Content discovery on Lemmy depends on the number of users. So between the 10 instances with most users which is the one that defederates with and is defederated by the least amount of instances so that most of the content is available for search?
keep in mind federation does mean 'all content is mirrored' between the instances. it just means subscriptions can be made.
its plausible there are communities on the most popular sites you wont see because those sites are not subscribed to that content (yet), even if not de-federated. 1 year ago
If you’re willing to pay for Kagi, it has started indexing “fediverse forums” and their lens is getting to be pretty good. I’m seeing content posted yesterday showing up. was once good, but it’s been timing out for me lately. Hopefully it comes back. 1 year ago
Is there a way to stop that? Don’t really want to give the Kagi arsehole anything.