- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 3 days ago:
❤️ StVZO-compliant illumination ❤️
- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 3 days ago:
Same, and they might even have properly adjusted headlights, but as soon as they tilt up (e.g. due to a speed bump), the flashing lights make it look like they are sending me a light signal. Usually takes a few seconds until I realise they just hit a speed bump.
- Comment on Fucking pigeons 2 months ago:
I have never ever seen a baby pigeon. Not even a picture. Where are they hiding them?!
- Comment on Rainbolt never misses 2 months ago:
- Comment on What I learned from 3 years of running Windows 11 on “unsupported” PCs 4 months ago:
Interesting, how would that work if your corporate IT department uses an (Azure/Entra) active directory system? Can you use a bare metal Linux OS on a Microsoft-based domain service? Asking out of ignorance and curiosity.
- Comment on What I learned from 3 years of running Windows 11 on “unsupported” PCs 4 months ago:
As an engineer, all my jobs so far have used niche internal corporate software which would only be available for Windows. This would be Document Management Systems (DMS’s), internal reporting tools (progress and hour keeping), software distribution programs etc.
And of course the engineering tools themselves are often only built for Windows, whether it’s proprietary PLC programming environments or CAD software.
That said, I can run both WSL and a corporate-approved Debian VM on the same work laptop as a compromise, for whatever makes sense for the task. Still sucks though! At home I’m a Debian fanboy 4 lyfe.
- Comment on Cords 6 months ago:
Yeah, let’s call it a self defence cable instead. Like a corded taser.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Nah, industrial communication protocols in the IT industry uses lots of master/slave terminology. E.g. Modbus and Profibus DP comes to mind.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
The majority of users are either a communist or almost a communist.
I was 97% communist at the last measurement. I think I will get the final 3% any day now, God willing.
- Comment on Tesla’s Autopilot and Full Self-Driving linked to hundreds of crashes, dozens of deaths 10 months ago:
a human produces 1.35 deaths per 100M miles driven
My car has been driven around 100k miles by a human, i.e. it has produced 0.00135 deaths. Is that like a third of a pinky toe?
- Comment on But my WiFi is just fine! 1 year ago:
Or ensuring the spool is still useful 15 years later while everything has migrated to SFP/QSFP
Nah, the remaining spool will be useful for the rest of its/your lifetime, it always comes in handy as a generic 4-pair twisted pair signal cable for any non-ethernet purpose. I’ve used my old spool twice this year; first for an m-bus cable to my power meter and then for a limit switch for my garage door.
- Comment on Are metric measurements like decameters and hectometers ever used? 1 year ago:
From my experience in Norway, these are typical in context of daily speech: (…) km, m, dm (kinda rare), cm, mm
Don’t forget the Scandinavian mile! You and the Swedes use it all the time.