- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 day ago:
Mega Drive 1 and 2, they both looked awesome
- Comment on 1 day ago:
What kind of projector did you use?
- Comment on ‘The world’s changed – Australia needs to keep up’: Foxtel’s Patrick Delany rails against broadcasting law 2 days ago:
I can’t believe nothing was done about the gambling advertising. It’s gotten ridiculously out of hand, almost comically so.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 3 days ago:
Pokémon Soul Silver on melon DS with my daughter.
Just started Tony Hawk 1+2 remake last night. I had THPS2 on pc, but I don’t have any nostalgia for the first have and those stages are bumming me out. I’m thinking I should just skip it and play the THPS2 sections.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
It’s maybe not so bad, but I spent ridiculous hours in POD, playing every track and in reverse, and with every car, and split screen multiplayer.
I’ve never been able to get it to work with dgVoodoo, so the 3dfx crispness isn’t there. And I think it’s limited to 800x600 (but I remember it being somewhat prone to crashes above 640x480, this was about 10 years ago though). I also had a lot of audio popping which I couldn’t figure out what was wrong.
It was such a great looking game to show off the Glide graphics on a 15” svga monitor, but for me it didn’t scale well on a 24 - 27” hi res screen.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
It’s on my wish list.
Along with some of the other throwback racers/rally games recently, I wish some dev who idolised Rally Championship was giving them a go. They all seem to want to target Sega Rally with a bit of Colin McRae sprinkled in. Which is still good, I love rally wherever I can get it.
- Comment on What is your favorite retro racing game? 1 week ago:
Road Rash and Skitchin are great. The Ayrton Senna games too, but I played those on Master System.
Network Q RAC Rally Championship on DOS is as good as it gets. Not the sequel International Rally Championship, which is far worse.
POD on Windows 9x. It has not held up and doesn’t look so good no matter how you get it working now. But if you played it back then those memories will live inside you forever.
Badlands on Commodore 64.
Moto Roader 2 on PC Engine.
NFS Porsche Unleashed/2000 (whatever they called it in your region) is the best NFS game.
- Comment on You know what Mega Man needs? A gun and the face of a middle-aged smoker. 2 weeks ago:
- Comment on Who's making older games so expensive? 2 weeks ago:
You can make many backup copies of your rom collection. Not so with old discs that are not reading, or carts suffering from bitrot or physical damage.
With retro gaming; emulation IS the way forward. Physical media is more of a display piece for nostalgia maniacs, or an investment for speculators.
- Comment on Heroes of Might and Magic is the best Might and Magic 3 weeks ago:
2 and 3 are both the best, and still going hard with fheroes2 and vcmi if anyone hasn’t chomped into them in a while.
- Comment on We need faster speed limits in Australia - and I'm not saying that because I'm a hoon | Opinion - Car News 5 weeks ago:
Absolutely. I spent the last 4 years commuting 2 1/2 - 3 hours every day on the freeway.
I count my lucky stars that I’m still alive.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
Borderlands 1 was great. Phasewalk is easily the best skill.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
I just finished Ys 2 (in the Ys Chronicles version) and going to move on Ys -The Oath In Felghana soon.
The only Ys have I played when I was young was Ys 3 -Wanderers From Ys, and I loved it, so it will be cool to see what Oath changes up.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing this week? 1 month ago:
This one came out, I want to say, around the time of Pillars of Eternity, Divinity Original Sin, Tyranny, Wasteland 2.
Which were all a similar style like that, but Pathfinder was the only one that didn’t get a positive reception. I remember clearly wondering “What does this one do wrong?”
- Comment on Happy new year friendos 1 month ago:
I got my LSL, it gets paid out pro-rata. I wouldn’t have been able to make the decision as easily without that for sure.
- Comment on It's 2025 now, what are the games you'll be starting the year with? 1 month ago:
I just installed MGS5 and Ground Zeros. Having never played a Metal Gear game, so I might hate it but I want to try.
- Comment on Happy new year friendos 1 month ago:
Safety/OHS. I just finished as Melbourne Airport Senior safety adviser. I’ve also done safety in warehouse, transport/logistics, retail supply chain and store operations, aged care facilities.
I love it, but I really want seeing how burned out I was getting. This is the first time since 2010 that I’ve been away from working for more than just a couple of weeks.
- Comment on Happy new year friendos 1 month ago:
Big one for me, finding a new job. I quit mine 5 weeks ago, just short of 9 years.
- Comment on New Years Eve 2024 1 month ago:
Thank you! Happy new year to you too
- Comment on New Years Eve 2024 1 month ago:
The pub here doesn’t open during the week, so no party/noise coming from over that way.
We sat on the verandah for a bit but the mozzies were biting.
Just watched a little bit of tv but my partner can’t keep her eyes open any longer, so we’re tapping out. Not that we’re missing anything out here in the country.
Last night one of my girls was up 6 or 7 times through the night until I eventually went to sleep on her floor. Hoping I get to sleep tonight!
- Comment on What are your most played games? 2 months ago:
Grim Dawn
But this is just steam, doesn’t include all the time I’ve spent running the shadows (Shadowrun on Sega).
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 2 months ago:
Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles. I always liked the idea of Ys as a series, but couldn’t get into it, now I’m forcing myself.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 2 months ago:
My two favourites as well. I never made it far in Torchlight 2 though, once I started getting further in; Grim Dawn came along.
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 2 months ago:
Bleh. But in the end I don’t expect anything good out of the AAA industry. I goes it’s an exception nowadays whether as gave like this can be good. And I mean, it’s not like I was gonna play it anyway.
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 2 months ago:
Haha. No, those games give me no frame of reference. But that kind of tells me everything I need to know anyway!
- Comment on Patient gamers, which games have you discovered/played this week? 2 months ago:
Why is that? I played Origins on ps3 but I’ve never played any of the sequels, so I have no idea.
- Comment on U16 Social Media Ban - Senate 1hr debate before the vote, some time tonight on the livestream 2 months ago:
What about “heavy handed” makes you think I thought this was a good idea?
- Comment on An unwritten 'country code' is putting Rob's life at risk on the road, and all he's doing is turning right 2 months ago:
I live in an area in regional Victoria where you’ll get behind one of these guys for a 5-10km stretch.
And I grew up in regional NSW where it could be more like 15-20km.
If you’re on the asphalt you overtake if you can see it’s safe to do so as usual, or if the operator can clearly gesture to you, unmistakably, with a hand signal that it’s safe to go around.
I’ve never heard of the right turn signal thing.
- Comment on U16 Social Media Ban - Senate 1hr debate before the vote, some time tonight on the livestream 2 months ago:
Have mega corporations like Facebook/meta and Twitter/x been held accountable? Because they’ve resulted in kids killing themselves or developing psychological disorders.
What I’m not seeing is the backlash against those.
Fuck our useless government. Incompetent like most. But I’m so sick of the corpos getting a little bit of outrage and then not only do people move on in short order, but they keep using their platform and generating profit for them.
- Comment on U16 Social Media Ban - Senate 1hr debate before the vote, some time tonight on the livestream 2 months ago:
Too many kids die over this shit. The corpos have had, what, 15 years (?) to sort this shit out.
So now we see the heavy handed government regulation coming along. That’s what happens.