Generative AI services like Midjourney and OpenAI’s DALL-E can deliver the unimaginable when it comes to stunning artifacts produced from simple text prompts. Sketching complex art imagery may be AI’s specialty, yet some of the simplest tasks are evidently what AI struggles with the most.
I don’t know much about image generators, but it’s not surprising to me at all that ChatGPT can’t fulfill this request. Your prompt gets converted into tokens, tokens get processed by the model, it outputs a resulting set of tokens, and those get converted into text. Expecting the token-outputting-machine not to output any tokens is going to lead to disappointment. 11 months ago
It’s actually surprisingly difficult to ask for an absence of anything, since the training data doesn’t normally include what isn’t in the image.
I think they call it the Giraffe Problem or something like that. If you ask an AI for “an image containing no giraffes,” you’ll end up with a bunch of giraffes. It’s all about how the training data is tagged. 11 months ago
That works for humans too:
Or in sports when you’re like “dont throw/kick/shoot the ball at the exact thing you’re focusing on” before doing exactly that 11 months ago
Easy solution: pick any other animal and think about them.
Don’t think about pink elephants? Sure, here comes fluffy bunnies.