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Is this it? Are we finally witnessing the birth of the European Army?
Submitted 1 year ago by to
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Is this it? Are we finally witnessing the birth of the European Army?
Why should we? When all individual members have their own army, which can be combined whenever Europe needs it.
At the very least, having a single army should allow for quicker action and less internal coordination, unless we mess up even this with some weird exceptions/conditions.
On a broader goal? Same reason the EEA was started, to reach a consolidated mass that’s capable of competing at the level of the main superpowers (US and USSR then, US and China now). Having some independence from US’ power projection, not having to rely on their war machine would let the EU pursue it’s best interests, not the ones of a foreign, albeit allied, country.
While I agree with you regarding basic military, advanced technology like nuclear weapons are only sustainable for the biggest countries – and even then they are taking out a huge part of the budget.
Building up a EU arsenal of nuclear weapons would be a smart choice.
The other way around, what’s the point of keeping separate armies if we don’t intend to fight each other?
The Netherlands have already integrated their tank batallions into Germanys army 1 year ago
I dont know anyone who had a ww3 bingo card that had usa and russia on the same side against the EU