- Comment on Are there any non capitalistic technology companies still around? 5 hours ago:
I have a couple decades experience as a software engineer and manager. I don’t know if you’re ready to hear my answer, but here it is:
You might be in a bad situation, it’s hard to say with a single data point. There are bad bosses out there and it can be a nightmare, even at a good company. The “easy” fix is to try working on a different team or a different company and see if that solves the issue. Easy is in quotes because, as an immigrant, it may be tough to move to another employer.
The harder answer is to look inside yourself.
Your title asks about non-capitalistic companies. There are non-profits, but I don’t think capitalism is your problem here. You’re still going to run into problems at non-profits or even volunteering in open source if you aren’t able to integrate well with teams.
There are always going to be cultural expectations no matter where you go. The situation you described about having a 1:1 over asking questions suggests you either have an overly sensitive manager or your manager is right and you are not effective with your feedback. Asking questions can open up conversations or be used to bully people you disagree with.
The way you disagree matters. It’s not enough to be right, you need to persuade other people to be right too. As a manager, I’m focused on the team’s output and if one person is causing problems with the group dynamic, I’m going to address it.
I’m hiring right now and have passed on candidates who fall into the “brilliant jerk” stereotype. There’s research that shows that those types drag the rest of the team down. Remember, I’m focused on the entire team, so any one person needs to fit into that context.
If you find that your interpersonal skills need a boost, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” has good advice but it’s hard for some people to accept advice like “let other people be wrong when it doesn’t matter” and “compliment people.”
The other thing I’m reading in your post is that you may be burned out. The classic solutions for that are therapy, rest, exercise, and investing in life outside work. It’s hard to spot burnout sometimes, but check in with your support group.
So that’s 3 options forward: change your situation, improve your skills, or rest up and recover from burnout. Good luck.
- Comment on PlayStation VR2 is getting a price cut ($550 --> $400) 4 days ago:
Are there any must-have games? The new Batman Arkham is a Quest exclusive. Beat Saber isn’t that great without community tracks.
- Comment on This is getting interesting.. 2 weeks ago:
Funny how all the fraud just so happens to be in orgs that are regulating President Musk.
- Comment on "Poetic take" on the state of the US 3 weeks ago:
I read this in the voice of “Macho Man” Randy Savage.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Eraserhead (1977)
- Comment on Twitterrific team launches new ‘Tapestry’ iPhone app for Bluesky, Mastodon, RSS, more 3 weeks ago:
The interesting thing to me is that you can code and share your own feed sources. This means you can integrate APIs, or even scrape sites.
- Comment on Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejui.... 7 months ago:
Does she want Harris in the Oval Office before January?
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
I’m not dropping my kids off at a stranger’s house, and to be a bit sexist here a single man’s house, and paying him to let my kids swim at his pool, drive go karts on open pavement, and play store-bought laser tag.
An insured fun center with employees? Sure, maybe. Some guy’s home? Absolutely not.
I also am not putting my kids in an Uber alone.
If you want to be Johnny Karate, figure out something you can bring to birthday parties or kids events and make your money that way. But “unlicensed daycare” is a hard no.
- Comment on A Nintendo World Championships Gold NES Cart Is Available For Sale For The First Time In A Decade 7 months ago:
I’ll take my validation where I can get it, thanks!
- Comment on A Nintendo World Championships Gold NES Cart Is Available For Sale For The First Time In A Decade 7 months ago:
I played this three times! There was a qualifier round, then a quarter final or something on stage, and I did well enough in that that I got to come back the next day and lose on stage! I peaked in 1990.
- Comment on I genuinely feel like I wouldn't live that differently even if I suddenly became ultra-wealthy. Am I kidding myself? 7 months ago:
One of those guides to “what to do if you win the lottery” says to, up front, decide how much and who you want to fund. Want to buy all your friends and family houses and college tuition? Sure.
But the thing is that money can make people go crazy. Some people will always want more. Sure you got them a house, but you’re rich, why can’t you get them a car too? And now they’re a little behind on bills, surely you can help them out, right? And it never stops. Not everyone, but someone.
You might be interested in this podcast episode that touches on the subject:
- Comment on I genuinely feel like I wouldn't live that differently even if I suddenly became ultra-wealthy. Am I kidding myself? 7 months ago:
You are suddenly super rich. Now all your friends and family expect you to provide for them. Every kindness they offer is suspect, are they doing it because they like you or because they want your money? How can you really know?
