Music (mainly prog), veggie, scifi, tech and all things LOTR (after first reading it 50+ yrs ago) loving cat butler in Hertfordshire UK. Ex soldier (Royal Artillery) and other trades. Left leaning - atheist - TBC…
- Comment on UK police could get Ghostbusters-style backpack devices to halt ebike getaways 9 months ago:
Just don’t cross the streams
Also, I ain’t afraid of no goats.
- Comment on Iraqi refugee's 7-year old daughter who died in the Channel was born in Belgium and lived in Sweden, but has never been in Iraq 10 months ago:
Sorry, but why is this a British problem?
- Comment on Disability benefit claims can’t be made on ‘unverifiable assertions’, argues Sunak 10 months ago:
Why don’t we just adopt the leaf as currency? There’s millions of them and they grow on trees.
- Comment on Sunak accused of making mental illness ‘another front in the culture wars’ 10 months ago:
What a disgusting specimen.
- Comment on Why craft breweries are under threat as closures leap 49% 10 months ago:
Cous be be they turn out shite overpriced and gimmicky alcopops.
- Comment on High court upholds top London school’s ban on prayer rituals 10 months ago:
No doubt we’ll get protesters from nowhere near the school, jumping up and down and threatening violence because the religious rights of children they don’t have, are being destroyed by blasphemers and kaffirs.
They knew the school was non religious when they signed up. Don’t start complaining now.
- Comment on Keir Starmer: Labour wants to increase defence spending to 2.5% 10 months ago:
Very sensible. We shouldn’t be relying on good old Uncle Sam, he may well throw us under the
tankbus anyway. - Comment on Fake stamps circulating in the UK are originating from China, lawmaker says 10 months ago:
Don’t but them online then. You cannot buy stamps cheaper than their face value.
But stupid people always know better.
- Comment on Home Office begins calling failed asylum seekers with £3k offer to go to Rwanda 11 months ago:
Not sure if I’ve understood this correctly. Why would failed asylum seekers expect to stay here? Or indeed anywhere their application has failed.
Cue cries of ‘rascist’ and ‘nazi’, but I really am curious. If you’ve been denied asylum from somewhere, why would you expect to be allowed to stay there?
- Comment on Boys admit killing more than 20 animals in break-in 11 months ago:
Good character my arse. Lock them in with some tigers.
- Comment on Labour 'committed' to assisted dying vote, Sir Keir Starmer tells Dame Esther Rantzen 11 months ago:
Then his constituents need to kick him out - he is there to serve them, not whatever deity he personally believes in. A good proportion of which will not believe in or worship the same deity.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
Or they could just be a bit more parenty.
- Comment on Faith school banning parts of geography lessons, Ofsted finds 1 year ago:
Constantly inadequate, leaving out parts of the national curriculum, admitting pupils when they’ve been not to take on anymore, interfering in inspections. Why is it still open?
Probably because week have wringing hands and claims that they’re being repressed because of their faith.
It’s their faith that is doing the repressing.
Religion. Fucking people over since we first stood upright.
- Comment on Faith school banning parts of geography lessons, Ofsted finds 1 year ago:
Not got it yet, give us a clue.
- Comment on Jobcentres told to stop referring benefit claimants to food banks 1 year ago:
Workhouses? Surely you mean Employment Abodes?
- Comment on Councils call for pavement parking to be banned across England 1 year ago:
This. My ex has a separate garage with hardstanding in front of it 25m from her front door. The garage is full of shite and she parks in ‘her space’ outside her front door. She gets the arseache if someone else parks there as well.
Thing is, there is a Tesco Express at the end of the road and delivery lorries have taken her driver side wing mirror about three times.
Still has to park in her space though.
- Comment on Councils call for pavement parking to be banned across England 1 year ago:
Yes, Because I am entitled. So there. Peasant.
- Comment on Councils call for pavement parking to be banned across England 1 year ago:
Should not means you can. You’re just a very naughty boy.
- Comment on Fujitsu's HorizonIT - How to remedy an injustice ignored by politicians: make a good television series 1 year ago:
Jut a reminder that Toby Jones is Lance. He’s a detectorist.
- Comment on Stephen Fry wants King's Guard to ditch bear fur 1 year ago:
I’d have said 80%
- Comment on Not that difficult to buy a home in UK, claims NatWest chair 1 year ago:
Or even £300,000 😉
People are obviously eating too much avocado on toast.
- Comment on No excuse for shoplifting because UK's benefits system is very generous, policing minister says 1 year ago:
Totally agree. Have you ever seen Carnival Row? They had a one with at least 4 seats.
- Comment on No excuse for shoplifting because UK's benefits system is very generous, policing minister says 1 year ago:
Good point. Let’s just take everything off of them.
- Comment on No excuse for shoplifting because UK's benefits system is very generous, policing minister says 1 year ago:
A year. Without access to their bank accounts.
- Comment on Penny Mordaunt says Boris Johnson's Covid WhatsApp messages went missing 1 year ago:
It wouldn’t cost 10’s of thousands FFS. GCHQ could do it as one of their daily tasks.
- Comment on UK retailers face weak demand and a barrage of increased costs 1 year ago:
Bookmarked- thank you 😊
- Comment on UK retailers face weak demand and a barrage of increased costs 1 year ago:
What’s CPC precious?
- Comment on UK retailers face weak demand and a barrage of increased costs 1 year ago:
Not Amazon, that’s half the reason Hight Streets are struggling.
Gift vouchers for local places, magazine or software subscriptions.
I’d love them for Christmas, I don’t need more shirts.
- Comment on Biden ditches trade deal talks with Britain 1 year ago:
You mean The Channel. Its not big enough to be an ocean, you can even swim it!
- Comment on Biden ditches trade deal talks with Britain 1 year ago:
You mean like the continent next door to us, mainland Europe?
That’s a bit far-fetched isn’t it?