Software developer interested into security and sustainability.
- Comment on What host names do you use? 1 day ago:
- Comment on 2 weeks ago:
Rust is special regarding references but Kotlin reads similarly.
- Comment on Hoggies 5 months ago:
In French, oursin (urchin) seems to be the diminutive of ours, which means bear. So oursin means something like “little bear”.
- Comment on Do you encrypt your data drives? 10 months ago:
Files could be decrypted by the end user. The OS itself could remain unencrypted.
- Comment on AI now beats humans at basic tasks — new benchmarks are needed, says major report 10 months ago:
- Comment on Google Contract Shows Deal With Israel Defense Ministry 10 months ago:
You could try organic maps.
- Comment on ...So I Finally Quit Spotify 1 year ago:
Then it may be a token stealer.
- Comment on ...So I Finally Quit Spotify 1 year ago:
If your account is linked to your Google, Apple or Facebook account that might be the culprit (I think you can see this in yout account settings). You need to check that because the consequences could be way worse than just having access to your Spotify account. You can use HaveIBeenPwned to look for leaks matching your e-mail address or password.
- Comment on Just about every Windows and Linux device vulnerable to new LogoFAIL firmware attack 1 year ago:
Due to Secure Boot (if it actually enabled since there are some bogous implementations) this can be prevented. If I understand it correctly, LogoFAIL bypasses this security measure and enables loading unsigned code.
- Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year ago:
It was already like this in Europe when I began to use Spotify in 2015. I do not hate it because the app’s free tier is already unusable to me due to the adverts.
- Comment on What is your favorite domain name provider, and why? 1 year ago:
Currently namecheap, but I was pretty mad to see that API access (for ACME DNS record auth, which I need to prevent downtime) was not available due to my yearly plan being too cheap. You need to spend at least 50$ per months or have at least 20 domains for no good reason.
The best solution seems to acquire the domain using namecheap and then transfer name servers to a better service.
- Comment on Top physicist says chatbots are just ‘glorified tape recorders’ 1 year ago:
Well, one could argue that our brain is a glorified tape recorder.
- Comment on Ally (bank)mobile app fails without connection to 1 year ago:
Maybe the app uses a WebView for login which itself includes a webpage with the tracker. It would be possible that the page’s content and trackers change without any change in the app.