Chants begin at 0:42
The video is best, but if you want more to read about it, here’s a few articles.…/michigan-protesters-yell…
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Chants begin at 0:42
The video is best, but if you want more to read about it, here’s a few articles.…/michigan-protesters-yell…
Freedom of speech means you will hear things you don’t like.
True, and it means genocidal assholes can expose themselves.
I like how they are threading an insurrection but since they are most likely democrats. It’ll be ignored.
Conservatives hate free speech now?
This is hate speech tho. Death to an entire group of people, not all who support genocide.
“Hate speech” is a political bullshit term, used to enable whoever is currently in power to oppress those they disagree with.
If someone is advocating a crime through speech, treat it that way, not by passing special laws which treats it differently based on the target.
Always have
I like free speech. It lets genocidal assholes expose themselves. Anyone who wants to massacre more than 300 million people is not someone I want to ever talk to.
Did anyone watch the video???
These people are chanting death to America because of America’s direct involvement in Israel’s genocide of Gaza. You know…America makes it possible for Israel to “protect itself” with American weapons by murdering starving people trying to get aid that Israel would otherwise deny them.
Who here would allow the hand that feeds you to murder your community with the other with no protest and no other feelings of deep injustice having been done to you?
The tragedy is that the concerns of these people are dismissed as their being conservative Muslims that want to destroy America. It lends itself to perpetuating the violence that justifies the fear and hatred many have of them.
But that’s not un-American. Far from it. Americans are all too eager to ignore the concerns of other Americans. After all, Trump is the product of Americans doing exactly. As he said, he is your retribution.
Here’s a different approach. Maybe America and Americans should try to be less of a raging, violent asshole both in foreign policy and domestically.
Are you honestly defending pricks who want to kill 330 million people? Let alone the fake victim complex, 330 million people?
Let alone the fake victim complex
This is a case in point.
I don’t defend their desire to kill anyone. I have never done that.
I defend their pain and suffering that you refuse to acknowledge. I get that they hate America for the role it’s played and is still playing in helping Israel transform Gaza into rubble and blood. They have every right to feel as they do.
Clearly conservatives are unhappy in the marketplace of ideas
When all you’ve got is rotten milk and spoiled eggs…
Are you saying that killing 330 milllion people is better than literally anything the GOP says? Even the most hard core tankie would take pause at that. 10 months ago
They have always been for mass killings and genocide. For proof, ask them what should be done to people who reject Muhaammed. Ask them what should happen to someone who quits Islam and becomes atheist. 10 months ago
The people saying this shit are conservatives as well. It’s just that they’re Muslim conservatives. Condemning an entire group of people to death is absolutely evil. 10 months ago
Conservative muslims are no concerned about what others believe in. That is political Islam that wants to kill every person on the planet who will not bow down to the supremacy of Islam and become a devout muslim.
Some say to become muslim or pay extra tax if you won’t convert, others say convert or death. 10 months ago
Eh I wouldn’t call them a “conservative”. Most are socialist but happen to be religious conservatives.
People are really hard to label.
I’m conservative and I have nothing in common with most of these people.