- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
I love that the genesis of that was an article calling him a “short fingered vulgarian” aka a common thief but he was too uneducated to realize that and instead thought they were making fun of his small hands. He would send the author pictures of himself with his hands circled in gold sharpie trying to prove that his hands were actually of normal size. The internet then picked up the small hands thing and ran with it.
- Comment on recruiting theocracy 10 months ago:
I saw a Navy chaplain when I was going through some tough times in the Marines. I told him right off the bat that I was an atheist and he didn’t push any religious shit on me. He just talked to me and worked with my command to get me seen by a trained therapist. Other Marines I knew had similar experiences. Chaplains are officers outside the normal command structure and are trained to provide services to everyone regardless of their faith or lack there of. Also a lot of military members are at least nominally religious so it makes sense to have someone to coordinate religious activity, especially overseas where there aren’t local religious institutions.
- Comment on Hyperloop One to Shut Down After Failing to Reinvent Transit 1 year ago:
Plus you would have to armor the whole thing and spend a bunch on security because one guy with a .50 rifle or some explosives could destroy a whole section and close the whole thing by punching one hole in it.
- Comment on UK plan to digitise wills and destroy paper originals "insane" say experts 1 year ago:
“Hanging chads” on paper ballots helped Bush swing/steal the election from Gore. Paper ballots have a lot of problems too. At least in California every vote on an electronic voting machine generates a paper ballot.
- Comment on NASA uses laser to send video of a cat named Taters over 19 million miles 1 year ago:
They probably stored it on tape which was slow but could hold an impressive amount of data.
- Comment on Japan Earthquake Alert App Says Sayonara to X - Unseen Japan 1 year ago:
There is also a great Japanese metal band by that name as well as a old school punk band.