- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 1 day ago:
Fuckin’ a. Respect
- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 1 day ago:
I agree with you. People can walk and chew bubblegum if ya get me.
- Comment on Amazon Boycot March 7-14th | No Purchases. Its time to disrupt the system. 1 day ago:
It sends a message - this is a warning shot. If things don’t change, another extended boycott can be organised. These people think quarterly, 7 days isn’t insignificant on that time horizon.
What are you doing?
- Comment on Like a prion 8 months ago:
Everyone is always talking about spider silk as ropes. What about DNA huh? Mass strawberry extraction for a DNA space elevator when?
- Comment on Beansitive 10 months ago:
Cations are pawsitive? Nawwww
- Comment on Theoretical Physics 10 months ago:
That’s why you get a theoretical degree in physics
- Comment on unlimited power 10 months ago:
The Omelas generator
- Comment on hard facts 11 months ago:
Truly the missing link
- Comment on Clive Palmer says Labor’s plan to cap political donations would silence ‘diversity of ideas’ 11 months ago:
Lmao if Clive cared so much about diversity of ideas, why did the UAP always vote with the Coalition 9.9 times out of 10?
- Comment on Expertise 11 months ago:
Hasn’t read the article methods: cOrReLaTiOn dOeSn’t eQuAl cAuSaTiOn
- Comment on A right to disconnect: what would new rules mean for employees and bosses? 1 year ago:
Yeah teaching sounds like such a terrible deal from my understanding.
Teachers have almost unrivalled bargaining power. They can stop society functioning if they go on strike - there is already a a teacher shortage, so no chance at scabs. The state teaching unions should be leveraging this to ensure they aren’t getting cooked over working hours.
- Comment on Australian red meat industry says it doesn’t need to meet its self-imposed net zero target 1 year ago:
If only there was a group of elected officials who could legislate and regulate industries who hurtle us towards extinction in the quest for unending profit. Wishful thinking I suppose
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Holy crap thank you so much !
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
I personally don’t give a shit about whichever store I use for gaming because I have no loyalty to Steam like a lot of the people in this thread. It’s just a store and launcher. I wish people would get a grip.
I buy games where it’s cheapest, whether that’s GoG, Steam or Epic or anywhere else. I use the wishlist functions to make sure I can price compare on sales etc.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
Hey can you post proof of this please?