Mainly here to keep up with the news on Linux.
- Comment on how to set up jellyfin with podman and selinux and an intel gpu (a380) for transcoding? 9 months ago:
I can speak at least for rootless podman, I spent some hours on it and different ways I tried all ended in permission issues.
I gave up on trying to do it properly and just set the permissions of the /dev/dri device to 666, so that my podman container can use the gpu for transcoding.
Part of the issue with the container images that I tried is that they create a new user with whatever uid:gid I pass to the container, and so even if my nonroot user is part of the render group, the new user inside the container is not and so it can’t write to the /dev/dri/renderD128 (gpu), and so transcode wouldn’t work.
That’s where I left the troubleshooting at cause it was being a headache
- Comment on FCC explicitly prohibits fast lanes, closing possible net neutrality loophole 9 months ago:
From like a week ago:
- Comment on Podman rootless Jellyfin/Plex container with hardware acceleration 10 months ago:
Thanks for the resources, I’ll check them out later today!
- Comment on Podman rootless Jellyfin/Plex container with hardware acceleration 10 months ago:
Yeah I’m fairly certain it’s a permission issue. Having the gpu with permissions 666 makes it work inside the containers.
The thing is also that these container images (plex and jellyfin) create a separate user inside, instead of using the root user, and this new user (“abc” for lsio images) doesn’t get added to the same groups as the root user.
Also the render group that gets passed to the container appears as “nogroup”, so I thought of adding user abc to “nogroup” but still didn’t seem to work.
- Comment on Podman rootless Jellyfin/Plex container with hardware acceleration 10 months ago:
Thanks! I’ll take a look there
- Comment on Podman rootless Jellyfin/Plex container with hardware acceleration 10 months ago:
Yes I did the Systemd integration at the user level too and I quite like it
- Submitted 10 months ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
My favorite part is how virtual desktops and switching between them works perfectly on Windows 10, and even on KDE it works well and smooth, but on Windows 11 somehow they made it slower and glitchy. It was probably better when it didn’t even have an animation when switching.
- Comment on How Disney and Warner Bros. Are Causing Internet Piracy to Boom | Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Disney+ were supposed to do away with pirated media. Instead, they may make them stronger than ever. 1 year ago:
I hadn’t either until the Steam autumn sale 2023, I wanted Dirt Rally 2 GOTY edition because it includes all the DLC, but I couldn’t buy it because I already own the base game…
- Comment on Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11 1 year ago:
Personally, I don’t see it coming anytime soon. I played genshin on linux for maybe over a year, and with the fps unlocker for maybe almost 2 years, on both windows and linux, and have never been banned.
I stopped playing on version a few months ago though.
- Comment on Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week 1 year ago:
Baldur’s Gate 3 is amazing
- Comment on Plex will be blocking access from at least VPS provider 1 year ago:
Oh, thanks for pointing that out. Didn’t know
- Comment on Plex will be blocking access from at least VPS provider 1 year ago:
So I got mixed results. With remote access disabled and just using subdomain for plex, it worked on the Windows desktop app, and my iPhone too through the browser, but on my Apple TV even though I could browse the library and select any video, they would not load.
What ended up working on all my devices is essentially running plex behind a VPN, AirVPN in this case because I need the port forwarding, and enabling remote access with the port assigned in AirVPN.
I followed this guide, in case you’re interested: ……/guide_plex_remote_access_without_port…
- Comment on Plex will be blocking access from at least VPS provider 1 year ago:
I wonder if you can get around this by using cloudflare proxy for a domain and then in the settings for the server disabling remote access and only allowing discovery through your domain? I’m not with Hetzner but I’ll give this setup a try and see how it goes.
- Comment on Favourite VPS for multiple boxes? 1 year ago:
I currently have a VPS with Contabo. I think their prices are good. They have normal VPSs for more compute power with nvme storage, and they also have what they call Storage VPS, which I assume uses SATA ssds but they give you more storage vs the other ones. I’d say give them a look