You don’t have to work and can go anywhere in the world. But your friends still have jobs, so you travel alone.
Some of your friends start to resent your new lifestyle. Others may just be staying quiet. You read about “crabs in a bucket” and distance yourself more from them.
It’s really isolating, but you meet some other wealthy people and you know they don’t need your money. And… you actually have some stuff in common with them. Yes Ibiza is overrated, but they suggest another place to check out. You go out with them to amazing restaurants that your old friends wouldn’t even appreciate. You can commiserate about how hard it is to get good help these days.
On top of all that, you slowly start to notice an emptiness inside. You should be happy! You don’t have to work anymore! You have everything you could ever want! Why do you feel this way!?!? Drugs and expensive purchases fill the need momentarily. If try telling your old friends that you’re not all that fulfilled, they’ll pull out the world’s tiniest violin for you. You lack purpose and goals, and feel like you are drifting in a life of luxury completely devoid of meaning.
If you’re lucky you find a way to have a new purpose in life and accept that the money changed you. If not you spiral and, best case scenario, wind up broke.
- Comment on epidemiology 10 months ago:
This is addressed in The Rise And Fall of DODO. There’s a whole decontamination quarantine period for time travelers.
- Comment on Steam says those hours you time criminals put in during advanced access now count toward the refund allowance 10 months ago:
This headline took me 3 reads to parse and English is my first language.
- Comment on space 10 months ago:
Time and space are the same thing, if you’re traveling in time it seems like you could travel in space at the same time.
- Comment on YouTube now suggests new content *by colour* 1 year ago:
Promotion-packet driven development
- Comment on Why is alcohol measured in percentages? 1 year ago:
ABV works for all types of packages. It could be helpful to know that a can of beer contains 18.6ml of alcohol, sure, but what about a bottle of whiskey or vodka? Is it better to know that it’s 40% alcohol or 300ml? Should a bar publish that a keg has 4.2 liters of alcohol in it?
With ABV you can compare alcohol across volumes.
- Comment on Why is she making KD at 1:30 am? 1 year ago:
OP, is everything ok at home?
- Comment on Twitter Moment 1 year ago:
Kang or Flash? Johnathan Majors beat his girlfriend until she was unconscious because she tried to grab his phone when she saw texts from his affair partner.
Ezra Miller was up to some super weird stuff I can’t remember what though.
- Comment on Should I move to Docker? 1 year ago:
No more dependency hell from one package needing 5.3.1
and another service absolutely can only run 4.2.0
That and knowing that when i remove a container, its not leaving a bunch of cruft behind
- Comment on Amazon's strict return-to-office policy is pushing more employees into quitting 1 year ago:
Strong disagree. It’s a lot easier to find a job when you have a job.
- Comment on OpenAI's offices were sent thousands of paper clips in an elaborate prank to warn about an AI apocalypse 1 year ago:
I just play it on a desktop browser, hard to say what $2 is worth to you.
- Comment on OpenAI's offices were sent thousands of paper clips in an elaborate prank to warn about an AI apocalypse 1 year ago:
Yeah, but as you progress it becomes a bit of a thought experiment about AI.
- Comment on OpenAI's offices were sent thousands of paper clips in an elaborate prank to warn about an AI apocalypse 1 year ago:
Whelp, time to waste another 4 hours on Universal Paperclips
- Comment on Microsoft offers to match pay of all OpenAI staff 1 year ago:
Microsoft employees who have had their pay frozen reading the news like
- Comment on If other countries can afford massive internet pysops why can't I find a job in the states where I get to meme and troll all day for the US military? 1 year ago:
Not for the US military but that’s literally political advertising. Have you seen what the Lincoln project does?
- Comment on I'm bleeding, making me the victor! 1 year ago:
I am a great magician, your command uniforms are now red!
- Comment on Still the greatest Bond villain 1 year ago:
Ok but Mrs. Doubtfire was the villain of the story 100%.
- Comment on Robot mistakes man for box of peppers, kills him — Malfunctioning sensor system blamed for technician’s death at Korean food plant 1 year ago:
Add them to the list on Wikipedia
- Comment on WeWork founder remains a billionaire even with firm’s bankruptcy | The Straits Times 1 year ago:
Oh neat, just like my house! Maybe I’ll get a neighbor and then there will be 2 people in the US who don’t live on the coast!