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Archived version:…/italy-far-right-government-plan…
Because if Italy needs anything, it’s more corruption of their political offices. Berlusconi was GOAT, you know. /s
Submitted 1 year ago by to
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Archived version:…/italy-far-right-government-plan…
Because if Italy needs anything, it’s more corruption of their political offices. Berlusconi was GOAT, you know. /s
The reddest of flags
Well that’s just great…
Why is fascism rising across the world? Why do people not realize how bad this all is?
Fascism is rising because neoliberal capitalism is clearly failing. Those in charge would much rather have you blaming minorities for all your woes instead of them.
The more ineffective democracies are at protecting the low and middle classes, the more susceptible they are to fascism. Fascist always offer shortcuts that cut through the natural gridlock of most democratic institutions. 1 year ago
That’s bold. One must conclude they want to abuse their position.