- Comment on GLARTHIR - NUTTY (FULL EP) 5 weeks ago:
I’ve had Star (Adoring Fan) in my music rotation for years, but damn these are bangers.
- Comment on Alex Jones' Infowars to Be Shut Down, Assets Liquidated 8 months ago:
The families don’t care about the money, the point is to get him to stop doing this. He’s still saying Sandy Hook was a false flag, just like he does every single time there’s a shooting. He’s still spreading propaganda and lies every day, and still defaming people. His own lawyer argued that the amount was excessive specifically because Alex was going to keep doing the same thing anyway so the fine wouldn’t matter and they might as well reduce it. This isn’t about letting him do what he does and seizing the profits.
There are so many people doing guy with a microphone news, as you put it (not that InfoWars can be considered news), that without his studio and company he’ll just be another one of these extremist grifters ranting on X 24/7 and will hopefully fade away. Reducing the amount of damage he can do to people is the goal.
- Comment on Final Fantasy Maker Square Enix Will Aggressively Pursue a Multiplatform Strategy After Profits Tumble 9 months ago:
“After” profits tumble? We haven’t even had a chance to buy FF16 or Rebirth yet, and if they’re like Remake there’ll still be a year to wait for it to get off Epic and onto Steam. Just sell us the damn game if you want money.
- Comment on Car spotting game 9 months ago:
We only had “punch bug what colour?” and you’d get hit repeatedly until you either saw it or guessed what colour it was.
- Comment on A Tekken 8 streamer spent almost a week using a one-button mashing bot to prove that Eddy Gordo is as big a menace as ever 10 months ago:
Ah that makes more sense. I thought it was doing that throughout the match which would be a nightmare.
- Comment on A Tekken 8 streamer spent almost a week using a one-button mashing bot to prove that Eddy Gordo is as big a menace as ever 10 months ago:
I haven’t played Tekken since 3, but Eddy is one of the few characters I remember and he was unstoppable back then too. I just realised he certainly would have unconsciously been my inspiration for getting into Capoeira years later. Godspeed, Mr Gordo.
I watched the clip in the article, is that slow-mo and zooming part of the game by default? That’s unbearable, it’s worse than a Zack Snyder movie.
- Comment on Star Citizen Just Had its Biggest Crowdfunding Day Ever With $3.5 Million in 24 Hours 1 year ago:
Same. Until these things are physically in my hand I’ve got plenty of other stuff to get on with, what’s the point of wasting years chasing them. It’s the same with any marketing really, give me a title, pitch & release date, I’ll see you then.
- Comment on The Difficulty Paradox 1 year ago:
It depends on the type of game I guess. I like the way Final Fantasy 13 did it when you arrived on Gran Pulse. Everything was there from the start of the chapter, there were some enemies you could handle, some that were a challenge, some that were out of your weight class and some that would wipe your team without even noticing you were there. You had to pick your battles and know when to bail. Despite the problems that game had, you could at least feel yourself getting stronger while the world stayed roughly the same.
- Comment on Is the government really trying to control your TV? Here's what its proposal on streaming apps means for you 1 year ago:
How about nothing gets pre-installed and we can install what we actually want?
I made the mistake of getting a “smart” TV as a computer monitor because it was the only 4k display I could get my hands on. I connected it to the internet and it immediately installed 12 different streaming apps, some of which I’d never heard of, then stuck the PC display right at the end of the list. You couldn’t just turn it on to the PC channel, it goes to the main menu and you’d have to scroll all the way across to the end which was off-screen every time. Instant factory reset.
Even now when I turn it on it has to go to the main menu first, then I have to select the PC, then it has a big popup about how the TV is in gaming mode because keeping that shit on is the only way it’ll run at 4k above 60Hz.
- Comment on What is your favourite armour? 1 year ago:
All I’ve got is my Ranger clothing and Mantis suit, and I don’t really like any of it. I’m doing the Ryujin missions now so hopefully I’ll get something nice to wear. I still need to find something for the crew too.
- Comment on How about that Ryujin questline? 1 year ago:
I’m partway through it, playing as a character with good stealth and persuasion. The only other faction line I’ve done is the Ranger one, and this one is much more fun & interesting. My only complaint is that the missions are a little too quick & simple, especially considering I’m still trying to get the hang of travelling without fast-travelling but I always manage to make multiple jumps instantly by accident.
- Comment on Thrilling Dialogue Options! (Spoiler) 1 year ago:
If it’s the thing I stumbled into yesterday then not only can you choose not to do it, if you’re part of a certain faction you can refuse in a way that lets everyone walk away happy without starting any fights. 3 completely different outcomes affected by faction relations sounds pretty good to me.
- Comment on Thrilling Dialogue Options! (Spoiler) 1 year ago:
How do you feel and what do you think are pretty much opposite questions though, one’s asking for a reaction and one’s asking for analysis. So far in my experience the game has been pretty good about different dialogue options, I’ve reloaded a bunch of conversations to explore the directions they can take, it’s not like say Pokemon where you always have 2 choices and they always lead to the same line of dialogue that addresses both.
- Comment on Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam 1 year ago:
It’s not perfect, but that helped a lot. The audio’s still a bit dodgy, but the freezing has stopped and I can actually play now. Thank you very much.
- Comment on Starfield Is Bethesda's Lowest-Rated Game On Steam 1 year ago:
I’ve got well above the recommended specs but the game runs too badly for me to play, sadly. Every voice file is delayed by a few seconds (which is an eternity in lip-sync time) and the game stutters & freezes constantly, in both interior & exterior cells. I haven’t played since the latest update to see if anything improved, but I’ve easily got over 1000 hours in everything from Oblivion to Fallout 4 and had every intention of sinking the same kind of time into Starfield.