- Comment on I know 2026 will suck already, so I am rooting for 2027 to be rad as fuck! 3 weeks ago:
You’ve just opened a wikipedia rabbit hole. Wish me luck I may never return.
- Comment on I know 2026 will suck already, so I am rooting for 2027 to be rad as fuck! 3 weeks ago:
I know wrong community but, what year did early civilizations think it was? Was their year zero our 10,000BC? What was their “the big thing that started the calendar”?
- Comment on How do you keep up? 4 weeks ago:
I run Debian on most of my systems and run all of my services in docker (with rare exceptions for node_exporter or stable core tools). My base systems get automatic security upgrades, and then I’ll manually check in every few weeks whenever I feel like it.
My services in docker are version locked to a specific major version (when there’s a tag available) so I can usually re-pull to get minor version updates freely without breaking issues. My few more finnickey services get manual upgrades from me every 6 months or so only.
I usually stick to an OS version for as long as I can, and to that aim I stick to LTS versions with long support windows.
4 major versions in 12mo is…a lot. Especially if those include breaking changes for you. Yikes
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
There’s no mention of meat pies in that story, not even sandwiches.
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
To be fair they weren’t inbred yet
- Comment on Eat lead 4 months ago:
If God created it in that state then they should be curious to understand that creation. They look at rainbows as the beauty of creation but not the fact that lead exists in these crystals. It’s all equally beautifully complex. So why not try to understand it.
If God made the world look like it was created billions of years ago there must be something worth learning from that, even if you believe it was snapped into existence 6000 years ago.
- Comment on Everything on credit 4 months ago:
Not everyone has access to the financial education that teaches you how bad this is. I see so many people that don’t actually understand how credit cards work because they “just got one” after signing up for a rewards program (basically, got scammed into signing up).
- Comment on How do you get better at debate without necessarily doing a debate? 4 months ago:
Don’t rely too much on ChatGPT here. It’s not a human and isn’t going to respond the same way a human would.
If you over practice with that tool you might become great at debating ChatGPT but that may entrench bad habits that hurt you when debating a human.
- Comment on How does US "early voting" works logistically speaking ? 4 months ago:
I think this is the strongest protection against this attack. You’d need to identify enough people at enough varied polling locations to be significant enough to sway an election.
Do too many at one location and it raises flags. Cast a vote with a name that also votes absentee or at another location, raises flags.
You’d have to distribute enough fake votes over a large enough area and across enough different shifts to not get anyone’s attention. And that’s expensive and hard to keep secret due to how many people would be involved.
- Comment on Does hair in food carry any health risks? 4 months ago:
A lot of food safety laws are built around the highest levels of safety because you never know how vulnerable one of your patrons might be. I have no idea about the actual health impacts but based on that I assume it’s another minor vector for foodbourne illness that alone has a really small impact.
I’m more worried about what it means about the rest of the kitchen’s cleanliness. Hairnets/hats are easy, so if they can’t do that then what else are they forgetting?
- Comment on Father horrified by an AI Chatbot that mimicked his murdered daughter 4 months ago:
The alternative isn’t controlling how people use chatbots on their own machines. It’s limiting corporations from profiting off of chatbots that use another person’s likeness.
You don’t need to jump to assuming regulations would have to control what you do on your computer specifically.
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
I have my primary, and my secondary, and my secondary secondary.
Leader/follower works though.
- Comment on Are there any legal issues with pulling out of an interview? 6 months ago:
No legal issues at all. Worst case they will blackball you from interviewing at that company for a few years, and tell other companies in that industry, or others that work with those recruoters at least, that you’re a flake and try to get you blackballed there too. And that’s going to be incredibly rare and only really happen if you’re an asshole about it or no-call-no-show the interview and waste their time.
Politely decline to continue with them, they’ll probably appreciate that you’re being honest and not wasting their time interviewing you for you to just say no later.
“I’ve decided to pursue other endeavors, thank you for your time”.
- Comment on For here am I sitting in my tin can 6 months ago:
The last update I heard (granted that was weeks ago now) was that the capsule was faulty but still perfectly functional for reentry. They just wanted to do more testing first since reentry would also destroy their opportunity to learn more about what’s wrong.
Its apparently still entirely functional for emergency reentry.
- Comment on Dynamic IP - Self hosting 7 months ago:
Many registrars let you buy a domain and set up dynamic DNS for it within their system so you can own a domain and get dyndns on it.
Otherwise you could accomplish it with a VPS but you’d only need the smallest one available because it would just need to run nginx to forward to your home ip (and a small tool to update that IP when it changes). So you could probably get something for less than $5/mo.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
It’s not even limited to smart cars though. Yes used does let you a oid it, but it’s not like this is just people buying the fancy trims either. Shit like this is working it’s way down to the run of the mill standard cars year after year.
