- Comment on BlackBerry's iconic keyboard patent has expired 1 week ago:
My 2001-era Sharp Zaurus SL-5500 PDA had the best slide out keyboard ever made, nothing has come close at all. A CF wifi card brought it so close to being a smart phone before there were smart phones.
I would buy it today as a phone if they’d just remake the original with an updated linux with QT equivalent option.
- Comment on A TikTok alternative called Loops is coming for the fediverse | Users own their content, and Loops doesn’t sell or provide videos to third-party advertisers or train AI on them. It will be open source 4 months ago:
Welp thars a hard no.
- Comment on AI-powered weapons scanners used in NYC subway found zero guns in one month test 4 months ago:
“Not Hotdog”
- Comment on Lexar doubles up the NM790 series SSDs max capacity to 8TB — new drives spotted at retail for approx $1,000 4 months ago:
And yet the entire context is discussing an expensive SSD that would go bad, inherently implying data loss as part of the inferred outcomes. Not a blender or a crock pot or the LCD display of a 1997 Honda Civic radio.
- Comment on Lexar doubles up the NM790 series SSDs max capacity to 8TB — new drives spotted at retail for approx $1,000 4 months ago:
In the name of even dumber stupid internet arguments, it was. Data loss along with the price paid was an obvious inference.
- Comment on The Mozilla Graveyard 5 months ago:
Care to share some highlights?
- Comment on Proposal to create a collective to own the topic-based Lemmy instances 5 months ago:
Hard no. Looks more like you are interested in more influence power, and control for yourself.
What qualifies you to be in a leadership position that directly affects content control?
Your instances are not being used the way you wanted, so you propose structural and organizational changes that, suprise, benefit your administrative influence from your instances.
You’re so focused on the details of your solution, you don’t seem to be holding or acknowledging any objective perspectives.
- Comment on A courts reporter wrote about a few trials. Then an AI decided he was actually the culprit. 5 months ago:
waves hands back and forth
“I don’t care”
- Comment on Why are people seemingly against AI chatbots aiding in writing code? 5 months ago:
This is a good quote, but it lives within a context of professional code development.
Everyone in the modern era starts coding by copying functions without understanding what it does, and people go entire careers in all sorts of jobs and industries without understanding things by copying what came before that ‘worked’ without really understanding the underlying mechanisms.
What’s important is having a willingness to learn and putting in the effort to learn. AI code snippets are super useful for learning even when it hallucinates if you test it and make backups first. This all requires responsible IT practices to do safely in a production environment, and thats where corporate management eyeing labor cost reduction loses the plot, thinking AI is a wholesale replacement for a competent human as the tech currently stands.
- Comment on YouTube confirms your pause screen is now fair game for ads 5 months ago:
What a weird downslope of a take that will obviously result in authoritarian government power expansion and futher censorship.
Just stop using it and support alternatives that dont do it. Have some self control.
- Comment on Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive” 5 months ago:
Reimplement the old WASTE client from the Nullsoft dude, this time with proper encryption and security and let’s call it a day.
- Comment on Toilet specific plungers get the job done faster and with way less effort and mess. 5 months ago:
Ok but where’s the poop knife?
- Comment on Doctors Remove Woman’s Brain Implant Against Her Will 6 months ago:
For-Profit Medical Corporations would miss out on some lowest effort, unethical, low margins for their extreme profiteering opportunities?
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
“Uh, I’m child free thank you very much, don’t tell me how to think.” /s
- Comment on If "Master/Slave" terminology in computing sounds bad now, why not change it to "Dom/Sub"? 6 months ago:
Whitelist and Blacklist is on that stack as well.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
If you are using Lemmy because you want privacy, you’ve already missed the boat, everything is wide assed open for datamining and advertising fingerprinting.
I’d hoped for an open system with open APIs and open implementations that allow everyone equal access to the system and bring equal accountability.
If people just want Reddit style fiefdoms with no real public accountability possible, then make a blackjack and hookers fork.
I’m really not interested in a system that bakes in more authoritarian secrecy and control, which could very well be an unexpected outcome of backlash to how this has been presented.
- Comment on All Windows users should immediately update their computers. An exploit rated 9.8/10 (CVE-2024-38063) compromises all devices running Windows with an IPv6 address. 6 months ago:
Winsock baby.
modem noises
- Comment on Doom Eternal's new official mod support includes 'the very same tools' used to create the game 6 months ago:
Marty Stratton of id Software tries to throw Mick Gordon and his entire music production career in front of a bus over the Doom Eternal OST issues:…/doom_eternal_ost_open_letter/
Mick Gordon responds with receipts and even time stamps in files from the id audio designer:…/my-full-statement-regarding-doom-ete…
Bethesda’s eventual response in a tone seeming written by Stratton himself:…/has_marty_stratton_found_his_appropr…
Fuck anything from id Software/Bethesda/ZeniMaxi Media until chucklefuck Marty Stratton is out.
