- Comment on We could be going towards Star Trek like earth, but instead we're going for Star Wars like democracies 3 weeks ago:
We are very much on Trek. For reference, check out season 3 episodes 11 and 12 of Deep Space Nine. These episodes take place on Earth in 2024, roughly six months ago. It was always clearly laid out in Trek that their path to utopia was paved with war and hardship.
Well that and the fact that our first contact in Trek is with a peaceful but vastly superior race. We had everything to gain by creating an alliance and could have easily been wiped out by Klingons or Romulans if we didn’t.
- Comment on Momma told me to flaunt what I got, and what I got is at least 40 bucks. 4 weeks ago:
How about I trade you two dozen eggs for those bills? Eggs are only worth a few dollars a dozen north of the border. We’d share more, but your leader is threatening our future.
- Comment on Ubisoft investors push for company sale as shares hit decade-low 5 months ago:
Please sell it to EA. Sell all the garbage game making companies to the undisputed king of shit so I can have an easier time avoiding shitty games.
- Comment on Boston Creme 10 months ago:
I haven’t gagged this hard at a picture on the internet since my last look at the original over 20 years ago. Good job OP!
- Comment on conifers 10 months ago:
Seems like Michael Scott is suffering from pinus envy
- Comment on magic beneath the forests 10 months ago:
Look up cordyceps instead!
- Comment on me too 11 months ago:
Not only do they look pretty, they sing pretty too. I did a lot of tree planting in my twenties and these beauties would sometimes appear to hang out and sing with me while I worked.
- Comment on iPod with custom shell, new screen, 512gb SSD, and a 30 day battery 11 months ago:
Yes. I still use my classic regularly. 20 000+ songs on it without ever being connected to itunes. Rhythmbox for linux works great when I want to switch things up. Winamp did the job back when I was still using windows. Maybe you were forced to use itunes briefly back when the ipod was first released, but it didn’t take long for other programmers to figure out how to make their software compatible.
- Comment on legs to die for 11 months ago:
Do you like reptiles? One of the reasons I got a lizard was so the occasional escaped feeder cricket could ravage the cockroach population in my shitty apartment. That mixed with diatomaceous earth has nearly elimated all roach sightings.
- Comment on LIES 11 months ago:
We should call them prawntatoes instead
- Comment on Crema tease new Temtem game with fresh combat system alongside plans to remove all Temtem microtransactions 11 months ago:
They can tease all they want. They burned players bad with the first game and had a terrible attitude about it to boot. I doubt any of those issues will be fixed.
The saddest part is the idea and mechanics are amazing despite the poor execution. If they had a good attitude and listened to the devoted players who pay them, Temtem could blown up more than Palworld.
- Comment on Orinthologists 1 year ago:
The fun part of the bird name is sometimes hidden in latin. My favourite example is scientific name for the American Robin, Turdus Migratorius.
- Comment on Its diving speed during flight is more than 300 km (186 miles) per hour, making it not only the world’s fastest bird but also the world’s fastest animal. 1 year ago:
Sorry, didn’t realize I needed a /s for something so clearly sarcastic
- Comment on Its diving speed during flight is more than 300 km (186 miles) per hour, making it not only the world’s fastest bird but also the world’s fastest animal. 1 year ago:
Well since they can’t reach that speed without being in the air, technically they’re the fastest animals OFF Earth.
- Comment on [TECHCRUNCH] Spotify expands its AI-powered DJ feature globally 1 year ago:
I’m amazed people are using it. Having an AI call me by name and failing at playing any music I enjoy was equal parts creepy and pathetic.