Ban all religious schools tbh
Faith school banning parts of geography lessons, Ofsted finds
Submitted 1 year ago by to
Comments 1 year ago 1 year ago
Honestly it kind of makes sense. If you think that God himself the ruler of the universe wants you to do it some particular way, then you're not going to give a shit if some educational authority tries to put down rules as to how the kids should be educated.
This is why religion has no place in education or government or a few other places. 1 year ago
Exactly. You’re going to work around them to ‘please god’. Good point. 1 year ago
Constantly inadequate, leaving out parts of the national curriculum, admitting pupils when they’ve been not to take on anymore, interfering in inspections. Why is it still open?
Probably because week have wringing hands and claims that they’re being repressed because of their faith.
It’s their faith that is doing the repressing.
Religion. Fucking people over since we first stood upright. 1 year ago
Ofsted said the school also fails to teach “statutory content” in relationships and sex education (RSE), including concepts such as “sexual consent, sexual exploitation, grooming and abuse”. This approach means pupils are left “unprepared for life in modern Britain”, Ofsted said.
In 2021, a report from Jewish counter-extremism group Nahamu highlighted how a lack of RSE contributes to forced marriage in strictly-Orthodox Jewish communities.
anyone who wants to keep kids ignorant on those topics is up to no good 1 year ago
I'm unsurprised that a religious school is failing to teach science properly, but which bits of geography are they objecting to? 1 year ago
I’m wondering if it’s the parts about the age of the earth? 1 year ago
Probably North Africa and middle east boarders and territories during the 19th and 20th century. 1 year ago
Ahh, that makes sense! 1 year ago
I’m glad they’re talking about Jewish schools for once. I used to got to a school like that and all I usually see in the public domain is atheists bashing Christians, this is a breath of fresh air. 1 year ago
So close the school. It’s had 8 years to course correct, and they’re not doing it. Close the school.