- Comment on Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down 1 year ago:
They are both small developers that release average to good games that also had a rocky end.
- Comment on Saints Row developer Volition permanently shuts down 1 year ago:
Volition were a good studio. It’s basically saying Naughty Dog is a low effort studio.
- Comment on Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds 1 year ago:
Thier motivations. The CDC was in a scramble and early theories were contradictions of one another.
Level one medical masks will not prevent you from getting COVID.
The CDC recommended everyone to wear level one and then eventually level two masks to prevent the spread to others.
It was around the time that a lot of people were asymptomatic carries of the virus and was spreading it.
There was an initial issue with getting masks for hosiptals but it was mainly supply chain issues. China was fairly quickly able to adapt to the changes.
Hand sanitizer was the biggest issue. Everyone was buying that up right away.
- Comment on Lockdowns and face masks ‘unequivocally’ cut spread of Covid, report finds 1 year ago:
- Comment on Coming to you soon... 1 year ago:
Playing Catch up not catch 22 lol
- Comment on **BLUE BEETLE Discussion Megapost** 2023-08-18 🪲🦸 1 year ago:
Now that we have this version it will be quite some time before we get any other version sadly.
Booster Gold and Blue Beetle could easily have thier own TV show from their point of view of being outsiders in the Justice League.
While the heavy hitters are dealing with the big bad the lower members are always cleaning up the mess or fighting henchmen.
- Comment on **BLUE BEETLE Discussion Megapost** 2023-08-18 🪲🦸 1 year ago:
Blue Beetle is closer to Cyborg from Tean Titans than Ant Man. At least it looks like this iteration anyway, which would be based on the third version of the character.
He gets his suit via a Scarab in his spine that sheilds him in nanotechnology.
He has the ability to neturalize magic, which is a prevalent power in the DC universe.
Flies with wings.
Can use electromagnetic abilities from the nanotechnology. Can also create sheilds.
I much prefer the second Blue Beetle; Ted Kord, who is more like Batman.
- Comment on Is there a game that you've been very patient for, which turned out to be dissappointing when you finally started playing it? 1 year ago:
Resident Evil 2 Remake as well.
Doing away with the fixed camera really kills the vibe of the game. Just being able to hear by not see an enemy has so much suspence.
Gaining lore from the background objects. Another product of the time but walking up to something and interacting to get an indebth text read out on what you are looking at was great in the original but was absent in the remake.
It was great that the Tyrant was able to move around more than the original but it’s extreamly limited and once you figure out the mechanics you realize that he is just teleworking around close to you, it becomes more of a chore than a threat.
I was really hoping for a good remake Ala the first Resident Evil Remake.
- Comment on nobody knows how it feels 1 year ago:
Our schools have always had a surplus of these. Normally the left handed ones would be on the far left wall in classrooms.
- Comment on Tipping 'nudges' are now popping up on DoorDash. If you don't leave a gratuity, you'll hear about it. 1 year ago:
You’re tipping the driver and not the restaurant. The driver is making gig pay and not minimum wage.
- Comment on Was Disney's Fox purchase a huge waste of money? 1 year ago:
Prey and Barbarian were good.
- Comment on Who is the one movie/comic supervillian you all agree with ? 1 year ago:
Ah it’s been a while since I’ve watched the movie. I still believe the motives relatable.
- Comment on Who is the one movie/comic supervillian you all agree with ? 1 year ago:
The leader of the replicants in Blade Runner.
If I’m not mistaken he’s only killed and attacked in self defense. He just wants to live.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I wonder why they would type “bigger”
- Comment on Today 10 years ago I got a Firefox OS phone 1 year ago:
Chrome won the browser war because they were lightweight, had better plugins support and it was easy to integrate with you google accounts, which were basically standard.
Firefox at the time was plagued by memory leaks and it was worse with plug-ins installed.
Ironically I switched back to Firefox years ago because Chrome was having those same issues that Firefox was had.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
The game as save ending bugs that were reported during early access. More than enough people are still complaining about these issues.
- Comment on The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. 1 year ago:
Got one boys.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
There are a lot of issues with the game but nothing of what you are talking about is true.
Melee combat is OP right now. My paladin can one shot almost everything and takes no damage from missiles.
Dice rolls are random. If you’re getting a lot of 1 rolls and 20 rolls then that is just your own personal luck.
Reactions are attacks of opertunity and they exist in the game.
The story is much better than BG 1 or 2. Maybe you’re thinking of Planescape. Then you would be correct.
- Comment on ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’ Prepared for 100k Concurrent Players, They’ve Gotten 700K 1 year ago:
It’s a shame the game is still basically an early access. Exactly why you don’t pre-order.
- Comment on The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. 1 year ago:
1/3 is not the majority. Majority of share has to be 50% and more. Usually majority is kept by the company and other shares are promised.
Investing doesn’t gauentee stakeholdership. You are making nothing but conspitorial assumptions.
Again, you have little grasp on economics, buisness, math and stakeholders.
- Comment on The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. 1 year ago:
You just claimed that out of your ass again. There isn’t a single source that says tencent has a majority stake from their investment with Discord Inc.
Not even the links you provided state what you are claiming.
Tencent owns a majority stake in GGG.
Tencent has only funded Discord for $158 million. Less than 1/3 of the total funding($500 million) it has received and well below the $15 billion the company is valued at.
Either you don’t know how investments and shares work, you’re bad at math or both.
Is most likely that tencent has a 10-15% stake in Discord.
- Comment on The Reddit Protest Is Finally Over. Reddit Won. 1 year ago:
Discord isn’t owned or majority controlled by tencent at all. That’s antivax level paranoia.
- Comment on Twisted Metal on Peacock has been a Pleasant Surprise 1 year ago:
Depends on the game.
Twisted Metal 1 it has to be Spectre.
In the second game I like Shadow.
Twisted Metal Black has to be Brimestone.
- Comment on Twisted Metal on Peacock has been a Pleasant Surprise 1 year ago:
Twisted Metal Black was the peak of the series. The 2012 reboot was pretty bad.
The TV series could have borrowed from the games a little more and explored the history of a character per episode and kept the arena based content.
The invented post-apocalyptic world and “milkman” plot goes against what the original games was about. Sadly the series will be left as a one season wonder.