- Comment on !fedimemes@feddit.uk, for memes about the Fediverse 5 months ago:
I see meme, I subscribe
- Comment on A wood bench made from scraped pallets 7 months ago:
That is incredible!! I tried to give away a ton of scrap wood once and never had any takers, thank you for repurposing some. You really did make it look new!
- Comment on Extreme sports are weird 8 months ago:
Ohhh yeah sorry, I might have misinterpreted the point of your post! Obviously no one dies from watching a horror movie so my comment doesn’t apply 🤪
- Comment on Extreme sports are weird 8 months ago:
I thought I was the only person who felt that way! It makes me so angry when people with spouses and kids or even parents who love them do hyper dangerous sports. Like surely there has to be something more worth doing that doesn’t orphan your children??
(Obviously any sport has some risk as do things like driving, I’m referring to things like free diving or free climbing where there’s no way to have a real safety net)
- Comment on Shower thoughts are just thoughts but in a shower 8 months ago:
Omg literally a shower thought
- Comment on Just knowing Lemmy is here makes me feel better 9 months ago:
Me too; I prefer Lemmy now but I’ve gone to specific subs on Reddit when I didn’t know where else to find certain info and I’ve noticed a serious reduction in both quantity and quality of posts. I kept wondering if it was in my head but it’s so many different subs I think it must be the case. Good riddance!
- Comment on If someone pleads not guilty in court and is then found guilty of the crime anyway, does perjury get added to the list of crimes as well? 1 year ago:
Stop making me laugh so hard I’m gonna wake up my kid 😂
- Comment on How do I stop hating children? 1 year ago:
That’s a great insight for you to have! It’s easier to address a struggle if you can identify the root of it ❤️ Also many of us can empathize with being treated that way as children.
- Comment on If someone pleads not guilty in court and is then found guilty of the crime anyway, does perjury get added to the list of crimes as well? 1 year ago:
I love this question.
Also it makes me so angry when serial killers still try to deny their murders years after the fact. The only thing worse than a killer is a lying killer.
- Comment on Statistics in a nutshell 1 year ago:
Thank you, you rock 😆
- Comment on Statistics in a nutshell 1 year ago:
Wow no joke it was super nice of you to explain that to me 🤣 I’m still don’t follow 100% (my brain isn’t well suited for math) but I do find it funnier understanding it more!!
- Comment on Statistics in a nutshell 1 year ago:
I wanna get this so bad but I don’t and I want to be socially accepted by peers so I won’t ask for an explanation
- Comment on Are any self-cleaning cat litter boxes any good, or worth the money? 1 year ago:
Really not worth it in my opinion. I’m hoping some day it will be, kind of like how robot vacuums used to ha e a lot more problems and be a lot more expensive.
We couldn’t afford any of the robot litter boxes for starters, even if we could manage the huge upfront cost (compared to the cost of even a high quality regular litter box), they all have some type of additional ongoing cost. Bags, or filters, or replacement parts, or more expensive litter.
Second, every one I looked at had reviews about cleanliness not being completely covered by the machine, so you sometimes have to clean a lot more parts than just quickly rinsing a typical litter box. Some people’s cats also get dirtier, or struggle to aim in some robot ones.
Third, I find the smell worse with any that you don’t dump or replace the tray every day. Using a diaper Genie honestly works much better for that for us. And I would rather know that I only need to take the 30 seconds to scoop every day as opposed to suddenly waking up to a broken litter box or having to spend an hour plus cleaning every part of it.
Lots of different opinions on here which is great, this is just my take!
- Comment on US sets policy to seize patents of government-funded drugs if price deemed too high 1 year ago:
Man that’s a really important piece of information, it should be in the article title. The greediest companies are not the tax payer funded ones
- Comment on yesyesyesno - videos that start good and end badly 1 year ago:
Sweet!! I don’t know if there’s a nononoyes but if not I hope it comes too!
- Comment on Don’t forget the exposed ceiling 1 year ago:
LOL good point 😆
- Comment on Bringing the power of books to the fediverse 1 year ago:
I love Bookwyrm!!
- Comment on Hey, the A.I said it not me. 1 year ago:
I mean the grey background and bland expression may be skewing our perception. I wanna see these people in a meadow with a mouth open smile wearing colorful pastel clothing!
On another note I’d love to see photoshop battles start up on Lemmy 😎
- Comment on Google caught placing big-brand ads on hardcore porn sites, report says 1 year ago:
Because the porn industry is rife with exploitation and trafficking and underage individuals and exploiting addictions and sexual abuse?? Come on it’s not that difficult to put the pieces together.
- Comment on Don’t forget the exposed ceiling 1 year ago:
Aaaah I didn’t know redd.that had a memes community, this made me so excited 😍
- Comment on WhatsApp seems set on introducing ads, but they won't appear in your inbox 1 year ago:
Not gonna lie I did this with all of my friends and family and most of them switched 🤣 But I completely get not wanting to go there!
- Comment on WhatsApp seems set on introducing ads, but they won't appear in your inbox 1 year ago:
I actually haven’t heard of Matrix, it sounds like your knowledge on this topic surpasses my own!! I’m gonna research the things you mentioned though because I’m interested!
- Comment on WhatsApp seems set on introducing ads, but they won't appear in your inbox 1 year ago:
Use Signal instead and donate what you can per month! I’d much rather support them than Meta
- Comment on Scarlett Johansson hits AI app with legal action for cloning her voice in an ad | An AI-generated version of Scarlett Johansson’s voice appeared in an online ad without her consent. 1 year ago:
Joan Is Awful coming soon to a reality near you
- Comment on Body Dysmorphic Disorder - A community to support people suffering from BDD 1 year ago:
An important one, thank you ❤️
- Comment on New rules for bots on lemm.ee & Lemmy programming stream 1 year ago:
I watch Kitboga’s coding streams!! And they’re very low key as well. I think it’s an awesome idea!