Marketer. Photographer. Husband & dad. Lego, Minecraft, & Preds hockey fan. Movie buff, but pls #NoSpoilers!
Also Also Also Used to be @pwnicholson on IG, FB, TW, etc
- Comment on Speaking honestly, what has to happen for you personally to take to the street in protest of the current administration. 3 weeks ago:
A viable protest of decent size in my city that I can join. Even a few hundred people would be enough. Organized enough that I hear about it a week out and can shift my plans to be there.
- Comment on How To Heat Your House with a Greenhouse 1 year ago:
Step 1: live in a place with lots of sunshine in the winter.
- Comment on Ultrasound can push vaccines into the body without needles 1 year ago:
I think that’s the basic premise of the Star Trek hypospray. Pressure pushing in medicine rather than a needle.
- Comment on Admit it there are some bangers. 1 year ago:
“Status Report” is great, and the rest are good enough and the episode was really fun.
Glad they did it, but I’m not looking for an annual occurrence. I can love it and also say 1 is enough. Same with the Lower Decks crossover
- Comment on [What if scenario] What if all commercial institutions suddenly decided they no longer intend to acknowledge religious events such as Christmas? 1 year ago:
Most of the people you’re thinking about as a problem haven’t read the Bible either. They’d think the stuff Jesus said was commie, bleeding-heart, socialist stuff (because it is)
- Comment on How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose? 1 year ago:
You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose.
Or my favorite variation: You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can’t wipe your friends on the underside of the car seat.
- Comment on I'm surprised there's not more cartoons with mimes as protagonists. It would probably cut down animation costs and you wouldn't need a voice actor. 1 year ago:
Roadrunner & Coyote. Tom & Jerry (mostly, there was some weird talking occasionally). Shaun the Sheep. Pink Panther.
Lots of examples of famous main characters who lead shows with little to no dialogue.
There are also characters like Snoopy and Gromit who are silent characters in shows where others speak, but there are long stretches where they do their own thing with no dialogue.
- Comment on Your biggest nostalgia ? 1 year ago:
Sitting on the floor and building whatever I wanted with the, maybe 800, Lego bricks I had.
- Comment on If Thanos had, instead of randomly wiping out 50% of all living things, he had instead in each species wiped out only the dumbest 50% what would the reaction of each avenger have been? 1 year ago:
They’d still be appalled and try to stop him given their strong moral code. And given that they’d be at full strength they’d probably find a way to stop him and reverse things faster than they did in OTL
- Comment on If Thanos had, instead of randomly wiping out 50% of all living things, he had instead in each species wiped out only the dumbest 50% what would the reaction of each avenger have been? 1 year ago:
I can’t think of an Avenger or even sidekick who I would put in the bottom 50% of the earth’s population. Even the dumbest are probably in the top 10-15%.
- Comment on Why don't we pump seawater into deserts to revive them? 1 year ago:
It’s been done before (though not intentionally at first), at the Salton Sea.
And the results weren’t that bad (granted possibly a smaller scale than some are imagining when they forecast doom).…/the-troubled-history-and-uncertain-fut…
But the problem is any deserts are deserts for a reason: lack of rainfall and/or natural inflow from rainwater upstream. The result is that you have to keep pumping in tons of water and/or rely on agricultural runoff which is nutrient-depleted and usually full of chemicals.
Read the rest of the linked article for what’s going on with that one.
- Comment on If we are worried about microplastics, why isnt there more outrage over "microfiber" ? 1 year ago:
Plastic fibers would be covered under microplastic concerns, and organic fibers (cotton, wool, etc) are easily broken down and don’t stick around in your system.
Plastics don’t ever go away. They hang around, and we’re discovering they hang around in our bodies too. Organic fiber stuff can be easily broken down or passed through your body.