This is actually an older news story, and it does appear as though she recovered from this before her death.
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Submitted 10 months ago by to
This is actually an older news story, and it does appear as though she recovered from this before her death.
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She should’ve made more money and saved more when she was younger.
Best regards,
Must have been an avocado toast addict.
No, she’s from the generation that did buy diamonds, and this is how they treated her. She could’ve afforded rent if she hadn’t wasted all her money on stupid shiny rocks. This is why we’re smart for not doing that. /s
This is just how dismissive and callous it is when similar things are said about millennials and zoomers. I feel bad for her. I’d rather be dead than homeless after like 60 years old. At 93, she literally couldn’t survive a week on the streets, and that suits the capitalists just fine since she’s just a net negative number on their spreadsheet, and their entire goal is to maximize that number.
Can’t you see how shareholders are suffering here? Have a heart!
And the people that did it went right back into the office the next day prob saying “oh I feel so sorry for her anyways what we getting for lunch?”
America has great public housing, free meals and they even provide everyone with a job. I just don’t understand why residents need to wear those funny orange suits.
I mean, that is capitalism. It’s good, no? No?
Should have a ho fund me or something going around with the info tbh 10 months ago
Just chiming in, she was arrested in 2017 and spent two nights in jail before being released by a judge, her charges were dropped and she received donations and support from the local community for her new living arrangements.
No idea what happened to her after that.
Also unclear why she was in this financial situation to begin with, there are several housing and medical care programs from both state and federal that could have covered this $500 monthly expense.