- Comment on How to opt out of the privacy nightmare that comes with new Hondas 9 months ago:
And each type of communication needs it’s own switch. Don’t let them pull some BS trying to make you enable all the hardcore tracking via a cell network just because you want to connect to Bluetooth.
- Comment on Movie industry demands US law requiring ISPs to block piracy websites 10 months ago:
Cool. Now all, of Google Drive is blocked because one guy hosted a movie there for a few days.
- Comment on Roku disables TVs and streaming devices until users consent to new terms 11 months ago:
Especially for physical goods.
- Comment on If Trump and Biden both died today, what would happen? 1 year ago:
Them both being dead is both convenient and conveniently suspicious. Since Trump is guarded by secret service, conspiracies would arise saying they (under Bidens order, or a Harris power grab) killed him. It would be completely absurd given the circumstances and no reputable source would support it, but people would believe it anyway and Fox would push the story. Widely broadcast funerals for each of them.
Then nothing… The conspiracies would flow, but nothing much would change.
- Comment on How would you build a GPU-heavy node? 1 year ago:
I wonder if you could copy (or buy used) some crypto mining rigs for this. I’m not sure if there’s some kind of bottleneck im not aware of though.
- Comment on What can I do with an old laptop? 1 year ago:
That’s a shame. I didn’t realize it was that locked down. Ive had a lot of terrible routers but all the ones I remember allowed me at least a port forward.
I think OP can accomplish some of the same result if he can get a cheap VPS to connect through (have the laptop Wireguard to the VPS, then have a proxy on the VPS forward to the laptop over the VPN, but that’s probably not worth the hassle for a starter project unfortunately.
- Comment on What can I do with an old laptop? 1 year ago:
With most consumer wifi networks you can usually enable port forwarding. That would let you access services from anywhere.
Personally I would set up a Wireguard VPN server on the laptop and enable port forwarding only for the Wireguard port. This will let you access your laptop from anywhere, and it will protect you by limiting your attack surface (basically you only need to have a device Wireguard connection and you don’t need to worry as much about securing every other service you want to run).
Then I’d set up dynamic DNS with any DNS provider so you don’t need to keep track of a changing IP.
Then you can install whatever services you want on the laptop and you’ll be able to access them from anywhere by connecting to the Wireguard VPN. It does mean you can’t easily let a friend access a service on your laptop, but the tradeoff is you don’t have to worry as much about security while you’re learning.
- Comment on Cox deletes ‘Active Listening’ ad pitch after boasting that it eavesdrops though our phones 1 year ago:
It’s especially weird when the existing targeting can be so effective for much cheaper.
For tvs for example, they can see what you watch, when, what ads you mute and which you don’t, what you display over HDMI (content ID), the other devices on your network, your location, your accounts for every streaming service, what you search for. Then if you install their companion app they learn the other apps on your phone, your location habits, the media you play on your phone (looking at you Bose connect app…), bluetooth and network devices you are near (connecting you to other profiles they know), and probably a lot more.
- Comment on Cox deletes ‘Active Listening’ ad pitch after boasting that it eavesdrops though our phones 1 year ago:
Maybe. They might do some processing locally and just upload as text so it might be easy to batch the data, making the upload volume and pattern less obvious.
It also saves them network bandwidth so I’m sure that would motivate them too. Uploading raw mic data from all TVs would be expensive.
- Comment on Manager: This task only takes 30 minutes. Why did it take you the whole day? 1 year ago:
Don’t just summarize the content though, summarize the rationale or how things connect. I can read your diff myself to see what changed, I want to know the logical connections, the reason you did X and not Y, etc.
Or just say “stuff” and provide that context in the PR description separately, no need to overdo the commit log on a feature branch if you’re using squash merges from your PR.
- Comment on Manager: This task only takes 30 minutes. Why did it take you the whole day? 1 year ago:
- Comment on GitHub Desktop or Git CLI? 1 year ago:
Sourcetree is still best by far for history browsing, and I’ll die on that hill.
- Comment on Nowadays, on certain games and game launchers, you can play the game before its fully downloaded. How is possible? 1 year ago:
I think it’s more that you can play the game with low res textures while all the high red ones download.
That and I’m sure they order the download so level 1’s textures download first too so you’ll probably not end up reaching the areas being downloaded until they’re available.
- Comment on Windows 12 May Require a Subscription 1 year ago:
This feels most likely to me too, though maybe even for an Edu or “managed” Windows install of some kind where you get more support and more opinionated stable installs or something. Sort of like Windows S mode but maybe with more help.