Japan was fighting a 25 year battle with deflation, and so a recession is probably part of ending that battle.
The UK has been warning they’re about to hace a recession since Liz Truss was in power, and that was a while ago.
So I don’t think “doomerism” is the place to go with this.
MotoAsh@lemmy.world 1 year ago
The US keeps ignoring average people and only looks at the stock market… We have a bigger pool of poor people to tighten their belts, but mark my words: our economy is anything but recovered or good.
farcaster@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Consider the situation in the rest of the world though. I hear from my European friends that not only inequality over there is worse than ever, their overall economies are stalling and governments are cutting spending. The US appears to be doing comparatively well, though as usual the poor still aren’t getting much out of it.
PP_BOY_@lemmy.world 1 year ago
All of that applies 10x over for America
dumpsterlid@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I feel like you buried the lead here