- Comment on King of incompetence and chaos 6 days ago:
- Comment on It works for anything 1 week ago:
If some image macros are meme.
And some meme are image macros.
Does that mean all image macros are meme?
- Comment on Video looped for ~5 min throughout Dept of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) HQ in DC as mandatory return to office began today 1 week ago:
Little-known fact about Elon right there
- Comment on Shake My Head Imaging Center 2 weeks ago:
So much hate
- Comment on Wall oven selection 3 weeks ago:
Did you have to finagle with the element at all to get it in?
Mine have a terminal pitch of 16 inch, and the only dimensioned elements I’ve seen so far with a similar shape are 18". I could flex it a bit I suppose.
Also most I have seen have quick-connect/Faston terminals, whereas my oven has screw terminals. Less of a problem than dimensions I suppose.
- Comment on Wall oven selection 3 weeks ago:
I think I will take a closer look at elements before pulling the trigger. Thanks for the nudge. I wish listings offered more than a photo and part number though - like maybe at least the width.
Just wish I would have paused to do that before I pulled the old one out…
- Submitted 3 weeks ago to [deleted] | 8 comments
- Comment on When people look back on the dawn of the computer age a few centuries from now computers, the internet and AI will all be a part of the same innovation 3 weeks ago:
The World Wide Web, then
- Comment on Is it time to ring the alarm on internet door cameras? 3 weeks ago:
Good guy landlord, remember to tip well
- Comment on Who would you send this to? 4 weeks ago:
This looks like the one, except no text
- Comment on Is it possible to fix one's eyesight? What are working methods? What is to be cautious about? 2 months ago:
I use my 14-year-old prescription to get a couple pairs of glasses from Zenni every couple years. Averages about $75/yr.
- Comment on TPU wall thickness for shoes 2 months ago:
TPU that’s been printed right sticks to itself extremely well
I’ve done many TPU prints that were stressed to hell and they hold up amazingly well. Like 2000 lb shock loads on little 2mm walls, hundreds of times, and not tearing or delaminating. Ninjatek Cheetah and Fiberflex 40D mainly, but others seem to hold up really well too.
- Comment on caution it about what? 4 months ago:
Dont skip chin day
- Comment on What is love? 4 months ago:
I would take the word “don’t” for president. Probably would do a pretty good job compared to some of the former guys
- Comment on 3D printed cloverleaf antenna maker 5 months ago:
A drone operator usually is not standing directly under the drone, so no. Or alternately, the drone if probably further away from you horizontally than vertically during most of its operation.
One interesting thing here is that, for a given altitude, the antenna gain will be higher the further away the drone is.
- Comment on 5 pin connector recommendations that have both male and female sockets available 5 months ago:
Would Molex Mini-Fit work for you?
- Comment on 5 pin connector recommendations that have both male and female sockets available 5 months ago:
Dang 10A is kind of beefy, what is this for?
Do you need IP rating?
If you didn’t need 10A I would have recommended M12 connectors
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
My mouse is on my dominant side so when I’m surfing porn I’m jerking non-dominant.
- Comment on Why do big corporations get to claim losses, but small businesses can't? 6 months ago:
they get audited, at least, yearly by law
The IRS doesn’t audit annually, companies hire 3rd party auditors. And it’s not a tax requirement, it’s a public-company requirement.
- Comment on Why do big corporations get to claim losses, but small businesses can't? 6 months ago:
Yes there is a difference, but LLC is a legal concept, not a tax one. The IRS taxes sole proprietors the same whether or not they have an LLC.
Tax entities include sole proprietorship (default), partnerships, s corps, c corps. Any of those can be LLCs, but they don’t have to.
- Comment on Why do big corporations get to claim losses, but small businesses can't? 6 months ago:
Profitability is just a proxy for whether someone is legitimately running a business, or just trying to save money on their hobby. Businesses can deduct expenses, hobbies cannot.
So if you are running an etsy store or an engineering company and buy a 3d printer to make parts, the cost of that 3d printer is subtracted from revenue for tax purposes. If your “business” is actually a hobby, it’s not legally a business expense and therefore it’s not deductible
- Comment on Black and white are condensed rainbows 6 months ago:
Now I have a virus :(
- Comment on Federal Reserve Explained 9 months ago:
Important to reinforce our understanding of how much of an infant muskrat is?
- Comment on [Troubleshooting] It's the clog guy again - temp readings are bad! 10 months ago:
I suspect an electrical issue on the motherboard.
- What happens if you swap the bed and hotend thermistor, and/or plug one of your reference thermistor into the bed input?
- What is the open-circuit voltage on the signal line of the hotend and bed thermistor inputs?
- What is the short-circuit current of the same?
If you see differences in those last two points, that is a clue that something is messing with the divider circuit that the thermistor is a part of.
- Comment on it works! only 99.99$! 10 months ago:
Yes this is absurd, but it’s a (serious) scientific community issue, not a search engine issue.
- Comment on What Relative Humidity do you keep for your PLA and how do you achieve that. 11 months ago:
23% is really just the bottom range of what your dryer will report. My dryer is 15%. Who knows what it really is below that, and whether those numbers are even accurate?
But after a day of drying at 50C you PLA will be bone dry regardless of what the dryer reports.
- Comment on How does delisting a game make/save money? 11 months ago:
I see “taxes” a lot but I have never seen someone explain the mechanism by which this is supposed to work.
The only thing I can come up with in my head is that they have capitalized the development costs and are currently depreciating the resulting asset. And that by cancelling/delisting the games it may allow them to immediately depreciate the rest of it, thereby recognizing a large expense for the current tax year, reducing profit, and therefore taxes.
Is that how this is supposed to work?
- Comment on Taylor swift got electrolytes too you know 1 year ago:
Was this comment ai-generated?
- Comment on Which option lads? 1 year ago:
- Comment on How to show your affection 1 year ago:
That’s my go to pickup line. On the first date I then proceed to “sugar,” and so on