- Comment on How realistic is the threat of the government remotely manipulating digital devices you own and planting evidence? 5 days ago:
If they try that shit on me, then I no longer have anything to lose do I. They might fuck around and find out. Now if they did that to everyone not a Republican, they literally call the rest of us terrorists? Then maybe we become the terror they so fear.
Soon or later this is all going come crashing down. Either we turn full fascism and it becomes 1984, or a bloody revolution to take our country back. Time going tell. Just saying we are almost to the point we’re voting won’t matter.
- Comment on Eat that ramen 5 days ago:
Dude in my 40,s can’t afford the egg. It getting rough out here.
- Comment on Video Game History Foundation's long-awaited digital library will be available online next week 2 weeks ago:
I would love a physical library near me. Or better a way to check things out through the mail. Like the old Netflix except with cool old magazines and such. I have a kindle but digital not the same and hate having to stare at a screen to read magazines. Cool none the less.
- Comment on 'ELIZA,' the world's 1st chatbot, was just resurrected from 60-year-old computer code 3 weeks ago:
Yeah it talks down to you kinda funny but limited on knowledge. Kept asking if I was sure. Then when I said yes just replied I understand.
You need to know the keywords to have an actual conversation with it if you even can.
- Comment on [deleted] 4 weeks ago:
Just another reason to avoid Australia.
- Comment on On Friday SCOTUS Will Decide Whether TikTok Can Be Banned; We Told It The First Amendment Says No 4 weeks ago:
And I on the other hand hopes it gets banned. The app is responsible for spreading right wing talking points and the amount of mis information is to high. My dad and brother are both mega heads thanks to that app.
- Comment on 2025, still no flying cars! 5 weeks ago:
Great people can’t drive worth a damn on ground, lets have them driving around the sky now too along with planes. No way this will go wrong/s.
- Comment on Hold up 1 month ago:
Can someone explain, I don’t get it?
- Comment on San Francisco hires overweight ‘fat activist’ to give guidance on ‘weight stigma’ 1 month ago:
How the fuck is this providing health? We should not be promoting fat as natural or neutral. Instead they should promote weight lose and healthy eating habits.
- Comment on Judge Rejects Sale of Infowars to The Onion 1 month ago:
Most bids are sealed. Go bid on any construction job they are sealed. One bidder has no clue what anyone else bid. What the fuck corrupt judge is what they got there.
- Comment on this town has been well known for a long time 1 month ago:
The cops are already claiming they found him. Some rookie cop. So they already doing just that…
- Comment on ‘Do not pet’: Why are robot dogs patrolling Mar-A-Lago? 2 months ago:
Also putting on my conspiracy hat here for a moment. I think the assassination attempts were setups. Including the one who supposedly got his ear.
- Comment on People born after 2000 have never seen the cosmic microwave background on their TV set. 2 months ago:
Yeah OP full of shit. My three sons all born after 2000 have seen this. Hell my flat screen will show snow if I turn it to antenna and there nothing for single to pick up. Also I have console tv for our old gaming systems so they seen that as well
They also know how a vcr works and what a payphone is. We are not that far removed from that technology. Hell my middle son 17 has a record collection and cds. Also we have the cassette audiobook version of Stephen King Dolores Claiborne.
- Comment on somebody has to do it! 2 months ago:
That awesome! Thanks for the article great read.
- Comment on Earth is becoming ‘increasingly uninhabitable,’ scientists warn 3 months ago:
I’m with you 100% on everything. Fucking United States is Fucking lost its mind and yes I follow Everette True, he is my spirit animal and I join that religion in a heartbeat.
- Comment on Why The American Dream Became Unaffordable For The Middle Class 3 months ago:
Fuck that 🐍, she didn’t everything she could to keep Bernie Sanders from the nomination. All because she was promised a VP slot. She went so far as to call Sanders sexiest on an hot mic, during one of the debates. I will not forgive her. She is traitor to the progressive movement.
- Comment on 'They Know Who You Are': Harvard Students Use Meta's Ray-Ban Glasses To Pull Up Your Identity In Real-time 3 months ago:
This reminds me of Watchdogs the game. Thought this was scary and cool at the same time.
- Comment on Meta is secretly building its own search engine. 3 months ago:
Unless Facebook gets locked behind only using their browser. Hopefully that kills Facebook
- Comment on Feds Say You Don’t Have a Right to Check Out Retro Video Games Like Library Books 3 months ago:
Guess I don’t understand, are they saying places Like Vintage Stock that sells old games illegal? Or are they talking about digital backups of these games. Regardless fuck them and the copyright office. This makes me want to pirate more not less.
- Comment on Brazilian Wandering Spider 3 months ago:
No you die.
- Comment on Indiana Bones!! 3 months ago:
Yes they are 100% real and were all processed there on site. Why I kind of joke about the owner being a serial killer, got to get those bones somehow.
- Comment on Indiana Bones!! 3 months ago:
Oh its the Skeleton Museum in Oklahoma City.
I took this picture myself. Far as the owner he has video playing about what they do and they literally clean the bones for the museum, which includes;
He also said that when he dies he wants his body cleaned and his bones put on display. The place is neat. They use bugs that eat the dead flesh off the skin. If you are ever in Oklahoma City definitely g check the place out.
- Comment on Indiana Bones!! 3 months ago:
Oh wow I been to this museum. It pretty neat but also think the owner is phycopath, but damn if it’s not interesting museum.
- Comment on Flying taxis move closer to takeoff with issuing of FAA rule 3 months ago:
Great can’t wait for super expensive flying Ubers in my area that will require special areas for landing, instead of affordable public transit. /s in case people don’t think I’m joking.
We don’t need these we need more bues and trains that carry people. These flying taxis wouldn’t be able to land on my street or most areas in a city. So where exactly do they land? Imagine taking one to Walmart and now Walmart has to build a landing strip for air taxis. What nightmare this will cause. Not including what happens if there is a malfunction and one these things come falling out of the sky.
- Comment on What Ever Happened to MSN Messenger? 3 months ago:
I have use teams at work and I hate it.
- Comment on Tinkerers Are Taking Old Redbox Kiosks Home and Reverse Engineering Them 3 months ago:
Okay I will start saving the codes. Didn’t think to do so now I will.
- Comment on Tinkerers Are Taking Old Redbox Kiosks Home and Reverse Engineering Them 3 months ago:
Goes bankrupt but my cellular carrier keeps pushing Redbox. Just got text today trying to switch me to a plan I already (that dumb enough) but part of the plan comes with free Redbox rentals. I hate Redbox, hell I looked at one thier machines once, ( this was years ago.) And it was filled with the worse movies you could imagine. Not one blockbuster or great films. No wonder they are going under. But are they still being offered because my cellular carrier still sends me free codes once a month?
- Comment on It's been 30 years and I still can't get over the fact that the French word for "potatoes" is "ground apples." Have The French never had an apple? 3 months ago:
Thank you. Now does make more sense to call potatoes ground apples. Going start calling them that and confuse the kids.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 3 months ago:
Bats eat mosquitoes so we be killing off bats food supply. So just get bats and solve your mosquitoe problem.
- Comment on Final Fantasy VI Reimagined Is An Impressive Remake Created In The SNES Engine 4 months ago:
Thank you.