- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
Exactly, it doesn’t belong to the offspring, that’s why I said it is a proto-chicken’s egg. It belongs to the ones that made it and raised it. But we know the contents because it’s a preset hypothetical in which the egg hatches and it has a chicken in it. So it’s a chicken egg that belongs to proto-chickens.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
I just don’t get why you’re so hung up on the potentiality of an unhatched egg when that has nothing to do with the scenario. The egg in the scenario hatches and it has a chicken in it. That’s the whole point of the scenario.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
Yeah, we were necessarily ignoring the obvious evolutionary issues inherent in the chicken-and-egg scenario, since it very clearly was not one egg-laying instance that created a new species. I know I made reference to as much somewhere in the thread, it seemed like a waste of time to restate it every comment. I’m fairly certain we were on the same page about that. Cool wall though!
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
OK, think of it like this instead. Obviously fuck accuracy, for ease we’ll call them cavepeople. Two different cavepeople that are genetically distinct from humans have sex, resulting in a genetically human fetus. That doesn’t change the cavempeople into humans, they’re still genetically different. It’s a caveperson’s fetus, but it’s a human fetus. Same thing with the egg. Genetically, the thing inside is a chicken and, genetically, the things that made the egg are not.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
We’re not talking about eggs laid by chickens, we’re talking about eggs laid by the things that weren’t quite chickens, but the eggs of which contain chickens, due to a novel DNA combination.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
No, if a chicken could hatch out of it, regardless of whether or not it actually did, it’s a chicken egg. Nothing else could hatch out of it and it didn’t somehow cease to have been an egg just because it doesn’t hatch.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
Yes, that’s the driving force of evolution.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
No it wouldn’t. If we’re going to talk about the creation of chickens as happening at a single instance of egg-laying, the two progenitors of said first chicken would be proto-chickens whose DNA combined in the fertilized egg to make, for the first time ever, a chicken. Yes, it’s a chicken egg, because it contains a chicken, but it’s also a proto-chicken’s egg because it wasn’t laid by a full chicken. It couldn’t have been, they didn’t exist yet.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
Incorrect, a “chicken’s egg” would be an egg in the possession of a chicken, which would be the egg a chicken lays. The “first chicken” did not hatch out of an egg laid by a chicken because they didn’t exist.
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
It’s an egg that will hatch into a chicken, since the “first” chicken must have hatched out of an egg that was laid and fertilized by two “non-chickens” whose DNA combined together to make a full-blown chicken. Of course it wasn’t actually just one egg, but really, no matter how you think about it, the egg came first.
- Comment on Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts 9 months ago:
Yeah, definitely not what I would call a niche podcast. I mean, I guess it is niche, but I also guess that when I said “niche” before, I really meant “small listenership”. Then people are pretty much just always cool!
- Comment on Never make the mistake of visiting a community for your favorite podcasts 9 months ago:
Idk about that, I miss my niche podcast subreddits, it’s just one big quote-fest.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
Well yeah, it’s an impossible hypothetical, it’s not supposed to have a point. Actually, it did have a point, which it very easily accomplished: trigger incels. Just remember, there would be no reactionary media without media consumers being reactionary.
- Comment on Mean world syndrome has reacted a fever pitch. 9 months ago:
Wow, y’all cannot handle a little trolling huh. Are incels really taking this whole thing seriously? Just remember guys, it is personal, hahaha
- Comment on Oddly specific question 10 months ago:
“What do you fear?” is not very specific, is there another question the title is supposed to be referring to?
- Comment on If a universal basic income started today with the stipulation that you had to put 40 hrs/wk towards making the world a better place or solving societal problems, how would you spend your time? 10 months ago:
I think I’d take a few years and destroy all the “grass” lawns in the country, replacing them with native plants that don’t need manual watering or chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Then I’d destroy a lot of vehicle infrastructure and replace it with high-speed train, bike, and pedestrian infrastructure. Then I’d probably just jerk off and go to concerts for the rest of my life.
- Comment on Whoops 10 months ago:
Come in, it’s pretty simple… machine. Fuck.
- Comment on Feels like Apple is more about fashion then tech IMO 10 months ago:
Always has been, is this news to people?
- Comment on Why bag the hydrant? 11 months ago:
Why wouldn’t they make the whole thing red?
- Comment on Data is a bad man 11 months ago:
I could put strychnine in the guacamole…
- Comment on Yep, defintely not a bad person 11 months ago:
Yeah, the fiancé misspellings give it away, too intentional.
- Comment on Air Canada must honor refund policy invented by airline’s chatbot 1 year ago:
It was at 0 votes and I felt bad for the bot, upvoted it, then started reading it. I quickly changed it to a downvote.
- Comment on Now we just need one for Cheddar 🧀 1 year ago:
It’s a terrible analogy, I wouldn’t give it any more thought than you already have, lol
- Comment on Google Search is losing its 'cached' web page feature 1 year ago:
You can’t lose what you never had. It’s desired ad revenue they’re after.
- Comment on Universal Music says that it will pull its song catalog from TikTok tomorrow at midnight, as the companies are unable to reach a deal on rights. Huge implications. 1 year ago:
Luckily, copyright law is based on guesses!
- Comment on Prison Architect 2 - Official Announcement Trailer 1 year ago:
Yeah, what’re these graphics and gameplay complaints when clearly the most objectionable thing about this is the concept?
- Comment on Is there a term for someone that likes other people to smell their farts? 1 year ago:
- Comment on A cargo plane flew 50 miles with no pilot onboard using a semi-automated system. An aviation expert says the technology could address the pilot shortage. 1 year ago:
Unsurprisingly, it was the parasites’ idea.
- Comment on Me when I see Jonathan Frakes directed an episode 1 year ago:
- Comment on They have a strong psychic connection 1 year ago:
“Mind the nebula dear!”
“It’s 5,000 light years away dear!”