- Comment on This may just not be the best packaging idea... 1 year ago:
Not really, that stuff tastes like shit
- Comment on Kanye West as a Tame Impala Song 1 year ago:
Honestly better than any Kanye West song I’ve ever heard
- Comment on Which option lads? 1 year ago:
Plot twist, both options are only paid by in their respective coins. And payment is automatic: it falls on your head from a small portal.
- Comment on Let them warm up for a minute 1 year ago:
Pretty sure that oil is fairly cool as well, because the oil usually explodes out not just bubbles
- Comment on Let them warm up for a minute 1 year ago:
I mean sure, if you want to give your friends 3rd degree burns. A single ice cube is gonna throw oil a few feet. Explosively.
source: worked at a KFC in high school with a dumb ass who put a coworker in the hospital by throwing some ice in the fryer
- Comment on Let them warm up for a minute 1 year ago:
But I am the CIA, and I know where you live jeff
- Comment on Let them warm up for a minute 1 year ago:
For those that need to hear this. Please don’t do this.
- Comment on Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. 1 year ago:
Yea, they take up too much funding that could be used for other orgs!
- Comment on "Did you realize that we live in a reality where SciHub is illegal, and OpenAI is not?" 1 year ago:
Hey man, that’s damn hurtful
- Comment on Air quality in there isn't too good 1 year ago:
We’ve been watching this guy and we agree he is telling the truth.
- Comment on SSH protects the world’s most sensitive networks. It just got a lot weaker 1 year ago:
OH MY GOD! Mario was right! There’s turtles In the pipes!
- Comment on GM’s hydrogen ‘power cubes’ will be used in cement mixers and terminal tractors 1 year ago:
Thoughts and prayers!
- Comment on Study: Children of Conservative Parents Have Better Mental Health 1 year ago:
lol bullshit
- Comment on If other countries can afford massive internet pysops why can't I find a job in the states where I get to meme and troll all day for the US military? 1 year ago:
Doing alright, how you doing?
- Comment on AI in big budget games is inevitable, say dev vets from Assassin's Creed and Everquest 2: 'Developers hate it … the money is still going to drive absolutely everybody to do it' 1 year ago:
I could see an mmo using it for small random side quest generation where any npc could give you a quest tailored to the character. That kind of stuff would go along way to make big open worlds more “living”
- Comment on The Batshit Crazy Story Of The Day Elon Musk Decided To Personally Rip Servers Out Of A Sacramento Data Center 1 year ago:
But but, it makes fart sounds!! /s
- Comment on This one goes out to the sysadmins in the crowd. 1 year ago:
You and me both
- Comment on [OC] My feeling as European reading news on Lemmy/Reddit 1 year ago:
Oh I agree, hence the “ours are stupider” comment :D
- Comment on [OC] My feeling as European reading news on Lemmy/Reddit 1 year ago:
Like the rest of the worlds shit is any better. Right wing facists are on the rise everywhere. Ours are just fucking stupider.
Italy facists, brexit, climate, etc fucking whole world is a dumpster.
- Comment on A metric tonne (1000 kg) should be called a megagram (1 Mg). 1 year ago:
Hehe, yea, I was poking fun at the “engineer”. There was a congressman a while ago that got caught posting right wing stuff on twitter from an alt account “as a black man” (dude was white of course”
- Comment on A metric tonne (1000 kg) should be called a megagram (1 Mg). 1 year ago:
You do realize asshole Republicans reverted before it could be more than implemented on a couple of highways
“Metric supporters argued the road signs were a crucial step in helping Americans get over any psychological blocks to switching measurement systems. But Republican Charles Grassley, then a congressman and now a senator from Iowa, killed proposed federal regulations that would have forced states to put up signs in kilometers.”
They literally locked putting up signs in both metric an Imperial
Also… remember my comment about old fucks raised on gas lead fumes…. Yea, the 70s……
- Comment on A metric tonne (1000 kg) should be called a megagram (1 Mg). 1 year ago:
Lol, that sounds very much “as a black man”
I’ll tell you, most of us in the states would love a total switch to metric. We use it where is matters most, but we also have an aging population raised on lead has fumes that think anything they don’t know is “communism” or “wholeness” or whatever else the propaganda right spews. Those are the assholes that pretty much stop progress on anything.
I’m big into 3D printing, actually got into the same argument with another 3D printing guy…. And I’m like, literally EVERYTHING we do is in metric. Those damn hobby is metric.
I hate humanity
- Comment on Masculine Policy: The GOP’s Plan To Outlaw ‘Porn’ And Suspend The First Amendment 1 year ago:
The US doesn’t have a left wing party. We have a extreme right wing party, and a center right wing party. This both sides shit is stupid as fuck. “We want to ban gays” is extreme. “We want gay people to have rights” is not
- Comment on Bots are better than humans at cracking ‘Are you a robot?’ Captcha tests, study finds 1 year ago:
Yes silly humans, fight amongst yourselves
- Comment on Upgrade path for an ender 3? 1 year ago:
I was looking at that a while ago but none of the reviews I’ve read have been good…/ankermake-m5-review-3d-printer
The price on it also dropped from 800 to 400 in just a year which isn’t a good sign
- Comment on Upgrade path for an ender 3? 1 year ago:
And there’s nothing wrong with ender 3’s , besides creality’s quality control in the last few years. They are a good machine to start on. They print well once they are dialed in and force you to tweak and upgrade them, so you are kinda pulled into learning how things work.
It’s harder to justify them when you can get a decent prusa clone on AliExpress for 250-300 bucks though
- Comment on Upgrade path for an ender 3? 1 year ago:
Honestly, ( and I say this as the owner of 2 ender 3’s). Just upgrade the control board and the extruder, and maybe print out some stuff to make it look nice. You’ll spend more money upgrading it than it will cost to just buy a sovol 6 or 7 which is a much better machine with all the stuff you would end up adding to the ender anyways.
Between my two Enders, upgrading to direct drives with decent extruders, double z axis screws etc. I could have just bought a nicer machine. I also have an Ideaformer print mill and a bambu p1s and it’s well worth the money to jump to a better machine when you can
- Comment on I can't code. 1 year ago:
You can write fully functional code in C#! I pretty much made the switch over and it works great
- Comment on I can't code. 1 year ago:
We could never ignore you bro!
- Comment on I can't code. 1 year ago:
This. I love me some python, but it’s so unstructured (and by that I mean more how the structure is based off spacing), I actually think it makes it harder to learn vs. easier.
“Bracket” languages let the learner get a feel for when a piece of logic ends, which I think is important to learn at first. Also, C type languages, ESPECIALLY C#) are everywhere, depending on the field you end up specializing in you probably have a 90+% chance of needing to know one of these languages.
Seriously, there is nothing wrong with python, but I think the easiness of it actually works against learning to code (imho)