
- Comment on What games popularized certain mechanics? 6 months ago:
Battlefield 2142 had that, don’t know it that was the first one to do that though. Might’ve been BF2.
- Comment on Kate Mulgrew told Rick Berman she wanted a gay character on the Voyager bridge 8 months ago:
Who turned out to be gay in Picard but Berman didn’t have anything to do with that I believe.
- Comment on Kate Mulgrew told Rick Berman she wanted a gay character on the Voyager bridge 8 months ago:
Who turned out to be gay in Picard but Berman didn’t have anything to do with that I believe.
- Comment on In the show *South Park*, Stan/Kyle roughly represent the ideals the writers see themselves as striving for, while Cartman is who they subconsciously want to be 11 months ago:
I’d say Cartman represents our basest and darkest thoughts, fantasies and desires.
The thoughts we have but most of us do not act upon. They’re harmless as long as we don’t act upon them. Except Cartman does.
- Comment on PowerWash Simulator x Warhammer 40,000 - Official Release Date Trailer 1 year ago:
I was waiting for the release date to be April 1st. Guess the jokes on me, it’s February 27th.
- Comment on What kind of a gift can you give your teacher out of respect, but that doesn’t get mistaken for romance? 1 year ago:
Not a teacher (but I work with people that sometimes want to give me gifts when we say goodbye) and I agree, card or a letter is great!
Either that or something I can share with my colleagues (chocolate, assorted sweets).
- Comment on what's the bigger trigger to anorexia, society or inner trauma? 1 year ago:
It boils down to the old ‘nature vs nurture’ debate.
Current consensus is that it’s a bit of both. Or, to be more precise (and modern), social factors, biological factors, and psychological factors all interact.
- Comment on While everyone is watching the world stage and some are predicting WWIII, isn't there a good chance that the USA is getting close to some kind of civil war? 1 year ago:
The same guy yes.
- Comment on Jurassic Park: Survival | Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
The trailer somehow feels like Alien: Isolation
- Comment on Sneak Peek at Lower Decks’ Finale by IGN 1 year ago:
No but it’s the best explanation I could come up with given there’s others experiencing the same.
- Comment on Sneak Peek at Lower Decks’ Finale by IGN 1 year ago:
Same for me (in the Netherlands). I suppose it’s something to do with the license being revoked to get us to subscribe to Paramount+ or something.
- Comment on ROCKSMITH 2014 LEAVING STORES - Ubisoft 1 year ago:
Renewing the license probably costs more money than what a nearly 10 year old game is likely to make.
- Comment on The list goes on and on 1 year ago:
His magnum opus!
- Comment on Resistance is Futile. This is some dope fanart 1 year ago:
I’m not sure if it’s the same artist but this reminds me of some awesome Horus Heresy fanart I saw once.
Great stuff
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Short answer: Sure, why would you need our approval anyway.
Longer answer: it’s a complicated conflict where shitty things are done by both sides and it’s probably not as simple as supporting one side over the other all the time.
I’d say a lot of it is politicians being political for their own gains and normal people (Israeli and Palestinian) getting fucked. But who am I eh?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Short answer: Sure, why would you need our approval anyway.
Longer answer: it’s a complicated conflict where shitty things are done by both sides and it’s probably not as simple as supporting one side over the other all the time.
I’d say a lot of it is politicians being political for their own gains and normal people (Israeli and Palestinian) getting fucked. But who am I eh?
- Comment on IRL Star Trek dialect of Tamarian language 1 year ago:
Troi, her mother aboard.
- Comment on How has your Lemmy experience changed over the past few months? 1 year ago:
Content is improving but the apps well! I’m currently using Voyager (wefwef) and it’s a lot better than when I started using it (around the great Reddit exodus).
The dev said they’d be scaling down support but it’s fine for now and even if it starts lagging behind for some reason there’s a couple of great alternatives as well (Avelon works very well for example).
- Comment on Mortal Kombat 1 Switch trailer featuring Steam achievement taken down 1 year ago:
There’s games I wouldn’t even consider getting for the Switch. Like MK and Doom. They’re such graphical powerhouses and that’s not what the Switch is for. I play those on my PS5.
To be fair, I mostly use my switch for first party Nintendo games and like another user has said the Switch sometimes struggles even with those (I’m looking at you TotK).
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I loved this level in Mario 3.
- Comment on It took me 16 years to figure out why I hated a Journey song. What song did yiu hate untim yiu figured out why? 1 year ago:
I can see why that would be the case.
It pained me to see the obituary news items for one of the greatest guitarists ever to feature the one song where he isn’t even playing it.
- Comment on It took me 16 years to figure out why I hated a Journey song. What song did yiu hate untim yiu figured out why? 1 year ago:
Not just vibes either! That’s actually what the song is about except for some reason no one ever really listens to the lyrics.
- Comment on It took me 16 years to figure out why I hated a Journey song. What song did yiu hate untim yiu figured out why? 1 year ago:
Don’t get me started on Jump! What were they thinking!?
‘Right guys, we’re one of the biggest rockbands in history right? And Edward, you’re one of the hottest guitar players since Hendrix are you not?
What if, and hear me out on this one, you don’t actually play any guitars in this song except maybe for the solo?’
Drives me crazy that that’s become their most popular son!
- Comment on It took me 16 years to figure out why I hated a Journey song. What song did yiu hate untim yiu figured out why? 1 year ago:
It don’t actually think it’s about Ragnarok though?
It’s about Vikings going on raids and Valhalla and all that good stuff but I’m pretty sure there’s not mention of any Ragnarok type stuff.
- Comment on Is there a labour-friendly car company? 1 year ago:
Who knew suicide was the greenest option!
- Comment on Lemma - TestFlight - Public Release 🚀 1 year ago:
The more you know…
I found the App Store wrapped app to be much more responsive when swiping. And I like the haptic feedback a lot.
- Comment on Lemma - TestFlight - Public Release 🚀 1 year ago:
Voyager is in het iOS App Store as well. Works just fine native.
- Comment on [What is the best movie you watched last week?] 26 August 1 year ago:
My guess as to why it doesn’t feel ‘old’ is that it set the standard for modern blockbusters.
- Comment on Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 - The First Preview | gamescom 2023 1 year ago:
Greatest description of the 40k setting ever