- Comment on JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip 6 months ago:…/3863-RANS-Microsoft-wins-data-encodin……/microsoft_ans_patent/…/the-alliance-for-open-media-stateme…
If AVIF was not patent encumbered, AOMedia would not need to have a Patent License to allow open source use.
A majority of the most recent standards are effectively cabal esque private groups of Corporations that hold patents that on the underlying technology and then license the patents among each other as part of the standards org and throw a license bone towards open source. That can all be undone by the patent holders at their whim.
There’s no need to create a standard format that’s patent encumbered especially if they don’t ever intend to monetize that paten,t. It’s all about maintaining control of intellectual property and especially who was allowed and when they are allowed to profit from the standards.
- Comment on JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip 6 months ago:
No patent encumbrance. That was the entire point.
Clawing control of patent infected media standards is far more important for a healthy open internet built on open standards that is not subject to the whims and controls of capital investment groups eating up companies to exert control of the entire technology standards pipeline.
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago: is a community, /c/news is a subcommunity in that context.
It is whatever we collectively decide it is with enough traction at the end of the day, right?
- Comment on Some subreddits could be paywalled, hints Reddit CEO 6 months ago:
Comms and subcomms?
- Comment on JPEG is Dying - And that's a bad thing | 2kliksphilip 6 months ago:
Look it’s all actually about re-encumberancing image file formats back into corporate controlled patented formats. If we would collectively just spend time and money and development resources expanding and improving PNG and gif formats that are no longer patent encumbered, we’d all live happily ever after.
- Comment on Sci-fi writer and WordStar lover re-releases the cult DOS app for free 6 months ago:
My first real computer interaction in life was when I used the early version of ws that was a CP/M program rather than DOS (MS or IBM PC).
Frankly, I’d rather have a solid Wordperfect 5.x for DOS over Wordstar any day.
- Comment on 77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds 7 months ago:
The Upwork Research Institute
Lol, not exactly a panacea of rigorous scientific study.
- Comment on Webflow says 2TB of bandwidth is worth $1,250 per month 7 months ago:
11 hours of 500mbps bandwidth usage.
- Comment on NSA Claims It Can’t Watch a Tape It Recorded in the 1980s 7 months ago:
This sounds sideways, as FOIA processing is a part of city services, and state services, and federal services.
Treating it otherwise has always seemed to invite abuse.
We also have a rule regarding conversion of electronic data from internal proprietary format to something the requestor can read that allows us to refuse if responding to the request would cause an undue disruption to city services.
How is that a legal workaround against FOIA? Literally every response to FOIA causes a ‘disruption’ to city services in that context. This sounds like a strategy from management that is incompetent or intentionally unethical trying to avoid processing FOIA requests. “Undue disruption” reads as a convenient scapegoat to hide things from the public, a public that the government is there to serve in the first place.
It would have taken about 6 months for a full-time employee, and our city only has 11 staffers, so we were able to tell them “no.”
~165 hours for ever 10k documents to review at 1 min avg per doc. 45k documents = 750 hours = 25 work weeks @ 30hrs.
That’s $11,250 @ $15/hr wages. Call it $16,000 for FTE total costs as a govt employer. You can engage 10 local contracted temp workers to process the data in a under 3 weeks.Once you have done the review, the dataset to that point has been compiled and can be used for other such requests without additional expenditures towards recompiling data up to that date.
I’m sure budgets are carefully crafted to avoid including FOIA processing.
- Comment on Qualcomm spends millions on marketing as it is found better battery life, not AI features, is driving Copilot+ PC sales 7 months ago:
It’s strange so many comments keep experiencing it, almost like it’s something else entirely, but it couldnt possibly be Candleja
- Comment on The theory that we live in a simulation involves simulants running their own simulations; wouldn't that require impossibly more resources for the main sim? 7 months ago:
So we’re getting Truman Show’ed, but on a scale assumed to be beyond our capability to investigate.
- Comment on Child predators are exploiting kids on OnlyFans despite vows of safety 7 months ago:
You mean gross revenue, not profit. 30% profit is after expenses including CoGS/wages and is good money if it scales.