- Comment on Day 232 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games l've been playing until l forget to post Screenshots 2 days ago:
Dunno when you played it but they’ve added tons of shit in the past years, so it might be worth it to give it another chance.
- Comment on Is this massive difference to be expected? 6 days ago:
The difference might be HTTP vs HTTPS. On a Pi the extra CPU load to properly encrypt the HTTPS stream is probably significant.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
You realize that the plane pictured, an SR-71, possibly the coolest plane ever made, has been phased out many years ago? Another sign the USA isn’t what it used to be! /s
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
4 is the best “old” civ in that it still has square tiles and doomstacks. Also the modding scene is insane for 4, massive total makeovers that make it a completely different game, far more interesting mods than any other civ game.
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
Good to hear how it compares, I was curious about that but reviewers aren’t talking about it.
- Comment on Is Civilization 7 not fun? 4 weeks ago:
They stole that and some other mechanics from Humankind, a game by the same studio as Endless Legend. It wasn’t received that well in Humankind either, so I’m kinda surprised that they stole it anyway, but I guess line must go up and they didn’t have a lot of inspiration themselves?
- Comment on WhatsApp is adding the ability to save contacts within the app independently from your smartphone’s address book. 4 months ago:
If this means I can deny WhatsApp access to my regular contacts and still have a decent user experience I’m all for it.
- Comment on I have the weirdest aesthetic preferences 5 months ago:
Fully agree!
- Comment on Some Feminist Tips 5 months ago:
None of them have anything to do with feminism though, except maybe #2.
- Comment on So what are #FreeBSD folks doing for multi-node, high availability file systems? I looked at #Gluster, but that doesn't work. I'm starting to look at #minio, but it's an S3-oriented API. 5 months ago:
Object storage (the S3 API stuff) is the most logical answer here, it’s much simpler and thus more reliable than solutions like Gluster, and the abstraction actually matches your use case. Otherwise something like an NFS share from a central fileserver works too.
But I agree with the other comment that you’re trying to do kubernetes on hard mode and most likely with a worse result.
- Comment on The First Dune Game 32 Years Later: An LGR Retrospective 11 months ago:
Absolutely love this game. Played it from beginning to end on the PC multiple times over the decades. The original floppy version that is, not the poncy CD version he’s using! 😂
- Comment on Why has Firefox not removed third-party cookies, despite the fact that Chrome has begun phasing them out? 1 year ago:
Firefox has been able to block all third-party / cross-site cookies for ages. It’s just not the default because it breaks some sites. But dive into the settings and you can easily set it to block all cross-site cookies, or even all cookies if you prefer.
- Comment on Please recommend your cheaper, reliable SSDs 2TB+ (4TB ideal) 1 year ago:
Oh I agree with your post, but I was responding to Valmond who used different criteria.
- Comment on Please recommend your cheaper, reliable SSDs 2TB+ (4TB ideal) 1 year ago:
You can have all three of those, but you won’t get great performance. The Samsung QVO SATA drives are a great example. I wouldn’t use those for an OS drive but they’re fantastic for NAS or media use.
- Comment on Why don’t EVs have standard diagnostic ports—and when will that change? | OBD-II was implemented to monitor emissions, but EVs don't have tailpipes. 1 year ago:
My i3 has an OBD-II port, and it’s not the only EV that has one. Bimmercode can change A LOT of vehicle settings through the port, and software like ABRP can use it to read out the battery level and route you to the next charger when needed.
- Comment on Can I use two different drives? 1 year ago:
If everything went fine during production you’re probably right. But there have definitely been batches of hard disks with production flaws which caused all drives from that batch to fail in a similar way.
- Comment on The best MMOs in 2023 - PCGamer 1 year ago:
There are more errors. Eve Online is 20 years old, not 18. He even lists 2003 as the release year. And Palia has been playable for a couple of months now, so it could have included far more information than that.
- Comment on Space is starting to look like the better mining operation 1 year ago:
It really isn’t. We know it’s possible, we roughly know how to build one, it’s only our material science that isn’t there yet. But there are promising leads in that direction and with the right investments that problem looks solvable.
With FTL our current science is saying that it’s probably impossible and will never happen. We might be wrong about that, but if we are it’s not going to be cracked anytime soon.
- Comment on Is the weapon damage displayed in the inventory menu affected by combat tree skills? 1 year ago:
Yes, it does, for most of the skills. If you really want to know how damage works in Starfield here’s a good YouTube video describing how it actually works: youtu.be/Na-byGrNFcU?si=eL43ifhHzZUVyqWc
- Comment on MMO mouse recommendations? 1 year ago:
Take a look at the Azeron Cyro. It combines a high quality mouse, a ton of programmable buttons and a thumbstick, so it has everything you need for one-handed gaming in the vast majority of games. Might not be what you’re looking for, but it’s good to know that there are possibilities that you probably haven’t considered yet.
- Comment on Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed 1 year ago:
Which problems? As far as I can tell this solves zero problems for users of websites. Wanting to replace captchas with this is just another arms race that normal users will suffer from.