- Comment on I am at a loss on words 3 days ago:
I dont remember being clever was a requirement for memes.
- Comment on Speculative Evolution 2 weeks ago:
57 minutes between the post and your comment, your sense of time is very precise.
- Comment on Motivational 4 weeks ago:
341 to be precise
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
- Comment on New social experiment 2 months ago:
- Comment on I'm just a 20 year old guy, AMA 2 months ago:
How stupid is that question. A hotdog is a taco, it’s a fact
- Comment on Protests erupt in Paris over pro-Israel gala organized by far-right figures 3 months ago:
Ah, so it’s not Le Pen and her friends? I was confused for a moment. They have 2 far rights now, phenomenal.
- Comment on Chemistry Jokes 4 months ago:
That was my guess, that it’s pronounced similarly to something else, but I didn’t know how to pronounce Barium in English. Wikipedia says it’s bɛəriəm/BAIR-ee-əm I wouldn’t pronounce “bury em” that way, but I know my pronunciation is not good. I speak like the Hungarians in the Monty Python sketch “Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook”. These kind of jokes don’t work on me.
- Comment on Chemistry Jokes 4 months ago:
What is the joke here? Im stupid
- Comment on Vintage 2001 Carpet Pattern - Most of its rise in popularity didn't occur until early fall of that year. 4 months ago:
It’s a bus seat.
- Comment on ps2 graphics 5 months ago:
I’m not sure. Some years ago a friend and me figured out, during a vacation it would be fun to take a lot of shrooms and just lie on the beach on a day like on the picture. We tripped our brain but we became crustaceans from outside from the sun, it hurt as hell for a week.
So folks be safe, consume hallucinogens in the shadow on days like that.
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
Content warning: annoying tiktokker
- Comment on Colorblindness check! 6 months ago:
I love that we have so much type of o-s. These are all different characters:
- Comment on I don't think it's true 6 months ago:
They are professionals, I guess they can buy the most silent wheels possible for moving the walls. The portapotty can be also prepared with extra soundproofing in its walls. They start with unrolling a carpet, I think this is important, it can be some special thick carpet also to minimize noise from moving with the chairs. They are recording on an urban plaza with cars in the background the general noise of the city can also help.
Oh and you see only a handful of victims in the final video. It’s possible that they recorded it 100s of times and they only included the funniest 10 scenes in the final cut.
They have some behind the scenes videos where you can see how much work is to set up even the most basic pranks:
- Here they show they had to stop a prank because they saw the victim was too distressed
I’m also fun at parties but because usually I consume a lot of coke
- Comment on I don't think it's true 6 months ago:
- Comment on Don't give up 6 months ago:
“log off” is another word for death, like unalive, to circumvent automatic bot censorship?
- Comment on The world if Africa didn't exist 6 months ago:
Map before James Cook DLC
- Comment on The world if Africa didn't exist 6 months ago:
Antactica where?
- Comment on Hide your couch! 7 months ago:
Im an alien. Maybe its a translation thing, in my native language young women are still called girls, there is nothing condescending to call someone a girl even in her 20s. We call children “litte girl”. I learn new things about amerikan culture every day on lemmy.
- Comment on Hide your couch! 7 months ago:
*female. I can find even more synonyms if you want.
- Comment on Hide your couch! 7 months ago:
Thank you, now i could read the story, and the meme became funny
- Comment on Hide your couch! 7 months ago:
who is this? not the girl, I know she is from a star wars
- Comment on 24/7 earbud gang unite 7 months ago:
4 hours missing, what were you doing that time? 8 hrs of sleep should be enough, than you have 16 hrs to watch the screen, those are rookie numbers.
- Comment on Hey, Baby, do those legs go all the way up? 8 months ago:
look ma, no hands
- Comment on Ska came before Raggae 🏁>>>🇯🇲 10 months ago:
Video is on Internet Archive:
- Comment on turtles 10 months ago:
The Hungarian word for turtles (both land and sea one) translates to “frog with a bathtub”
- Comment on Strange platform but I support it. 1 year ago:
Ah, so not fun drugs but classic drugs you buy in buildings. I hoped this is about extasy and cocain. Conservative politicians like that usually
- Comment on Strange platform but I support it. 1 year ago:
How Trudeau creates drugs? Canadian Breaking Bad?
- Comment on Strange platform but I support it. 1 year ago:
Why does he want more drugs? What is the point of the tweet, or is it how conservative shitposting looks like?
- Comment on Strange platform but I support it. 1 year ago:
What is the context, who is this? I like drugs, so im interested.