- Comment on Isn't it possible to frame almost any opinion as a question? 1 week ago:
Don’t you think that the sentence “Is ‘Is a question?’ a question?” makes more sense than “‘Is a question?’ is a question?”?
- Comment on English is a strange language. 3 weeks ago:
Was it delicious?
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 17 comments
- Comment on JetKVM - a polished take at the nanoKVM(?) 3 months ago:
OK, I’ve read the wiki entry but I still don’t understand what KVM is, or why it’s needed. The last time I visited a data center - every server rack came with a laptop-esque looking control unit. What problem does KVM comes to solve? What does this invention improve upon a traditional KVM?
- Comment on What kind of special knowledge or equipment does piracy groups have? 4 months ago:
But cracking ed25519, or RSA , is something that state actors can’t do without massive resources… What am I missing here?
Even if I reverse engineer Linux, I can’t know the decryption keys for my encrypted data… Are you saying that HDCP is not “Secured” but “Jumbled up”? If tomorrow the source code for it get released - then “The jig is up”? - Submitted 4 months ago to | 18 comments
- Comment on PayPal implements default data sharing with third parties: users must manually opt out 4 months ago:
They can’t give a reward for a “oh shit we’re running out of hedge fund money, we need to stay solvent , let’s sell out our user’s data”
- Comment on Please make sure to check the expiration date on your toilet paper 5 months ago:
First they take the dingle bop and they smooth it out with a bunch of schleem
- Comment on C++ should be called ++C 5 months ago:
Have you ever tried sugar, or…
- Comment on Jawgs 6 months ago:
Baby dog too too to do to do…
- Comment on All Windows users should immediately update their computers. An exploit rated 9.8/10 (CVE-2024-38063) compromises all devices running Windows with an IPv6 address. 6 months ago:
Serious question - I haven’t touched my Xbox one for about 4 years , it wasn’t powered and wasn’t connected to the internet - I would love to jailbreak it and run Linux on it. Can it be done?
- Comment on Sevens 8 months ago:
- Comment on Parfait au pork 9 months ago:
What’s taters, precious?
- Comment on Google One is shutting down its VPN feature later this year 10 months ago:
Someone should tell about this astounding development
- Comment on How Google is killing independent sites like ours 1 year ago:
Oh man… I X my Z on the regular 😀
- Comment on Banana for scale 1 year ago:
Udderly* ridiculous
- Comment on Carrot 1 year ago:
- Comment on Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey and the Blustery Day 1 year ago:
Disney is VERY litigious , meaning that they will sue for copyright , saying that you haven’t use the public domain version of a character - you used their version - because their version has a pretty nose or whatever.
- Comment on Minisforum MS-01 announced. 2x10g sfp, 2x2.5gbe, pci slot, 3xm2 slots. 2xUSB4 40g. What do we think? 1 year ago:
Got optic to SFP bridge from my ISP (only because I insisted on using my own router) , that was fed into SFP to RJ45 adapter that I have bought (via Amazon - apparantly the ISP’s have lobbied to not import it here) and then connected my router.
That went somehow ok untill I switched ISPs , now the optic cable is fed into an ISP provided decryption module , paired specifically to the mac address of my router.It’s like the ISPs went onboard with upgrading to optic because they could excert more control over their customers.
- Comment on DARPA Research Leads To Groundbreaking Discovery In Quantum Computing. 1 year ago:
And if it can, are there any cipher suites that are quantom-proof?
- Comment on AI for Web Devs: Addressing Bugs, Security, & Reliability 1 year ago:
The irony…
Here’s how the title is shown on JerboaBugs, Security, & Reliability
- Comment on Do Huawei phones have a secret backdoor that the Chinese government can access? 1 year ago:
On the same vein, do wo know if Intel Management Engine is a NSA backdoor?
I keep hearing about the potential of it beeing a back door, but haven’t heard an exploit using it roaming about the interwebs - Comment on All in the Memery 1 year ago:
Also never seen it - but I named my old laptop Archie Bunchie , and I cant not think that the idea came from the show
- Comment on Why does the permanent timestamp in CCTV footage sometimes change color? 1 year ago:
It seems like over engineering when stuff like this are common knowledge.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 13 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 18 comments
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 50 comments
- Comment on Just about every Windows and Linux device vulnerable to new LogoFAIL firmware attack 1 year ago:
It is legacy boot MODE inside UEFI. Turning this thing on does nothing in regard to the exploit.
- Comment on Just about every Windows and Linux device vulnerable to new LogoFAIL firmware attack 1 year ago:
- Comment on Google Chrome will limit ad blockers starting June 2024 1 year ago:
OMFG Someone pleaae fork FF and make this one a reality