They had to have seen the writing on the wall at least a year or two before they brought this to market.
I seem to remember that at about a year before launch there was some reporter (Jason Schreier?) who had an inside tip that they were changing some stuff in the face of the realization that GaaS were not the money maker they were thought to be once upon a time, but the tipper also said that they were too locked into the GaaS paradigm to make the sort of meaningful changes that would salvage the experience. I don't think there's any rescuing this one if they knew they were in trouble a full year before delivery and still couldn't shape it up into a product worthy of attention. 1 year ago
Having now had firsthand experience with this, I’m very happy I didn’t buy it myself. It is so soulless. And the characters feel nothing like their inspirations, while they are distinct, their distinctions just aren’t between Harley Quinn and Captain Boomerang and so on. They’re just “random asymmetric abilities we tossed in”.
Ah well, GaaS ruins another in-theory solid idea for a game.