- Submitted 9 months ago to | 2 comments
- Comment on What's your favorite note-taking application? 1 year ago:
Hedgedoc and Nextcloud Notes
- Comment on Selfhosting Overleaf 1 year ago:
I tried another TeX editors, but I had some problems with packages that I need in my documents :(. But I would left Overleaf bc it is really heavy software.
- Comment on Selfhosting Overleaf 1 year ago:
What? xD
- Comment on Selfhosting Overleaf 1 year ago:
Yeah, Even Dockge can do that
- Comment on Selfhosting Overleaf 1 year ago:
I know, That’s why I said I always look for Docker Compose bc it is the easier option.
- Comment on Selfhosting Overleaf 1 year ago:
The easier option is hunting for Docker Compose…
- Comment on Selfhosting Overleaf 1 year ago:
I know some Docker, even I built my own images, but I just don’t really like Docker.
- Comment on Selfhosting Overleaf 1 year ago:
yeah, it is available in yunohost catalog and as Docker project.
- Comment on Selfhosting Overleaf 1 year ago:
I would guess that you need to learn more about Docker usage in general, rather than just looking for a Docker Compose file
Yeah, I don’t really like using Docker so I always go for easier option, but my friend uses Docker a lot and also had troubles with Overleaf.
Also, I’d like to point out that Overleaf’s hosting and pricing options are quite reasonable, especially if you’re working for a university or institution:
I don’t work for university, but I am a student that needs Latex. Overleaf free plan got really bad, even my thesis cannot be compiled now and Overleaf pricing isn’t really great.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 22 comments
- Comment on Anyone knows a good lightweight self-hosted alternative to GitHub? 1 year ago:
Gitlab isn’t really lightweight. It is cool, but no lightweight.
- Comment on Do you use a self hosting solution? 1 year ago:
Plus they always try to hide how stuff works behind the scenes so that day that upgrade script has a bug and fails, it’s hard to revert to a working stage.
Yunohost is creating backups for apps that are being updated. If update fails, it automatically reverts. Yes, it works, I checked.
those projects get eventually abandoned,
Yunohost is here for years now, and it does not look like it will be abondoned any time soon.
- Comment on Do you use a self hosting solution? 1 year ago:
I use a Yunohost for more about 1,5 year. I love for stability and simplicity but also openess for more pro users. I have my own backup solution that works great. Yunohost isn’t popular but has big catalogue. Some of the apps are not present in catalogue, so I use Docker on second device to get them.
- Comment on Nextcloud alternatives 1 year ago:
Nextcloud is hard to install in manual way (even sometimes with Docker). As far I know, both Snap and Yunohost versions of Nextcloud are solid. I used Snap version on the cheapest Linode VPS, and it worked fine, especially when I doubled the SWAP to 1 GB. Now I use Yunohost version and I have only good time with it. It is super stable, fast and reliable. I used Nextcloud_ynh on HP 800 Mini G3 with i5-6500t and now on Asrock Mini PC with Ryzen 7 5700g. It is working just great.
If you don’t want to use Nextcloud, you ca install Vikunja for kanban and tasks. For notes Hedgedoc can be great.