This is a new community I just discovered that I’m having a blast with. Images are generated using AI that’s fed the entire lyrics of a song. Test your lyrical chops by trying to decipher the small clues in the photo that are directly tied to the lyrics. It’s a blast.
[The Lyrics Game](/c/
Not a mod of this new community, and I see that it was postered here weeks ago. Just really enjoying making these AI images laced with lyrical hints. It’s very fun from my perspective of watching the AI create these and cherry pick the best one. The community could definitely use more music lyric buffs that would enjoy trying to decode the references to lyrics these AI models produce when fed the full set of lyrics. Come join the fun!
code 11 months ago
Is there a good way to view the images without having seen the title first? 11 months ago
I’ve just been following community guidelines, which is to change the title of a post from “Name That Song” to the song title when someone guesses it. I see your point though. I’ll mention into to who runs in and see what they think. 11 months ago
Um, are you all right?