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Drones from American startups have been deemed glitchy and expensive, prompting Ukraine to turn to alternatives from China
Submitted 10 months ago by to
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Drones from American startups have been deemed glitchy and expensive, prompting Ukraine to turn to alternatives from China
Can’t get the site to load, but I gather they’re talking about the Skydio X10 drone?
That doesn’t seem like the type of drone you’d want on an active battlefield. A war drone should be like an AK47. Simple reliable and cheap.
You don’t need a $15,000 drone to tell you there’s a tank on the other side of a wall.
Can I get a $15k drone that removed the T-90 from around the corner?
Best I can do is a Predator for $3mil.
The US just can’t seem to get its act together. And the near/mid-term isn’t looking better.
In terms of producing what are effectively cheap electronic consumer goods? That hasn’t been our thing for a while now.
That’s fair. Can’t seem to build big things either. Or maintain what we have. High speed rail. Roads and Bridges. Basically all infrastructure. And of course the major issues that hold back the entire society. Cost of education, healthcare, housing, transportation. These are all reasons for my statement that we can’t get our shit together. Aside from not being able to efficiently build cheap electronic consumer goods.
Nice post.
Original is of The Wall Street journal :…/how-american-drones-failed-to-turn-the-… 10 months ago
Isn’t China best buds with Russia? 10 months ago
USA and NATO money for Ukraine to buy -> Chinese drones -> to buy Russian oil - to pay Russian solders.
LMAO. 10 months ago
Not really. More of an “enemy of my enemy” situation. And Ukraine isn’t one of their mutual enemies. 10 months ago
There isn’t much room for such considerations when you are lying in the trench.