It does seem like it leans more heavily on gore than story.
Fallout TV creators saved “iconic elements” for season 2 so it doesn’t feel like they just skimmed Wikipedia
Submitted 10 months ago by [bot] to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
You clearly have not played any of the games. 10 months ago
Played all of Fallout 3 and the expansion. But what kind of an argument is that? I don't watch a series for the gore, but for the story. It's a fucking series, not a game. 10 months ago
Yes, bit I think they lean in rather than lean on. 10 months ago
I kind of missed the very typical fallout cars. 10 months ago
One of the most memorable the NGS about Fallout is walking in the wrong direction and getting smoked because there’s no warning you’re going into a high level area…
I agree on waiting for deathclaws, but it would be hilarious to have Lucy start walking into shit way over her head and moving out
Like, show a Deatclaw winning against 3-4 knights in power armor so she just turns around and goes the opposite direction.
Would show how strong they are without Lucy somehow being able to take one out already 10 months ago
Given how strong that Yao Guai was, I’m expecting a death claw to rip apart several suits of power armour. 10 months ago
That’s what I mean.
Like she sees a squad of badass BOS, then a death claw comes out of nowhere and one hits all of them.
I get in games the players can eventually handle them. But in the show I want them to be the literal perfectly engineered killing machine they’re supposed to be. If you see a death claw the only valid option should be running.