- Comment on trump puts 25% tariffs on Aussie steel and aluminium 3 weeks ago:
I remember reading that the government was hoping that because we run a trade deficit with the yanks they wouldn’t do this. Look forward to that just being the assumption and the government having done 0 planning.
- Comment on Today could be a day for soul-searching. Instead we cling to a distant monarchy in denial of our racist past | Paul Daley 4 weeks ago:
They really aren’t buzzwords, it’s simply a short way of describing what the Uluru statement proposed. The issue is that the failure of the voice both encouraged the right wing to shit on indigenous issues and tell labor that it’s not worth the political capital to touch you indigenous issues.
If you want concrete policy goals then you could look at the royal commission into aboriginal deaths in custody and email your MP to act on the recommendations. Or see if you get anything out of the reports from the yoorrook commission if you’re in vic.
- Comment on Today could be a day for soul-searching. Instead we cling to a distant monarchy in denial of our racist past | Paul Daley 4 weeks ago:
“here’s 3 simple things we should be working on”.
Three things to work on would be truth, treaty and voice? Those aren’t simple though.
I think the nation accepting the voice would have been a step towards reconciliation, since it would have been a sign showing the nation accepts wrongs that exist in its history.
- Comment on The guardian on Joe Rogan's popularity in Aus, and some peoples' reasons for listening. 5 weeks ago:
It loops seamlessly every 90 or so minutes
- Comment on The guardian on Joe Rogan's popularity in Aus, and some peoples' reasons for listening. 5 weeks ago:
Don’t forget the money he’s given.
- Comment on Australian bosses on notice as 'deliberate' wage theft becomes a crime 1 month ago:
I hope you’re right, but I suspect a case like this will not count still because “oh the payroll didn’t work properly” means you didn’t do an audit but you didn’t deliberately do it.
- Comment on Australian bosses on notice as 'deliberate' wage theft becomes a crime 2 months ago:
“deliberate” seems like a pretty high bar. Of course it doesn’t stop employer groups crying that literally stealing is being made illegal.
- Comment on Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will work remains a mystery 2 months ago:
It then law is written loosely enough they may just try to apply it however is politically convenient at the time. Don’t like people using signal? Guess signal is social media lmao.
- Comment on Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will work remains a mystery 2 months ago:
Nevermind then. I wasn’t giving them much credit but it was still too much it seems.
- Comment on NDIS participants can no longer access sex worker services through funding. Advocates say it's a 'deep betrayal' 2 months ago:
Thanks Bill! Really saving the taxpayer there.
- Comment on Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will work remains a mystery 2 months ago:
The legislation does note that some services are “excluded”, but does not name specific platforms. For example, while services providing “online social interaction” would be included in the ban, this would not include “online business interaction”.
Looking forward to watching Facebook claim it’s all a business interaction because they’re selling the user data or something. Also surely this includes any and all online forums.
- Comment on Australia’s social media ban for kids under 16 just became law. How it will work remains a mystery 2 months ago:
If they were rushing through the bill then any amendments in the senate would require the bill to go back to the house. Partially explains the reluctance to consider amendments (though why bother with debate then).
The ban is, however, backed by 77% of Australians, according to a new poll.
Most of whom probably don’t care how it was passed or details on the amendments.
- Comment on The peer review system no longer works to guarantee academic rigour - a different approach is needed 3 months ago:
Honestly, reducing the teaching + publish-or-perish + the constant need to apply for grants would go a long way towards fixing the review process. Academics have to spend a lot of time doing a lot of non-academic work that peer reviewing properly sometimes gets pushed down the list of priorities.
- Comment on David Crisafulli vows to repeal ban on developer donations and ditch ‘corrupt’ full preferential voting system 4 months ago:
Fair call. It would be nice if QLD had an upper house to hopefully block proposals like this.
- Comment on David Crisafulli vows to repeal ban on developer donations and ditch ‘corrupt’ full preferential voting system 4 months ago:
It’s not clear to me that moving to optional is what he means:
“Preferences should not be a thing in Queensland elections, and it won’t be if government changes,” he said.
