- Comment on Support local bands 3 months ago:
I’ve been seriously considering picking up a trumpet and starting a ska band with some of my other middle aged friends just for shits and giggles. Seems like a lot of fun.
- Comment on ps2 graphics 4 months ago:
You’re thinking of American Samoa which is different from the Independent State of Samoa, formerly known as Western Samoa and a sovereign nation.
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samoa en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Samoa
- Comment on Sorry, there’s no way Qualcomm is buying Intel 5 months ago:
Well that just solved the question of “what should I watch tonight?”
- Comment on North Korean group infiltrated 100-plus companies with imposter IT pros: CrowdStrike report 6 months ago:
They actually have a fairly comprehensive training program setup through their “University.” They also mix in foreign contractors, usually from China.
- Comment on They only show up after midnight though 7 months ago:
They’re about raising the sarcophagus. Those things can be heavy.
- Comment on Geography is neat 10 months ago:
- Comment on Getting old sucks 10 months ago:
“my spoon is too big”
- Comment on To buy no longer means anything :( 11 months ago:
I never even received an email. I haven’t touched Minecraft in years, probably never would have again, but my daughter is getting into it and I thought it would be fun to play with her. I found out about the migration when trying to troubleshoot why I couldn’t log in.
I tried to contact support and they told me that they had “widely communicated the migration through email and social media” and that because I had missed the migration window, I would simply have to buy a new copy. I double and triple checked. No emails regarding the migration and I’m not on social media.
- Comment on Stanley Kubrick is a magician 1 year ago:
This one? youtu.be/_loUDS4c3Cs?si=oaF9L2yCBFuy35KB
It’s a great watch on the subject.
- Comment on Data: It is... it is groovy. 1 year ago:
“Austin Powers, his loins ready.”
- Comment on who among us would not ask the same questions 1 year ago:
Christine Chapel in the original series was played by Majel Barret, who’s other roles in later Star Trek series include voicing the ships computer, and Lwaxana Troi.