- Comment on How come there is enough asphalt for speed bumps, but not enough to fill potholes ? 5 hours ago:
The real question is: why are we spending resources creating speed bumps when pot holes accomplish the same thing?
- Comment on conflicted about my coworkers' overpunctuality 1 day ago:
I don’t know if this is one of those situations where I should pick my battles and let it go. I feel they steal my free time.
Getting along in work environments is always a matter of which battles to pick and which compromises to make. You will always have to make some. To my mind, starting your shift five minutes early is a pretty minor concession to not irk your colleagues and get on everyone’s shit-list. But…you can always search for a new place to work. Just bear in mind you may be walking into an even less compatible environment for yourself.
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 2 days ago:
Different category, same categorical error.
- Comment on Life might be a mess, but at least the room is not. 5 days ago:
It’s often the first step in getting yourself out of a deep depression. The feeling of accomplishment can sometimes create enough momentum that you start creating healthy habits for yourself. Don’t knock taking that first step; it’s the hardest.
- Comment on Always fascinating to learn how things were invented 1 week ago:
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
Question: am I on the toilet?
- Comment on Why hasn't the deep state stopped trump? 1 week ago:
Deeper Deep State here, guys. Not my fault. Blame the Shallow State.
- Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks ago:
You have compassion for us Americans, and that’s nice, but bear in mind we voted for this. As much as the people who voted for Trump may have done so out of desperation, we still made a catastrophically stupid decision. Trump isn’t the problem, he’s a symptom. The problem lies in the American people. We have been squashed by both our government and our corporations. We need a wake-up call, and if that means we need to suffer from our own choices then so be it. Maybe we haven’t suffered enough yet. If we’re so dumb that we vote for a malignant narcissist like Donald Trump, maybe we need to be squashed a bit more. We have the power to take back our country, we just need the will to do it. Maybe that comes from more hardship and regret. Maybe that comes from more suffering.
But maybe not. Maybe I’m wrong. I’m so disappointed with my own countrymen right now, maybe I’m not seeing things clearly. I don’t know. But I know we deserve what we voted for. The world doesn’t, and that’s a tragedy, but maybe America needs to take a hit and the world needs to rely less on us for both America and the world to be better. Again, I don’t know.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 2 weeks ago:
Your problem is you don’t understand what intrusive thoughts actually are.
Everyone has thoughts that creep into their stream of consciousness in responsive to stressors and are experienced as stressful thoughts that reflect a person’s latent anxieties.
Truly intrusive thoughts are thoughts that are injected into your stream of consciousness much more abruptly and reflect a psychotic problem in your brain. They’re often experienced as thoughts that aren’t your own and feel entirely alien to you in a way that the aforementioned thoughts do not. This can result in them being interpreted by the brain as “the CIA is projecting thoughts into my mind via a chip” to “I have a telepathic connection to God” depending on the mental illness in question.
Don’t confuse these two things. The former is a normal phenomenon that is not an indication of serious mental illness; the latter definitely is.
- Comment on The extremely rich would rather not have another Einstein unless they knew they could control them and it wouldn't hurt the bottom line. 3 weeks ago:
Yes, but that is also precisely why OP’s shower thought is incorrect: advances in science nearly always lead to new inventions, which make money.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 3 weeks ago:
This was the best you could come up with? A regime that lasted one full year?
I rest my case.
- Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 3 weeks ago:
How’s about this: name me one functioning country of significant size (i.e. not just a commune) that functions on an anarchistic model. Demonstrate via examples that this system actually works in practice.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 3 weeks ago:
I agree, but I honestly don’t know what the solution is. Beyond blind revolution, which is inherently chaotic and difficult to predict, I don’t see a solution. The U.S. seems doomed to spiral in the same way we’ve seen other nations do so for the foreseeable future. It all depends on how this current administration plays out and how people react to it in the future. Americans are so uneducated and gullible these days that I can’t predict how they’ll behave (and I’m an American).
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 3 weeks ago:
Pretty sure the common denominator is “owning the libs.”
It’s not just liberals that are voting against their opposition than they are for the political candidates they vote for; the other side is largely doing the same. That’s why American democracy is failing: we’re so disillusioned with our own parties that we’ve been reduced to voting for them just to keep the opposition from power. Hence, no matter how we vote, we’re dissatisfied, but we tell ourselves pretty stories to make it all right. The only real winners are corporations, which have all of these clowns in their pockets.
- Comment on True true 1 month ago:
Okay, but only the Marisa Tomei version.
- Comment on No phones, no emails, just living in the moment 3 months ago:
Forgot to pick up the magic mirror before leaving the brigand leader’s office, didn’t you?
- Comment on Every place gotta have the cuck booth 3 months ago:
“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 3 months ago:
They’re all over the place, but I suppose I encounter them most in the news and politics forums.
- Comment on Nostalgia and remake culture 3 months ago:
Where is there any evidence that such a culture exists? The remake trend is being driven by corporate execs at gaming companies that see remakes as more financially safe than new games.
- Comment on What do you like/dislike about lemmy? 3 months ago:
I like the relatively sane moderation compared to Reddit.
I dislike the heavy far-left/communist presence here. I’m a lefty myself, but a lot of people here are extremists in my opinion, little better than the far right.
- Comment on gamer stove 4 months ago:
LGbT lights = Lavender, Blue, Green and Tourquoise?
- Comment on Fruit Loops! 4 months ago:
*Froot Loops
- Comment on You have been banned from /c/Lemmyshitpost 4 months ago:
I think the point of shitposting is that there is no value in shitposting, making it an exercise in absurdist humor.
Wait, I think I just thought myself into a circle, like a jerk.
- Comment on The look... 1 year ago:
“Okay, now throw a straight punch at me.” “…Why?” “Because it doesn’t work unless you throw a straight punch! Just do it!” …[sweeps the leg] “Noooo, you jerk, do it so I can show you how adept I am in the martial arts!”
- Comment on Real committed 1 year ago:
I like your memes, but this is a dick response. You could have just not answered, no reason to go out of your way to be an asshole.
- Comment on Waddle waddle 1 year ago:
To be fair, ducks are pretty dumb.
- Comment on I'm 99% sure it's not real 1 year ago:
Pretty sure they just draw complex pictures of bridges all day.
- Comment on The plot thickens 1 year ago:
It’s a short one, overly faded.
- Comment on When you've been in the pool a little too long... 1 year ago:
Yes. Female?
- Comment on Does Mach speed change depending on the altitude? 1 year ago:
Yes, because its calculation relies on the local speed of sound, which is varies based on several factors, including altitude.