The Cody Showdy had a relevant episode from Wednesday. Probably both more entertaining and informative.
Basically it’s the new moral panic. In the 70s and 80s it was satanic music corrupting the children. In the 80s and 90s it was TV. In the 90s and 00s it was video games. Now it’s being on the phone. Something teenagers NEVER used to do. And being SOCIAL gasp! That isn’t to say that there are no unique and negative impacts from the modern forms. Just that these moral panics are panics and rely on misrepresenting loose correlation with no clear causation. 10 months ago
Wow, this article is bad. Here is the case against the case against smartphones: 10 months ago
Thanks for the diligence, but it was honestly unnecessary. You could have just said that it was an American media organization reporting on pop science, and I’d have known it was riddled with inaccuracies and errors. It’s a real shame that journalists aren’t interested in accurate reporting of science, but then again the public isn’t interested in hearing accurate reports either. 10 months ago
It’s not a joke when people say most people only read the headline then go straight to the comments to broadcast their opinions on the matter 10 months ago
Saved Me A Click. Thanks! 10 months ago
Have you thought of going into journalism yourself ? Proper research sorely missed in this underfunded , but crucial field. And in Mental health itself. There are proper studies being conducted on this topic for sure, so this piss poor article perhaps serves to encourage better research on the part of disgruntled readers lol. Even established media orgs seem to resort to alot of opinion pieces, which I guess means they can pay anyone less to spout their anecdotal opinion on a matter without the time (money) required to do the research. Sometimes this is fine - if the individual is an experienced expert on the matter. But much of the time its barely an extension of social media itself which I also generally avoid. Reading someone’s opinion about someone else’s opinion isn’t my idea of a good time. My problem recently is choosing which journalistic outfit(s) to pay.