- Comment on He's so negative. He's so weird. 3 weeks ago:
The real Mr Belvedere nut crushing story is even funnier than the rumors had it
- Comment on Handful of users claim new Nvidia GPUs are melting power cables again 3 weeks ago:
Better would have been:
Handful of users complain about 3rd Party Cables Melting Their 5090FE.
- Comment on Microsoft retires WordPad after 28 years — app no longer available as of Windows 11 24H2 5 months ago:
vim with global ls_colors and dircolors kinda user huh? Nothing wrong with that.
- Comment on Microsoft retires WordPad after 28 years — app no longer available as of Windows 11 24H2 5 months ago:
On a default install on NP++ you can only save as rtf, but there are addable plugins that give some rtf functionality. So as a direct answer, no, it doesn’t, but it can.
- Comment on Microsoft retires WordPad after 28 years — app no longer available as of Windows 11 24H2 5 months ago:
Microsoft: We can’t spy on your usage when you use wordpad, use O365 instead!
- Comment on End of the Road: An AnandTech Farewell 6 months ago:
I’ve been following Anand since he only did youtube videos and was considered a n00b. Back then, competition from the likes of Kyle @ [H]ardOCP, AMDZone, TheInquirer (now theregister), Tomshardware and many others I honestly don’t remember off the top of my head really ruled the roost.
Anand made a name for himself in the company of some very tough competition.
Hats off to the man, he had a great run.
- Comment on Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome 1 year ago:
I only listed Opera b/c Vivaldi is based on it:
Vivaldi is absolutely a descent FOSS product, but will agree with the Opera sentiment and have edited my post more accordingly.
- Comment on Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome 1 year ago:
I only listed Opera because Vivaldi’s based on it, but that’s about where it ends. Vivaldi and FF are the only two I use tbh.
- Comment on Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome 1 year ago:
Opera, Vivaldi and Brave are descent alternatives.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
As per iFixit and other sites like tvserviceparts, it depends on the Vizio model. Mainstream models you can often replace the screen and even power input board, others you simply cannot without sourcing their brand though.
Example repairable model:…/120241
Vizio makes it 100% impossible to acquire a replacement of: buttons, bezels, control boards and input boards for intellectual property rights reasons.
In short, unlike other brands, they make it far less easy to repair either by IP restriction or by over usage of glues.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Sounds about right: Vizio the throw away brand. Horrible warranty terms, they refuse to repair them even if you offer to pay and completely unrepairable yourself.
- Comment on OpenAI wants to raise 5-7 trillion dollars. Yes, Trillion 1 year ago:
What are we going to do tonight Pinky?
- Comment on X appears to be juicing MrBeast's views as Elon Musk tries to woo the YouTuber to the platform 1 year ago:
- Comment on sooo that's how they hunt... 1 year ago:
Fun fact: When a rabbit is dying they scream like a baby, literally, to alert other rabbits. They’re definitely stupid in many ways, but they do have some built in survival tactics.
Source: Used to raise and eat rabbits.
- Comment on At some point, you start to forget how old you are 1 year ago:
Lmao, was thinking the same thing.
- Comment on Shitpost 1 year ago:
I love that they took the time to replace the bottle with a TP roll and asd TP in the background, but couldn’t be bothered to modify the sign or product description.
- Comment on Please check you kids' Halloween candy, everyone 1 year ago:
Mint?.. MINT? We’re a RED HAT household Mister! You have some explaining to do!
- Comment on Apple’s new USB-C iPhone cables and dongles are predictably expensive 1 year ago:
and yet people will still buy them.