- Comment on The best Linux distribution for gaming in 2025 2 months ago:
Largely most distros shake out to be about the same. Anything that runs a more aggressive release cycle (Fedora, opensuse tumbleweed, etc) will support newer hardware better. Slower release cycles (debian, Ubuntu, etc) may not support the latest and greatest.
The more important pick will be your desktop environment (gnome, KDE, etc). This will impact how you use the system more. There’s plenty of information out there but feel free to DM me if you have more specific questions - Comment on D-Link refuses to patch yet another security flaw, suggests users just buy new routers — D-Link told users to replace NAS last week 3 months ago:
Most reached EOL in may of this year.
- Comment on Microsoft has a big Windows 10 problem, and only one year to solve it 4 months ago:
I only use windows at work rn so I don’t really get into the guts of it much. It works well enough most of the time but I’ve had to adjust and most of the adjustments are dealing with annoyances like the start menu. I also can’t just install arbitrary apps to solve all the issues. I appreciate the points you’ve made but I’ve largely found the usability of this OS to be meaningfully worse than Windows 10 and incomparably worse than my recent linux experience.
- Comment on “I am still alive”: Users say T-Mobile must pay for killing “lifetime” price lock 4 months ago:
I haven’t really had any of these issues. Those would certainly be enough to push me away. I know I was having somewhat similar issues with consuming the content before enabling hardware acceleration. I haven’t tried changing audio tracks so idk there. I’m sorry to hear you’ve been having a bad time
- Comment on “I am still alive”: Users say T-Mobile must pay for killing “lifetime” price lock 4 months ago:
Curious about your issues with jellyfin? Ive been using it basically issue free for a few months
- Comment on Microsoft has a big Windows 10 problem, and only one year to solve it 4 months ago:
I take issue with the settings menu still relying on the old menus while having shuffled things around so I’m forced to look for settings. I don’t really bother with tabbed file explorer because it doesn’t bother saving my last open folders. I can’t speak to dark mode.
I can say that the start menu is horrendously slow, it can take up to 5 seconds for it to load. Sometimes keystrokes disappear in the start menu only to magically appear some time later. They made the right click menu worse and only changeable in regedit. They made RDP credentials only saveable using CMD. They removed vertical taskbars. There are a lot of issues in going to windows 11 for me.
I’m sure there are some improvements but at work we have a wiki page on how to unfuck up windows 11 so it works how you expect it to.
- Comment on Microsoft has a big Windows 10 problem, and only one year to solve it 4 months ago:
Ctrl + alt + t opens a terminal in most DE I’ve used as well
- Comment on Ah yes, regression 4 months ago:
That was a joy. Thank you for sharing
- Comment on Games that stuck with you 8 months ago:
I love this game. Number 1 game I’ve ever played. Sooooo good. I love thr characters so much
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I don’t mean to support amazon in this, but the article outlines them promoting their own products over others? Unless the buy box implies something other than “we would like you to buy this”, I dont really understand the issue with that particular point
- Comment on The incredible pixel-smashing game Noita got a huge free update 10 months ago:
I loved the voice actors and the visuals of hades but I actually couldn’t really get into it much. The gameplay just didn’t quite work for me lol. Different strokes for different folks I guess
- Comment on The incredible pixel-smashing game Noita got a huge free update 10 months ago:
Thanks for sharing your opinion! I think a lot of people enjoy digging into a game via guides and wikis to learn how to min-max. I think I’m one of those people so I would probably enjoy that aspect it.
I think (without having played more than 1 run) that a lot of where improvements come from in skill is consistency, and that’s something I enjoyed a lot is learning slay the spire (making most runs at least somewhat viable).
All that said, it’s a game and you should obviously enjoy yourself playing a game, or leisure time in general :P A shame it didn’t land for you though
- Comment on The incredible pixel-smashing game Noita got a huge free update 10 months ago:
Can you elaborate. 2 of my friends both love this game. Just curious what left you feeling underwhelmed
- Comment on Some more pallet art 11 months ago:
This looks sick! Thanks for sharing it :)
- Comment on Check out tactical dice-rolling roguelike combat in Slice & Dice 11 months ago:
I’ve played a decent amount of this game (nothing crazy, <20 wins on hard) and the new changes released recently feel pretty good! Would definitely recommend checking this out. I would personally recommend playing on mobile since it works so well for that platform
- Comment on Why a kilobyte is 1000 and not 1024 bytes 1 year ago:
Most native English speakers tend to take blunt statements/questions negatively due to the culture (especially true in north America).
I enjoyed reading the article but I would agree with the above commenter that it may be a bit lengthy. Generally speaking writing tends to be more engaging in this format if it’s a bit more concise, both as a whole and on a per sentence basis.
There was also a typo somewhere, I think “the” instead of another word, I read the article a few hours ago now so I can’t remember, sorry. I don’t think I would have guessed you were not a native English speaker from the article. Overall, I liked it and congratulations on putting something out there! - Comment on Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 1 year ago:
I’m getting back into the witcher 3 horse. Ive played it on and off over the years but never completed it. I’m looking forward to putting more time into it because its a really cool game so far
- Comment on emacs 1 year ago:
I use vscode with vim plugin. I find this to be a pretty great combo, for me at least
- Comment on What Are Some Good Card Videogames? 1 year ago:
I just wanted to add that STS is a spectacular game and I hope you enjoy. Its a very challenging game but you learn pretty quickly.
If you run into issues and want advice there’s a bunch online but I’d love to help if you need it. Best of luck to you :)