This quote suggests to me he wants to get rid of preferences all together.
- Comment on David Crisafulli vows to repeal ban on developer donations and ditch ‘corrupt’ full preferential voting system 4 months ago:
Definitely not something a corrupt person would say.
- Comment on ANU asks staff to give up agreed pay rise to help reach $250m cost cuts 4 months ago:
Even with a 10% pay cut the VC will be remunerated over $1,000,000 per year, even despite the university’s poor financial performance.
Afaik the ANU VC earns about $650k (here). Not that this isn’t probably 6-8x what most others in the university earn.
Pretty much agree with everything you say though. I’m about to graduate from ANU and I’m glad to be leaving tbh.
I would just add that, while the unis are managed poorly, the cuts to the sector by successive governments can’t be excused.
- Comment on Academic publishing - pfft 4 months ago:
Because if no one reviews the articles then anyone could publish junk. In highly technical fields the only people qualified to tell if something is BS science are the experts in the field, so they review and make sure the article has some merit.
That’s not to say the reviewing process is perfect, but it does at least help to filter some amount of bs.
- Comment on Someone got woken up on Sunday morning 🤣 5 months ago:
There’s an android app called URLCheck that can strip unwanted bits off the end of urls and then open them as well.
- Comment on PM warns of 'consequences' as thousands of CFMEU workers march across Australia 5 months ago:
The house might look good in a sort of greeny-teal shade
- Comment on What moment from a video game made you cry? 1 year ago:
I convinced my partner to play it recently and the way I knew she’d finished it was that I could hear sniffling from the desk behind me.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is betting that Australia is too weak to protect its elections 1 year ago:
American politics infects Australian politics in many ways sadly.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is betting that Australia is too weak to protect its elections 1 year ago:
This changes the effect of negative campaigning (people still show up in Aus vs the US), but the idea is to dissuade people from voting for someone, rather than encourage them to vote for you. This might have a positive effect on votes for the party doing the negative campaigning, but I think it’s a poor definition of convincing someone to vote for you.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is betting that Australia is too weak to protect its elections 1 year ago:
I don’t think this is a useful definition of voting for
which implicitly gets them to vote for you. Seems to only be true if you think of there being only 2 parties, which is why I don’t think the definition is good.
- Comment on Elon Musk’s X is betting that Australia is too weak to protect its elections 1 year ago:
Compulsory voting means any campaign has to be focused on actually getting people to vote for you
I don’t think this is necessarily true, did you miss the massive amounts of negative campaigning that happens every election?
- Comment on Labor to reconsider mandatory data retention laws for companies in light of major hacks 1 year ago:
Yeah but how are the cops supposed to access our data without a warrant or any form of notice?
- Comment on internet points 1 year ago:
While its true that there are open-access journals and conferences without such costs
To publish open access normally costs upwards of $3k USD as well. There’s practically no point in the publishing chain where academics aren’t getting screwed.
Let’s also not forget that you have to review other people’s papers for the journal for free.
- Comment on Hopefully this means it will be a full trial with an outcome unbiased by media 1 year ago:
Well as people worried about victims I’d just be worried it might seem a tad disingenuous quote from a vast minority of cases and not provide any quotes from victims that never see justice you know?
- Comment on Hopefully this means it will be a full trial with an outcome unbiased by media 1 year ago:
What happens to people who have been raped and weren’t believed or were falsely accused of faking it? Just wondering if they have similar experiences with mental health?
- Comment on Hopefully this means it will be a full trial with an outcome unbiased by media 1 year ago:
The rate of false accusations of rape is really hard to determine but is generally regarded as being pretty low (Vicpol puts it at ~5% based on studies). It’s also extremely hard to get a good number though, since false does not mean unfounded.
I don’t think it’s justified drawing an equivalence between rape and rape accusations given the evidence we have on the rates, it makes it seem like false accusations are happening way more than they actually are.
Also given who this probably is, this is likely not the only accusation of rape also, which decreases the likelihood the accusations are false I would suggest.